Behind a bizarre June 2, 2015, hailstorm in Gatlinburg, Tenn., manipulation of the weather by jet emissions, a program known as stratospheric aerosol geoengineering. (Photo Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

The term used to describe cloud-creation is “albedo modification,” which enhances the reflectivity of the planet, as that here in Sevierville, Tenn., May 23, 2015. (Photo Payton Anthony Rowlett)

A sky over my house in Soddy-Daisy in a story I have followed since March 2014. See the “sky stripe“ category on this site. (Photo David Tulis)

Policy skies in Michigan tell of extensive efforts to regulate the weather using patented processes of jet exhaust or dumpings of aerosol cargoes. (Photo Thomas Allen Molter)

Chattanooga is heavily sprayed May 29, 2015, prior to arrival of a storm. Artificial nucleation of the weather can bring ice storms in summer. “The chemical nucleation process is inflicted aggressively enough, in already cold regions,” environmentalist Dane Wigington says, “temperatures can be driven to deadly levels. There are increasingly radical short term weather swings occurring around the globe, often from record highs to record lows in a day or two time span.”

Some jets lay full body trails, as this one May 29, 2015, over Hixson. My little camera serves me poorly. Next photo more clearly shows what I see. (Photo David Tulis)

I have seen several such jets over Chattanooga. These aircraft are not emitting water condensation, as EPA suggests in its chemtrail FAQ, but negative emissions that affect weather and life on the ground. (Photo Facebook)

Catastrophic flooding hits Texas and Oklahoma in March 2015, and a four-year drought persists in California. Purely nature, or the results of weather intervention? (Photo posted Sandra Lee)

Sky striping occurs over Chattanooga roughly every other day, as here over Soddy-Daisy as I enjoy a morning walk. (Photo David Tulis)

Solar radiation management overstates what governments can accomplish with aerosol dumps. People who reject the idea of sky striping want instead to focus on pollution by corporations. (Photo posted Sandra Lee)

Stop-start sky tattoos such as these over my house in Soddy-Daisy are a clear evidence they are the result of mechanical and hydraulic processes and are not mere water vapor, as some contend. (Photo David Tulis)

Sky striping is called a quick fix for global warming, as “mitigation“ of planet-warming pollution is deemed unlikely. Physicist Lowell Wood favors what he sees as a cheap “instant climate gratification“ using jets. (Photo Andre Hudson, Scotland)

A typical aerosol soup over Chattanooga Feb. 3, 2015. If deflecting the sun is a real goal, why are plumes laid late in the day? (Photo David Tulis)

Sky stripes such as these over Hixson on Feb. 6 2015, are part of a giant research project that in 1946, according to the New York Times, developed snowmaking technology. “A single pellet of dry ice, about the size of a pea *** might produce enough ice nuclei to develop several tons of snow.” (Photo David Tulis)

So-called “negative emissions” alarm some environmentalists because they contain aluminium, strontium and barium — and other ingredients not revealed to the public. A blue sky at Hchil Hills, Scotland. (Photo Andrew Hudson, Chemtrails Global Skywatch)

Some man-influenced weather systems are chaotic, others pretty dull, as this one over Las Vegas. (Photo Robert West)

Chattanooga, like Knoxville on May 23, 2015, is regularly smeared with cross-stitched jet plumes. (Photo Marla Stair-Wood)

Few people are able to detect much difference between the sky today and that of yesteryear. (Photo Tennessee Skywatch)

A war memorial in Washington, D.C., catches reflections of chemical-laden jet trails that serve national security purposes and are largely shrouded in secrecy, except for a recent report by the National Academy of Sciences that worries about whether to launch a mass chemtrail program at some future date. (Photo Mormon.org)

The book Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth is partly sponsored by deep state interests called the “intelligence community.” (Photo Facebook)

Official pollution mars the sky over Chickamauga Dam in Chattanooga. “Social and political challenges to cirrus modification research or eventual deployment,“ says a government report, “are likely to be similar to those faced by proposed albedo modification techniques. These may come from some in the environmental community but also from the many individuals who believe the persistent chemtrail myth which says that long-lasting contrails produced by high-flying aircraft contain chemical or biological agents.” (Photo David Tulis)

A federal study of sky-based geoengineering gives no attention to the effect upon people of the materials injected into the sky that eventually drift to the ground, as here in Soddy-Daisy on Feb. 6, 2015. (Photo David Tulis)

Johnson City, Tenn., receives an unbeckoned treatment providing an unknown service to parties unknown. Says a federal study: “Unfortunately, today’s aerosols emissions create large health and environmental problems. Thus, it is important for society to know whether it is possible to alter Earth’s albedo by much greater amounts while being sure that the effort will do a large amount of good and only a small amount of harm” (Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth, National Academy of Sciences, p. 32. Photo Devin Hamaker)

Solar radiation management provides a murky background to St. Michael’s Tower near Glastonbury, England. (Photo posted Sandra Lee)

The 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) defines “air pollution” as substances that “endanger human health, harm living resources and ecosystems and material property and impair or interfere with amenities and other uses of the environment,” and “long-range transboundary air pollution” as air pollution “which has adverse effects in the
area under the jurisdiction of another State at such a distance that it is not generally possible to distinguish the contribution of individual emission sources or groups of sources.” (Photo posted Sandra Lee)

Public policy appears to favor sky domes over places such as South London, with regular jet traffic contributing to the aerial soup. (Photo Cecile Le Hars)

A federal report on albedo modification scarcely mentions the possible dangers to human health of aerial “forcing” of weather patterns, as here over Texas. (Photo Facebook)
![“This clandestine program now includes aerosol-spraying planes in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand [all NATO countries],“ Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri. “Hundreds (if not thousands) of people have called and written their public officials to get answers. Replies from U.S. and Canadian officials are not forthcoming; or, if they do reply, queries are dismissed.” (Photo posted Sandra Lee)](http://i1.wp.com/nooganomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Sandra-Lee.png?resize=700%2C927)
“This clandestine program now includes aerosol-spraying planes in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand [all NATO countries],“ Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri says. “Hundreds (if not thousands) of people have called and written their public officials to get answers. Replies from U.S. and Canadian officials are not forthcoming; or, if they do reply, queries are dismissed.” (Photo posted Sandra Lee)

Thousands in Paris take part in protests February 2014 against government aerosol geoengineering. (Photo Facebook)

Gatlinburg, Tenn., is struck June 2 by what may well have been an artificially nucleated hailstorm, with huge balls rattling to the ground. See bottom for video. (Photo Stacy Champagne)

Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering has already been deployed, though scientists such as Paul Crutzen insist tests should be done and the positives seen to outweigh the negatives. (Photo Geoengineering our Tennessee Skies)

Jets lay heat-trapping plumes even at night. This June 2015 photo, though of poor quality, suggests that sun reflection reduction may not be the only purpose of the U.S. sky striping program that long-term affects local economy. (Photo David Tulis)

Even when real clouds drift over Chattanooga, you can spot man-caused elements of the local weather, as seen June 1 from Soddy-Daisy. (Photo David Tulis)
The EPA says it intends to regulate aircraft emissions as a pollution harmful to human health. The proposal seems to arise from the environmentally friendly part of the agency. Other elements in that department are complicit with the status quo overseen by the U.S. government. And that status quo involves the dumping of millions of tons of aerosol particulate into the air to alter the planet’s weather, ostensibly in the war against global warming. Sky striping is pollution emitted as a policy of national security with no regard to human health. EPA says jet exhaust comprises 3 percent of greenhouse gas pollution.
By David Tulis
May 20, 2015, New London, Conn. — President Obama gives a lecture today to coast guard cadets that gives the official line about “climate change” and a peek into the rationale behind the government’s continuing weather modification efforts.
Mr. Obama gives an alarming analysis, taking sides as the whether global climate is warming or cooling. He votes for warming, and says that his listeners ought to feel a rising sense of alarm at weather data.
“I’m here today to say that climate change constitutes a serious threat to global security, an immediate risk to our national security. And make no mistake, it will impact how our military defends our country. And so we need to act — and we need to act now.”
Outside the scope of Mr. Obama’s speech, the U.S. government is undertaking twin agendas: A massive program of artificial cloud creation as rhythmic as bouts afflicting a migraine sufferer, and a gathering up of academic support proposing an official pollution program to cool earth’s surface by enhanced cloud cover. The national academy of sciences in February published a book, Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth, weighing a global program for official aerosol pollution intended to dim sunlight. The report scoffs at environmentalists who say the program is well under way, ruins human health and creates extreme weather all on its own.
Mr. Obama says the U.S. government is giving global “leadership” in promoting weather as a crisis requiring drastic state-sponsored action.
When you’re on deck, standing your watch, you stay vigilant. You plan for every contingency. And if you see storm clouds gathering, or dangerous shoals ahead, you don’t sit back and do nothing. You take action — to protect your ship, to keep your crew safe. Anything less is negligence. It is a dereliction of duty. And so, too, with climate change. Denying it, or refusing to deal with it endangers our national security. It undermines the readiness of our forces.
Americans must be “realists” and avoid wishful thinking that sets humanity “on a course for disaster.” Because the globe is warming and sea levels rising, “confronting climate change is now a key pillar of American global leadership. When I meet with leaders around the world, it’s often at the top of our agenda — a core element of our diplomacy.”
Everybody agrees: ‘Climate change happening’
In talking past his cadet audience, Mr. Obama says climate change is an indisputable phenomenon. “The best scientists in the world know that climate change is happening. Our analysts in the intelligence community know climate change is happening. Our military leaders — generals and admirals, active duty and retired — know it’s happening. Our homeland security professionals know it is happening. And our Coast Guard knows it’s happening. The science is indisputable.”
Mr. Obama blames carbon dioxide, an essential ingredient in photosynthesis and an ingredient of human exhalation, for growing global temps. Glaciers are melting and a 1- to 4-foot rise in sea levels will devastate coastal areas globally. “Already, today, in Miami and Charleston, streets now flood at high tide,” he says. “Along our coasts, thousands of miles of highways and roads, railways, energy facilities are all vulnerable. It’s estimated that a further increase in sea level of just one foot by the end of this century could cost our nation $200 billion.”
Weather conditions, he says, promise to bring “instability and conflict” around the globe. Nigeria’s drought was “exploited by the terrorist group Boko Haram.” A Philippine typhoon, Haiyan, “gave us a possible glimpse of things to come — one of the worst cyclones ever recorded; thousands killed, many more displaced, billions of dollars in damage, and a massive international relief effort that included the United States military and its Coast Guard.” Climate extremes will create “climate refugees” and “create the potential for mass migrations and new tensions. All of which is why the Pentagon calls climate change a ‘threat multiplier.’”
Aerial intervention — unmentioned factor
Mr. Obama in his speech seems excited about the possibilities of the climate crisis. It gives the U.S. opportunity for leadership, grants it occasion to extend military and humanitarian controls globally, and authorizes emergency measures, as crisis is the mother of intervention. His speech excites an expectation of bold federal action, some of which might involve young cadets. As if the public were exhausted at the prospect of yet another federal salvation, the climate change crisis beckons and gives occasion for Washington to prove its keep. At stake now is just a class of dolers or a section of the financial industry or a union donor base, but the entire human race, the very planet.
Oddly, Mr. Obama mentions no emergency measures equal to the crisis he describes. For all his heightened talk about the crisis, the response is earthbound, technical. He touts fuel-efficient cars, research into renewables, more fuel efficient coast guard cutters. “The Air Force F-22 broke the sound barrier using biofuels. And the Navy runs an entire carrier strike group — the Green Fleet — with biofuels. Our Marines have deployed to Afghanistan with portable solar panels, lightening their load and reducing dangerous resupply missions.”
Mr. Obama praises pollution-cutting regulations from EPA and takes credit for reduced air pollution from industry. Americans have cut emissions more than any other people, he says. “[W]e can be proud that our carbon pollution is near its lowest levels in almost two decades. *** I’ve committed to doubling the pace at which we cut carbon pollution.”
A global military emergency exists. Yet all solutions in the speech are small-bore. A global catastrophe is afoot, and he proudly brings up the Marines’ use of solar panels in Afghanistan and energy research in U.S. labs and universities.
The gap between the magnificent environmental crisis and what he offers as responses is filled by a mystery. That mystery reasonably is skirted by the 16 scientists at national academy of sciences who speak of aerosol injections in the atmosphere as theoretical concepts that are still on the runway, and lead readers to believe no effort at weather modification has ever been tried.
Weather modification is the solution Mr. Obama modestly overlooks. It may be more apt to say that “solar radiation management” is the solution he judiciously overlooks, as the program is largely behind the veil of national security. Though sky striping is remarkable for visual evidence it leaves overhead or stretching from horizon-to-horizon, it remains a state secret. Ingredients of fuels are secret, and the operation of the government’s worn-out fleet of stratotankers is secret, according to researcher Jim Lee of Climateviewer.com.
Environmentalists such as Dane Wigington cite anthropogenic causes for climate heating yet also argue that the creation of artificial clouds by policy is worsening global temperatures, and go so far as to suggest that a climate crisis itself is a policy, that climate disasters, droughts, storms and quakes are deep state operation in which state actors seek private gain using inside information and the apparatus of the U.S. air force to affect significant weather events with private advantate.
Across the country bizarre weather is becoming common. East Tennessee was hit by a freak hailstorm June 2, 2015 (see video clips below). California is subject to its fourth year of drought and satellite images online show sky stripe interventions against the jetstream bringing rainfall. Snow falls on deserts and in Europe storms dump a dozen feet of snow.
On March 25, 2014, a freak blizzard struck downtown Chattanooga a day after a jet plumes cross-stitched the skies over Hamilton County. A Feb. 14, 2014, storm dumped 9 inches of “heavy wet snow” on Chattanooga that had mostly melted by evening of the next day, perhaps an artificially nucleated snow. Such a weather novelty hit the western plains Oct. 4 and 5 in 2013, killing 100,000 head of cattle in an event that could only have been created by chemical interaction in near-40 degree days.
Aerial interventions well discussed in the scientific literature are in scientifically advanced states, though the U.S. government pretends no such program has been developed. In Mr. Obama’s speech, the gap between the crisis he describes on one end and the paltry responses on the other is less a gap than it appears. If you squint, you see a skein of tens of thousands of white tendrils connecting the two, those milky white plumes emitted by a powerful program of a too-modest national government to alter the weather and shape national destinies.
Sources: Mr. Obama’s speech, https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2015/05/20/remarks-president-united-states-coast-guard-academy-commencement

Sawed-off clouds and other remarkable weather data are brushed aside by weather forecasters and are not part of daily narratives about temps, moisture and cloud cover. (Photo Facebook)