A sky over Switzerland receives an outpouring of “negative emissions,” a form of pollution that could give airlines pollution tax credits. (Photo Amanda Williams)

An artificially nucleated sky over Knoxville dims the sun. Sky striping deflects some sunlight, but also is bringing the planet to overheat. (Photo Marla Stair-Wood)

Jet plumes are laid over Wateford, Mich., becoming noxious high-altitude clouds. (Photo Thomas Allen Molter)

Sky striping, as captured here on the Tennessee Skywatch Facebook page, is the state’s biggest environmental pollution story.

I have seen many such scenes over Chattanooga in which air pollution makes a circular halo around the sun. (Photo Facebook)

Nature’s ordinary blue sky over Yosemite is X’ed out April 12, 2015, by aircraft deposits. (Photo Deborah Pletcher Tollstrup)

The use of electronic equipment at government facilities has led to creation not only of bizarre ribbed clouds, but square ones. (Photo Facebook)

Observers debate the intent behind scenes such as this one in Northern France. To what extent are chemtrails a secret policy? To what extent are they merely jet traffic leaving polluting trails? (Photo Laurent Kaluza)

As Amsterdam breathes, scientist Paul Crutzen wonders, “The main issue with the albedo modification method is whether it is environmentally safe, without significant side effects” (“Albedo Enhancement by Straospheric Sulfur Injections: A Contribution to Resolve a Policy Dilemma?“ 2006) (Photo Claudine de Vos)

Altered weather exists above and behind regular weather, such as that seen at Lake Tahoe. (Photo Jimi Baker)
![Sky striping over Flint, Mich. Nasa reports that jet-formed cirrus clouds are “capable of increasing average [earth] surface temperatures enough to account for the warming trend in the United States that occurred between 1975 and 1994.“ (Photo Bruce Thomas)](http://i1.wp.com/nooganomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Fllint-Mich-by-Bruce-Thomas-April-29-2015.-8-a.m..png?resize=806%2C605)
Sky striping over Flint, Mich. Nasa reports that jet-formed cirrus clouds are “capable of increasing average [earth] surface temperatures enough to account for the warming trend in the United States that occurred between 1975 and 1994.“ (Photo Bruce Thomas)

No scientific consensus exists for stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, and one study argues against stressing necessity and emergency in devising a governmental program to manage climate. (Photo Wanda Allen)

Knoxville, like Chattanooga, is often laced with sky stripes, the use of which is opposed by scientists such as Mike Hulme, King’s College London. (Photo Marla Stair-Wood)

His heart’s desire, physicist Lowell Wood says, is creation of a “global thermostat” that would provide “instant climate gratification.” (Photo Amanda Williams)

Sky stripes at various levels of disperal are subject to great interest among scientists and promoters of “solar radiation management.” (Photo Thomas Allen Molter)

Artificial skies mark the Roseville, Mich., horizon. The weather is subject to gamblers plunking down bets at the Chicago Weather Brokerage. In 2012 the weather derivatives market was estimated worth F$12 billion. (Photo Wendy Zettner)

Zephrs affect a manmade cloud over Los Angeles. (Photo U.S. National Weather Service Los Angeles-Oxnard)

Altering jet fuel to emit reflective particulates is not as effective as the use of tanker jets to disperse cloud-creating aerosols, one scientist says. (Photo Facebook)

Nashville under aerosol treatment. (Photo Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

A dimmed sun such as this over Morges, France, may please some climate scientists, others say such artificial clouding TRAPS heat and increases global temperatures. (Photo Adrian Tur)

Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore says human emissions have saved the planet by ending a starvation diet of carbon dioxide, an ingredient necessary for plant life. He is a climate change skeptic, yet governments are promoting weather controls schemes using jet pollution as a primary instrument. (Photo posted by Amanda Williams)
My pursuit of Chattanooga’s major environmental story branches into a new prospect: That sky stripes are an emission coming from environmentally friendly fuels that may be a new way for the airline industry to obtain pollution credits. If sky stripes create cloud cover, might not the polluting airline industry be able to obtain credit from Uncle Sam for his task in helping save the planet? At the same time, air pollution from jets is warming the planet because the smog blanket sky stripes help create trap heat close to the earth’s surface.
Sky striping over Chattanooga seems to have slacked off since January, with jet activity dates in April as follows: April 1, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 19, 23,24, 28 — that’s 10 days out of 30. March had 11 days, February 9 days and January 16 days.
The following is from Jim Lee, who lives in Sumter, S.C., and runs Climate Viewer News, a media alternative by activists who are examples of modern sousveillance and independent journalism. It studies planetary environmental problems with 3D mapping software, crowd-sourced news reporting, interactive timelines, well-referenced research pages and updates with a data-driven approach. His website is Climateviewer.com. — DJT
By Jim Lee
Chemtrails and contrails are both terms referring to clouds made by jet aircraft, which spread out and cover the sky.
I use the term “contrail” while debating scientists because using the word “chemtrail” may cause them to discount the value of my words.
I use the aggressive term “chemtrail” while engaging the public because the neutral word “contrail” tends to get you labeled as a stratospheric aerosol geoengineering debunker, or someone who insists that sky plumes are mere water vapor, not part of any federal policy, rule or program.
The debate over sky plumes or white tattoo checkerboards on many horizons can be framed two ways, each of which intersects with the other.
Are “rogue geoengineers” or the military intentionally spraying material to create clouds that cover the sky as part of a military or deep state response to global warming? Or is the smogpot mess in virtually every quadrant of the world’s skies just the result of a dirty, unregulated industry doing what industry often does — polluting while profiting?
Is the messy, hazy and crisscrossed sky official pollution pretending to save the planet from sunlight, or is it the hapless result of dirty industry?
If there is a chemtrail conspiracy, it boils down to one thing: Intent.
What makes a contrail?
Due to the overwhelming amount of propaganda surrounding the topic of contrails, I have researched contrails for two years to “clear the air” as a part of something I call “Operation Clarity,” and this essay is a wrapup.
To start, let’s clarify that contrails exist, and some persist in the air and form clouds.
What is in a contrail?
Soot, sulfur and water.
Carbon black dust, or soot, is coated in sulfur and shoots out of the rear of the jet engine. [1] Water sticks to these sulfur-coated soot particles and clouds form.
The more sulfur and soot there is in the jet exhaust plume the more likely you are to see contrails. The other thing you need is saturation, which is provided by large bodies of water in the sky called ice supersaturated regions or ISSRs. [2] As jets fly through these frozen water bubbles in the sky, sulfur-coated soot and water thrust backward from the jets attach to ice in a way that baffles scientists:
Aerosol-cloud interactions are one of the main uncertainties in climate research. Up to now a lot of research has been conducted on aerosol-cloud interactions in warm clouds. The impact of aerosols on ice or mixed-phase clouds is much less understood. [3]
Are contrails a bad thing?
Yes, they are heating the planet. Did you know that the section covering contrails for the last IPCC report in 2007 was co-authored by at least five geoengineering advocates? [4] The lead author of that report is Olivier Boucher, and his group’s conclusion is “large uncertainties associated with spreading rate, optical depth, ice particle shape and radiative transfer. A low confidence is attached to this estimate.” Four years later, Boucher makes this statement:
Contrails formed by aircraft can evolve into cirrus clouds indistinguishable from those formed naturally. These ‘spreading contrails’ may be causing more climate warming today than all the carbon dioxide emitted by aircraft since the start of aviation. [5]
The climate change uncertainties surrounding aerosols, contrails, and ship tracks [6] seriously undermine the credibility of climate change models as they are clearly missing LARGE portions of crucial data to make accurate predictions. [7] More importantly, Geoengineering SRM proposals using aerosols are truly gambling with the weather as scientists do not understand the first thing about how those aerosols affect climate.
Airlines want to get credit for contrails
With increasing government pressure on the marketplace in the name of environmentalism, the aviation industry faces a hefty “carbon tax” bill unless it can find a way to turn polluting contrails into “carbon credit” and a benefit to public policy and its war on global warming.
In order to “green” aviation and rebrand dirty fossil fuels as “climate friendly,” the oil tycoons are switching exotic blends of biofuels and selling them to airlines. [8]
Coal biofuel, Camalina plant, municipal waste biofuel, algae-based biofuels and even Chicken Fat biofuels are on the table.
For the past two years, the FAA [9] has tested these fuels to see how biofuels effect contrail production. [10] Results are expected to be made public.
It would appear that these new biofuels are low or no-sulfur — meaning less polluting.
Cleaner jet fuel might appear to be a good thing.
But the rising pressure of the war on global warming has fired up pressure in the opposite direction — that of increasing the pollution caused by jets in the name of solar radiation management and sun-dimming technology.
These organizations and scientists are proposing adding sulfur to the fuel to ostensibly cool the planet with a sun-reflecting haze.
To sulfur or not to sulfur, that is the question?
The National Academy of Sciences, in its February study Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth, discusses sulfur aerosol injections to enhance the planet’s albedo, or reflectivity.
The European Union recently took bold steps to address the jet aircraft pollution, [11] and under threats of lawsuits the EPA is deciding whether to regulate flight pollution.
Recently the Environmental Protection Agency took a step towards adding aircraft emissions to the list of regulated pollution sources. In a statement [12] the EPA said it will study the issue of greenhouse gas emissions from aircraft, the first step in the regulatory process, and release its findings by April 2016. If the agency finds airline emissions to be a risk to public health or the environment, it will begin the process of crafting rules. The rules would make airplanes subject to carbon emissions guidelines in a process similar to the one currently underway for vehicles and power plants.
A battle is brewing over contrail as either blessings or curse. Will the aviation industry biofuel its way out of carbon tax oblivion by eliminating sulfur from fuel and eliminating contrails/chemtrails? Or will it turn those contrail frowns upside down by DEMANDING credit for its pollution, which is ostensibly saving the planet by dimming the sun? [13]
Contrails vs. solar energy
Tinkering with the fuel in jets is, perhaps, the geoengineering program that many skywatchers around the world are seeing. This massive geoengineering program is marked by compartmentalization, is a New Manhattan Project, and is a battle between those who would protect the aviation industry’s bottom line at any environmental cost and those who would intentionally take advantage of polluting contrails for monetary gain via pollution tax credits.
Fossil fuel oligarchs rebrand their poison as “green biofuels” and everyone discusses carbon dioxide, not contrails power to trap heat even as they block sunlight.
Geoengineering SRM proponents such as David Keith and Ken Caldiera overlook the proposition that jet-laid contrails and shipping cloud-trails are man-made sun-blocking killers of solar energy.
If there is a conflict over “chemtrail conspiracy,” it is between fossil fuel vs solar. Solar profits when sunlight hits the ground with full intensity, unimpeded by manmade hazes.
There is a battle in the sky and for the hearts and minds of members of the public.
Americans and people all around the world need accountability from regulators, transparency from the fossil fuel industry with its trade secrets, honesty from the IPCC and climate model yahoos, and the fresh air implied in clear sky overhead.
Please feel free to contact me (Jim Lee) on any of my social media.
- Edwin Corporan, Air Force Research Laboratory, Aerospace Systems Directorate Solid and Volatile Engine Particulate Emissions from F-T, HEFA, JP-8, and Blends August 1, 2012.
- Peter Spichtinger and Klaus Gierens, Ice-Supersaturated Regions, 2003
- Ulrike Lohmann, Miriam Kübbeler, Johannes Hendricks and Bernd Kärcher, Dust ice nuclei effects on cirrus clouds in ECHAM5-HAM, 2013
- Boucher, O., D. Randall, P. Artaxo, C. Bretherton, G. Feingold, P. Forster, V.-M. Kerminen, Y. Kondo, H. Liao, U. Lohmann, P. Rasch, S.K. Satheesh, S. Sherwood, B. Stevens and X.Y. Zhang, 2013: Clouds and Aerosols Supplementary Material. In: Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Stocker, T.F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex and P.M. Midgley (eds.)]. Available from www.climatechange2013.org and www.ipcc.ch.
- Boucher, O. Atmospheric science: Seeing through contrails, Nature Climate Change 1, 24–25 (2011) doi:10.1038/nclimate1078.
- Scott N. Spak, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA; and P. E. Saide, M. Mena, and G. R. Carmichael, Radiative Forcing by Coastal Anthropogenic Emissions Explains Observed 20th Century Southeast Pacific Cooling, 6 January 2015
- Jack Stilgoe, Experiment Earth: Responsible innovation in geoengineering, page 165 [preview]
- Air Transport Action Group, Beginner’s Guide to Aviation Biofuels, September 2011
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Aviation Climate Change Research Initiative (ACCRI)
- NASA, ACCESS II Confirms Jet Biofuel Burns Cleaner, September 2014 [video]
- European Commission, Climate Change, Reducing emissions from aviation. 2012
- US. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Aircraft Greenhouse Gas Rulemaking Process, 2014
- Ulrich Schumann, German Aerospace Center, Recent research results on the climate impact of contrail cirrus and mitigation options, ICAO Colloquium on Aviation and Climate Change 2010
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