Bristol, Tenn., becomes shrouded with manmade clouds May 16, 2015. (Photo Geoengineering Our Tennessee Skies on Facebook)

Western governments by policy have whitened the skies over their cities and farmland, as here in Zerbst, Germany, with “negative emissions,” which accentuate and deepen a global warming trend. (Photo Robert Tamer)

Heavily aerosolized skies with their glittering halos are common today over my town, Chattanooga, and yours. (Photo Facebook)

“An issue that has been largely neglected in geoengineering proposals to modify the stratospheric aerosol,” says a 2008 study, “is the methodology for injecting aerosols or their precursors to create the desired reflective shield.” Practice, it seems is ahead of theory. (Photo Facebook)

Advertising such as this poster for tourism uses chemtrails to create a sense of excitement. (Photo Ireland.com)

Engineers are working to perfect plume creation. “A bottleneck in producing an optically efficient uniformly dispersed aerosol — assuming perfect disaggregation in the injector nozzles — results from coagulation during early plume evolution,” says a study, “An Overview of Geoengineering of Climate Using Stratospheric Sulfate Aerosols.” (Photo Chemtrails-UK)

Septic skies over Philadelphia tell not of incidental water vapor creation from hot jet engines, but a deliberate policy of pollution to counteract perceived excesses of industrial economies. (Photo Facebook)

The operation of military and U.S.-contracted jets to lay down artificial skies is in military jurisdiction, hence not susceptible to public accountability. (Photo Facebook)

Bizarre weather conditions worldwide are caused less by industrial activity than by intense — even warlike — application of weather-altering technologies. Here, the skies over Germany. (Photo Fabrice Loisel, Chemtrails Global Skywatch)

Environmentalists deny scenes such as this one in Goldbach, Bayern, Germany, is irregular, suspicious or cause for alarm. Why? (Photo Hans Wilhelm Mugge)

Scenes like this one in Appleton, Wisc., are common over Chattanooga and other Tennessee cities treated to “SAG“ and “SRM“ technologies. (Photo Jan Champine)

The skies over Phoenix today, May 20. To your health? Breathing problems, anyone? (Photo Emiliano Morado)

Cities such as Philadelphia are often traced with white plumes because they absorb heat and are said to need sky-dome treatment. (Photo Cerceo Salvatore)

Sky striping is planned, but in practice allows itself to be disorganized and messy. Wind currents and weather are unpredictable and carry deposits of aluminum, strontium and barium wither they please. (Photo posted by Robert West)

As California roasts, excesses of weather pile up elsewhere, as does this snow May 15, 2015, in Bellemont, Ariz. Five inches deep. (Photo U.S. National Weather Service in Flagstaff)
The sky today began as “sky stripe” days often do over Chattanooga — with intense jet crisscrossing to the east of the city, between the sun and what on a temperature map would be heat trap comprised of streets, buildings and tarmac parking lots. The injections were not enough to turn the sky into a gray plasma, samples of which are reproduced in today’s gallery. Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering creates an artificial sky, the effects of which are said to be numerous. Among them: Alteration of the light spectrum, suggested in the massive disking-out of the sun as its rays scatter through the jet-injected metallic particulate. Increased UV radiation. A dessication or drying out of weather systems upon their approach. If the goal is to lay a mask of cloud between sun and earth, the presumtiously styled “albedo modification” program of the U.S. government does its work. Albedo modification refers to the heightening the reflective whiteness, or albedo, of the earth.
The results for local economy and the American people, environmentalist Dane Wigington suggests, are almost entirely negative. Not just for human health, but for farming, certain American states and their economies, and for political liberties. Sky striping is an effort of the “the western power structure,” whose operators are keeping their goal a mystery wrapped in a shadow enshrouded in secrecy coated with conundrums, he asserts.
Sky striping is an element of the imperium. While his analysis goes further than I dare venture in my limited reading, Mr. Wigington argues that climate intervention creates rising necessity for interventions of other kinds — geopolitical, legal, military and economic. — DJT
By Dane Wigington / Geoengineeringwatch.org
Climate engineering is the most powerful and most utilized weapon of the western power structure to destabilize and topple the countries and governments around the globe which it wishes to control. Geoengineering is a primary tool that has been used to help force nations to allow U.S. or NATO occupation. The military industrial complex has always sought to “control the weather” and historical documents prove that the US has been heavily invested in climate modification for a very long time.
How many countries have U.S. military boots on the ground? There are at least 156 U.S. occupied countries around the globe with some 900 bases. Does anyone really believe that all these countries just wanted the U.S. to occupy them? Is it a coincidence that many if not most of these countries endured some sort of climate cataclysm prior to the occupation being allowed? How many countries in Africa were subjected to record drought before being destabilized and occupied? Occupations that often began under “humanitarian” pretexts due to climate catastrophes?
What about the Middle Eastern countries that have recently been destabilized? Many of these countries were not cooperating with the US agenda before they experienced record drought, is there a connection? Record drought in Syria preceded the recent destabilization, was weather warfare used to help trigger the ongoing civil war? Yes.
How about Iraq, were they also a target of weather warfare to help trigger destabilization? Was the record drought in Iraq during the years prior to the invasion in 2003 a natural occurrence? Or was it also engineered? Were there plans to invade Iraq years ahead of time? If available data is examined, the answer is inarguably yes. The invasion of Iraq was planned well before the events of 911.
How many know there has been a crop destroying drought in Russia and Ukraine? Just another coincidence? Certainly the whole world understands that Iran is also a current primary target for the western power structure, is it just bad luck for Iran that there is record drought there, too? Does anyone in the US even know that the leaders from Iran have been on the floor of the UN openly stating that the western powers are causing the record drought with climate modification? Pakistan showed resistance to US policy in 2010, were the record floods that occurred there later the same year just an act of nature? Or were other forces in play? Record deluge is also a weapon used by the weathermakers.
How are things in South America? Certainly we all know how the U.S. power structure is constantly complaining about the BRIC countries. Brazil and Venezuela have been a source of aggravation for our government for a very long time. Brazil is experiencing devastating record drought, and yes, so is Venezuela.
I could go on and on about the countries that have been victims of the U.S./NATO weather warfare juggernaut of biosphere destruction, but let’s now consider the catastrophic and unprecedented drought being engineered in the U.S. West, should we ask ourselves what agendas are now being carried out on the U.S. population? The laws of physics make clear that a warming world should bring more rain overall, the atmosphere can carry 7% more moisture for every degree of additional warming. Why is there so much drought in so many countries around the world when the laws of physics state there should be more overall rainfall on a warming planet, not less?
Now it seems that the power structure is sending us the message that they know the drought in the U.S. West is only going to get worse. In fact NASA has recently stated on the record that the western US states can expect “megadroughts” in the coming decades, how do they know this? NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) has recently stated that even with a potential record el nino event, there will be no relief for the completely parched state of California. Since when does El Niño not bring more rain to the West? How does NOAA know this? The heat and drought in California have destroyed all previous records.
It is important to remember that defense contractor Raytheon (which is involved in geoengineering programs) does the weather modeling for NOAA and the National Weather Service. Lockheed Martin (another defense contractor involved in weather modification) supplies the weather modeling for the FAA. The weather “predictions” are nothing more than the scheduled weather. Five western states are close to running out of water, Lake Mead is is at record low levels.
The states most affected by the engineered weather catastrophes (drought and deluge as has just occurred in Texas) are also the stated location of the “Jade Helm” military exercises, another coincidence perhaps?
Industrialized and militarized society has decimated the biosphere. Severe environmental degradation and resource depletion are factors that cannot be hidden from public view much longer. The global power structure is playing every card they have. They are moving their chess pieces into place rapidly as they prepare for total societal collapse and civil unrest. Though solar radiation management is being pushed as mitigation for our warming planet, climate engineering/weather warfare is making an already bad climate/environmental situation exponentially worse overall.
These programs are being used as a primary method to control populations and governments around the globe with no regard to the damage being done to the biosphere. The highly toxic fallout from geoengineering is also rapidly sickening global populations thus making them easier to control. U.S. citizens must wake up. Our brothers and sisters in the U.S. military are being told climate engineering is being done for the common good, they must also wake up to reality. The stakes could not be higher, we must all make our voices heard in this critical battle.
Source Geoengineeringwatch.org