Fans of healthy food protest Monsanto in Chattanooga on Saturday. The company has developed genetically modified vegetables. (Photo March Against Monsanto on Facebook)

A boy suggests that bee colony collapse syndrome is connected with the wiles of Monsanto’s GMO program. (Photo by Andrew Helms)
By David Tulis
Chattanooga residents protested the growing claims upon the food chain by a multinational corporation, Monsanto. The focus of the protest is the lucrative program of Monsanto to tinker with the genetic code of various kinds of plants so that they will be resistant to its ubiquitous weedkiller, Roundup.
Monsanto, now that it has genes well in hand, is reportedly developing genetically engineered various plants such as cassava, sorghum, and millet to be resistant to aluminum.
Aluminum in nanoparticulate size is reportedly a primary ingredient in the long-standing weather modification program which has been intensifed worldwide to combat what is seen as manmade global warming. By spraying aerosolized particles of aluminum and other elements into the stratosphere in military and government overflights, it is thought by policymakers that a global warming disaster will be averted. Studies have called for the program to be regulated and put more firmly on the basis of scientific research.
The protesters in Chattanooga included Patricia Bazemore, Andrew Helms and many dozens of others who carried signs, pulled wagons of farm plants and drove a tractor across a bridge on the Tennessee River facing downtown. A popular slogan that warm afternoon was “Food not fear.” Another said, “GMO, OMG, WTF are we eating?”
One boy wearing a ballcap bore a sign expressing his worry about the great global bee die-off that is affecting plant life and jeopardizing not just global farming, but farming in Chattanooga. Growchattanooga.org, in a 2013 blog post, says bee populations are threatened by pesticide poisoning, overuse of herbicides, mono-crop agricultural practices and mites. Colony collapse disorder, it says, is a series “unexplainable events resulting in the loss of honeybee colonies.” The die-out of bees, according to some critics of human engineering programs, is attributable to aerial spraying of millions of tons of metals in the stratosphere.
Monsanto has an interest in crops and maintaining net sales of F$14.86 billion and profit of F$2.48 billion (in 2013) and in playing the weather side of farm and crop business. In 2013 it bought Climate Corp, which underwrites weather insurance for farmers and gives it 50 terabytes of live data about weather, soil and crops at any given moment, according to Forbes. The trading in weather futures is handled by companies in Chicago.
The company’s best-selling Roundup is linked to the global rise of celiac disease, gluten intolerance and irritable bowel syndrome, according to a report about a study published in the Journal of Interdisciplinary Toxicology. According to the U.S. peer-reviewed study, the details of which were published by Dr. Anthony Samsel and Dr. Stephanie Seneff, the rise in disease has coincided with the increased use of glyphosate (Roundup) herbicide.

A protest May 24, 2014, in Chattanooga targeted the corruption in the food supply by giant corporations such as Monsanto. (Photo Andrew Helms)

Monsanto protesters believe food should come from farms, not labs. Monsanto is trying to get into the weather control industry. (Photo Andrew Helms)

Commoners from every walk of life take part in a protest against Monsanto in Chattanooga. (Photo Andrew Helms)

Chattanooga is heavily chemtrailed Saturday, May 24, 2014, but a weak sunshine manages to pour down upon Monsanto protesters downtown. Climate engineering is the problem of the GMO writ into the heavens. (Photo Andrew Helms)

Many protesters in Chattanooga sport the slogan on this unidentified woman’s cheek. (Photo Andrew Helms)
If GMO internal poison, what is ‘climate change’?
A noted U.S. critic of the federal geoengineering program over Chattanooga and hundreds of other cities worldwide is Dane Wigington, who says that backers of clean, healthy food have to confront not just corruption of food from within via gene splicing, but from above, through the use of toxic metals sprayed in massive quantities to save the planet. An essay on his website, Geoengineeringwatch.org, he offers this summation from Zach Miller, writing at Naturalnews.com.
Is the “organic” label really worth as much as years past, before heavy and daily geoengineering? Organic food is grown without the use of pesticides, which is good for us and for the planet. However, organic crops, like conventional crops, are grown in open fields under open sky. Since geoengineering occurs over nearly every country in the world, these so-called organic crops are indeed grown free of pesticides, but not free of the harmful heavy metals such aluminum and barium and the unknown pathogens in the aerosol that fall on them from the sky nearly every single day.
Messrs. Miller and Wigington say stratospheric aerosol geoengineering is “a climate modification program being conducted by major world powers” using unmarked jet aircraft. “This spraying occurs above all the continents, and has the stated goal of weather control and slowing global warming.”
Mr. Miller stresses the health effects of the perpetual haze of the kind that has enwrapped Chattanooga for days.
Aluminum and barium, which comprise the particles in the spray, are highly toxic to living organisms and bio-regions. Stratospheric aerosol spraying also disturbs the hydrological cycle of the planet, shrinks the atmosphere, promotes the proliferation of fungi, drives species to extinction, fills the world’s oceans with toxic particulate heavy metals which disturb aquatic ecosystems, and destroys our planet’s ozone layer. In other words, stratospheric geoengineering is wrecking the planet and human and animal health.

Of particular interest in this photo is the manmade haze, connected with jet flights over the city. Soddy-Daisy, May 28, 2014.

Today (May 28, 2014) is full of evidence of chemtrailing, but with fewer overflights than other days. The evidence: Haze, a whited-out blue. Shot from Hixson.
Theory of interventionism
The value of Mr. Wigington’s work is that he points out the free market hypothesis that is the death of local economy: Interventionism breeds interventionism. If you intervene in the creation of credit, to save banks, say, you breed bigger and more unstable banks. If a mom in labor intervenes with an epidural, she is certain to require further interventions, sometimes even a C-section. Governments intervene with bus services, driving out free market solutions and enforcing the bus cartel with aggressive enforcement against unlicensed and other carriers — and the need for MORE bus service becomes imperative.
Mr. Wigington places the global warming narrative much further along in its development than people realize. He posits that the program has long been in progress, under military auspices under the theme of environmental security. If you think such a program is unsafe for lung-equipped members of the public, consider how little national government in the U.S. and other countries cares about the public interest in other areas. Open for a moment the malware infection story published by Intercept in recent days. To have confidence in the integrity, goodwill and honor of the system and its political figureheads is simply to disregard repeated warnings about its desires to own and control just about everything. Every computer it wants. Every social network it wants. Every earned “taxable” dollar it wants. Every cloud it wants. Every hailstorm it desires. Every drought. The good people create the problems they intend to solve.
“Stratospheric aerosol spraying also disturbs the hydrological cycle of the planet,” Mr. Miller proposes, following Mr. Wigington’s lead, “shrinks the atmosphere, promotes the proliferation of fungi, drives species to extinction, fills the world’s oceans with toxic particulate heavy metals which disturb aquatic ecosystems, and destroys our planet’s ozone layer. In other words, stratospheric geoengineering is wrecking the planet and human and animal health.”
Intervention breeds intervention. Thick blankets of aerosol spraying evoke the need to accelerate the program, as the earth is said to be getting hotter, the planet stifled by its puff of metallic feathers. And the urgency “the good people” feel obviates any need to ask permission, or conduct environmental impact studies, etc. Neurological damage to potentially millions of people — from children to senior citizens — is a minor point when the salvation of the planet lies within their scientific genius, their endless resources of credit and their power.
Confluence of interests possible
The best thing I can do to give myself fodder for the local discourse is to file a state open records request with the Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Bureau for two years of data on aluminum, barium and strontium elements in the air. That will be a start, helping root the story in journalism.
Geoengineering — Rep. Bart Gordon of Georgia says he prefers the term “climate engineering” — is not a political issue. It could be made one — an “us versus them” story, Chattanooga vs. Washington, the story of an unfunded mandate with a little arsenic powder sprinkled on the report covers. The tea party or the Tennessee Constitution Party, who resist big government, might raise a stink. Democrats, the party of the environmentalist, can argue chemtrailing as an affront against the commoner by a business/government co-op. In the official polluting of Chattanooga horizons, liberty and environmental arguments might be made to unite in a single voice.
David Tulis is married, the father of four home educated children, and a deacon at Brainerd Hills Presbyterian Church in Chattanooga.

I pick up a box of vegetables as a Community Supported Agriculture group member at the Hixson Sports Barn on Tuesday, May 27, 2014. Haze. Persistent contrails. Halos around the sun (see below)

Thursday, May 27, 2014, is a major chemtrail day, so much the metallic particulates suspended in the sky by the federal climate program create a rainbow effect around a blurred-out sun.

A halo around the sun comes on a rainless day, reflected in the windshield of a car parked in the Sports Barn parking lot. May 27, 2014.
Sources: Jose Falck-Zepeda, Anthony Cavalieri, and Patricia Zambrano, “Delivering Genetically Engineered Crops to Poor Farmers,” IFPI policy brief, December 2009.
J.D. Heyes, “Roundup herbicide linked to celiac disease and gluten intolerance, new study suggests,” Naturalnews.com, March 03, 2014
For your review
Bye bye, blue skies; flick explores geoengineering; jets overfly city
Murky brilliance; 2 days of chemtrailing muzzy city’s skies
Are sky stripes over city lost jets, or stepped-up geoengineering program?
This story breaks the media blackout in Chattanooga on climate engineering: Bizarre March blizzard follows day of heavy chemtrailing in Chattanooga skies