“I mean it is quite obvious from the extent of the spraying,“ says geophysicist J. Marvin Herndon, “millions of tons per year are presently being sprayed — in fact, maybe many millions of tons per year.” (Photo Paula Mandala)

An energy utility waste product known as coal flyash is recycled into the air over Brainerd Road in Chattanooga in the government’s effort to reduce global warming by dimming the sun. (Photo David Tulis)

Normal jet traffic does not follow patterns such as these that lay down what a scientists says is buoyant coal ash, a material containing aluminum and other bioactive elements dangerous to human health. (Photo Facebook)

Recycling has eased costs on the U.S. government as it dumps coal waste products into the sky over Charlotte, N.C., in its war on global warming. The program is dubbed “albedo modification,“ or altering the reflectivity of the planet by adding artificial cloud cover. (Photo Chris Walker)

Jets deposit aerosolized powder into the sky, creating impenetrable banks of cloud over Chase, Md. (Photo Raymond Black)

Sky striping alters the hydrological cycle and can prevent rainfall as determined by the U.S. military’s closely held weather modification program. (Photo Facebook)

Stop-start jet plumes, such as this one seen from the walking track in Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., suggests trails are not contrails, but chemtrails. (Photo David Tulis)

The federal military says it wants total weather controlby 2025 for warmaking and enforcement purposes. (Photo Paula Mandala)

Heavy coalstriping over Chattanooga creates this scene from Hixson. Coal waste is whitish in color, and its micron-sized particles stay aloft at least a day if deposited by jets in the troposphere (the lower atmosphere). (Photo David Tulis)

Jets pour ash into a Tennessee sky. “Fine particles are useful for spraying because they tend to stay in the air for a little while,” says geophysicist J. Marvin Herndon. “They tend to shield the sun. They cause sunlight to be reflected.” (Photo Geoengineering our Tennessee Skies on Facebook)

Jet tattoos drift left to right, or from the sky toward the ground, as these in a photo posted at a geoengineering website. (Photo Geoengineeringwatch.org)

Light-altering complexions of aerosol dust have appeared in the skies over Chattanooga in the past two years as the U.S. accelerates its “negative emissions” program. (Photo Geoengineering our Tennessee Skies on Facebook)

Coal ash emissions are hydraulic, mechanical processes, and are not always consistent, as in the skies over Las Vegas. (Photo Evelyn Raborn, Chemtrails Global Skywatch)

A breathtaking scene over Nashville. Until members of the public start expressing health concerns, such scenes are beyond notice of sheriffs and city councils. (Photo posted on Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

A little fart of a chemtrail runs out of gas over Chase, Md., but the jet that laid the trail is already miles away. (Photo Raymond Black)
By Amos Taj
The following is an interview about sky striping or aerosol geoengineering that since mid-2014 has much occupied news coverage on this website and that of AM 1240 Hot News Talk Radio in Chattanooga, where on Oct. 6, 2015, this conversation took place between a Chattanooga reporter and a San Diego scientist.
David Tulis: A story we have been following here at AM 1240 Hot News Talk Radio for the past year and a half has been what I call sky striping — tattooing of the sky, the disfigurement the envenoming even the air over our county and city by polluting jets.
What are these jets doing up there? Why are their plumes not disappearing right after the jet passes ***? Why do the plumes persist over time they become numerous crisscrossing of jet traffic over the county — clouds? They become a kind of haze, haze pot over Chattanooga, once known as the country’s most polluted city from ground pollution now seems to be the victim of air pollution of some kind so now what is the nature of that pollution is it deliberate, is it all accidental, is it something in the nature of the fuel, are the jets burning green fuel, then running tracks around Chattanooga to lay down this stripe? What is the story?
To help close the gap on our understanding today we’ve got [on the phone] Dr. J. Marvin Herndon, a geophysicist and a nuclear chemist. His website is nuclearplanet.com and he is a war horse, you might say, in the world of science. He has many papers that he has written about the nature of the planet. One paper is called “Terra centric nuclear fission georeactor,” a review article. He has studies about the interior of the earth, nuclear fission in the middle of the earth and things of that kind. He has a very long record of publishing.
Last year something came to his notice that is of interest to you my listener here in Chattanooga.
Dr. Herndon, your most recent paper, which has created a firestorm of controversy, is on the point of the particulate matter laid by jets apparently as a matter of policy over your town. You are from San Diego. You used to have always blue skies in San Diego. What happened?
‘Ramped up’ to ‘full operational level’
Dr. J. Marvin Herndon: Well what happens is the spraying of particulates into the troposphere, lower atmosphere, that has been going on for perhaps 15 years on a sporadic basis since about 2013 has been ramped to a full operational level. When this happened in San Diego I began to wonder what has happened, what is being sprayed? That started me to thinking about the measurements people had made and posted the internet many people had posted on the internet.
Many people have collected rainwater samples and posted the analysis on the internet. Of course, when you don’t know what is being sprayed, you don’t know what elements to analyze for and generally speaking people have typically analyzed for two elements, aluminum and barium, because these elements had been mentioned in some patents that are perhaps related to geoengineering.
Occasionally someone would also measure strontium. These three elements aluminum, barium, and strontium in rainwater, started me to thinking. Barium and strontium behave very similarly chemically. They’re in the same column, the group 2A elements on the periodic table. Their behavior is similar. If you take for example a piece of cement which has a lot of calcium in it and you analyze it, you’ll find strontium and also a little bit of barium in there because they behave similarly.
Herndon’s early inquiries
And that was a tip off to me that maybe what we are dealing with is a natural substance because I couldn’t see why an artificial substance they would make with both barium and strontium. It seemed more reasonable if they were just spraying a chemical, they were spraying a more pure chemical. So I thought back to some research I had done many years ago where I related the parts of the inside of the earth to a particular type of meteorite. And I did this by looking at ratios. Ratios are one element divided by another. Because with ratios for example, you can compare a tree trunk to a toothpick.
And that’s basically what I did. I knew whatever it is that was being put into the air, water extracted elements from it. Now people have done measurements about what elements are extracted from coal fly ash by water. In fact some researchers in Spain did some very thorough experiments. Basically what I did was compare their results to the rainwater results for barium, strontium and aluminum.
I found that the proportions were really quite similar. And so that resulted in the first paper that I published in the scientific literature identifying coal fly ash as the possible substance that was being sprayed.
State cash waylays science
Science is a pursuit of truth and this is the way science should be. But unfortunately the scientific community has been largely funded by the government since 1951 and has been subject to some rules that were made including reviews by one’s competitors where the reviewers given anonymity. Secret reviews. So the science community has evolved in a way so people protect themselves — they don’t challenge the consensus mentality because if you challenge somebody’s work they are very likely to get to review one of your proposals for funding and say some negative things.
So this unfortunately happens in the science community. So geoscientists never question what it is they are spraying. In fact they don’t ever mention the spraying, even those people who study phenomenon that is happening in the atmosphere. So this was the first thing.
Tulis: Even people who are very much for the environment don’t look far in the sky, even environmentalists, the Environmental Defense Fund, Greenpeace.
Dr. J. Marvin Herndon: They may look in the sky or if they look in the sky and they see what is happening they keep quiet about it because they don’t want to lose their funding and this even applies to agencies or to nonprofit organizations for example. Because if there’s a fear if they talk about something the government is doing, then the IRS might decide they are not really nonprofit organizations. You recall during the last political election there were allegations of the IRS being involved in a political way, when they shouldn’t have been. So all these hesitancies are fear based.
Tulis: We’re talking with Dr. J. Marvin Herndon a geophysicist and nuclear chemist from San Diego and he has published very recently a paper that has created a great controversy now over the substance of the emissions from jets including those jets we are surmising over Chattanooga where we have major sky striping days called chemtrailing and these are efforts that alter the weather patterns. Now Dr. Herndon, let me ask about your thesis that coal fly ash is the main material that is put into air by the method of aerosolization. Tell us briefly how aerosols are created, how coal fly ash comes out of coal burning furnaces, waste product and the weather tell us how that’s dispersed — and also what are the benefits of it? Why is it seen as a benefit to use that overcome other things that might require more expense or more complexity in the manufacture of. What are the benefits of fly ash?
‘Millions of tons’ injected
Dr. J. Marvin Herndon: Let me start in a little bit of a backward way of saying it. Suppose that you ask the question where does the substance come from that is being sprayed. I mean it is quite obvious from the extent of the spraying millions of tons per year are presently being sprayed in fact maybe many millions of tons per year.
Where do these fine particles come from? Now if there was a mining operation on that scale to mine rock and then pulverize it, to mill it down to a very fine powder, there would be a huge manufacturing-mining facility — production facilities — and this would be evident to people. One of the key things people say are, “Where production facilities?”
Well, when coal is burned by utilities it produces ash. There are basically two (2) kinds of ash. There’s a heavy ash that settles out and there’s what’s called fly ash. It’s the very fine particles that used to go up the smokestack. But now because it is a hazardous material, there are regulations that require for coal fly ash to be trapped electrostatically and sequestered, usually in lined ponds.
‘Loaded with toxic chemicals’
The utilities have the production facilities for trapping vast amounts of coal fly ash and processing this material. And there’s increasing pressure from the utilities and their representatives to encourage commercial use, for example, in cement. And it is also used in such questionable circumstances as an agricultural fill, a fertilizer for organic gardeners — which is very strange. It’s very strange because during the formation of coal many trace elements, toxic trace elements such as mercury, such as arsenic, chromium, chromium 6, a whole slew of trace elements — are trapped in the coal. And when coal burns, many of these trace elements go up the chimney and precipitate or collect on coal fly ash.
Coal fly ash is loaded with toxic chemicals. And so this is the substance, that is a waste product for the utilities and they want to get rid of and rather than pay the cost of storing it. There have been some spectacular accidents where storage facilities have been compromised, have ruptured and spilled into the community. There was one that happened in Tennessee in [2008] and so this is not a — the toxic material is known. This is a product, a waste product for the utilities, and it is a product that is a very fine grain material that is in a sense ideal for geoengineering.
If ideal doesn’t include the adverse health effects.
Tulis: Let’s talk about the ideals Dr. Herndon. You are saying this is cheap material that has many of the fine qualities needed to have a vast geoengineering program. List the advantages coal fly ash. Why is it good? How does it work? Does the aluminum content of this ash help make it reflective in serving thereby the national policy purposes of deflecting sunlight?
Not just a theory
Dr. J. Marvin Herndon: That’s a good question. First of all the production figures often quoted for coal fly ash is in the U.S. 140 million tons a year, and of course, much more worldwide. It’s used. I have good evidence that this is the main component being used in ongoing geoengineering.
Now it is important first to separate these ideas. The academic community, the scientists at universities talk about geoengineering as if it is some activity that might happen in the future. The reality is that geoengineering has been ongoing in a covert way for perhaps 15 years with ramping up the full scale in the last several years.
Particles fall to earth, trap heat
There is another difference. The academic talks about putting reflecting substances in the stratosphere, in the upper atmosphere which doesn’t really mix with the air people breathe and where substances remain suspended for perhaps two years, whereas what is being observed is the spraying is in the troposphere, the lower atmosphere that mixes with the air people breathe so the spraying has to be done on a more or less on a continuous basis because the particles fall out. They come to earth. They rain down. They mix in the air people breathe.
So there’s a fundamental difference between what the academics are saying and what presumably is being done by the military in the lower atmosphere. Now what about coal fly ash and how does it behave? Well, when you make artificial clouds with coal fly ash, yes it reflects sunlight. It acts as a shield.
But it also holds heat in.
Sky dome adds global stress
So there’s a real question in my mind as to what the net effect is. Are we simply cooling the earth or are we keeping more heat in and in fact warming the earth, plus the coal fly ash that settles on areas of snow and ice tends to help absorb heat from the sun leading to melting of ice.
Coal fly ash also has two effects on weather. In the first place, if you were to put fine particles in the air, they would dilute the little rain droplets, so they would have trouble getting together and becoming big enough drops to be rain and fall to earth.
Well, coal fly ash does that, but coal fly ash does something else. It’s hydroscopic. In other words absorbs water. So it inhibits rainfall in that manner also. Now eventually one if you were to inhibit rainfall over a period of time, eventually there would be enough moisture accumulated to have rainfall and when you did you would have serious rainfall.
It’s rather like stress. You can add stress to something like you can bend a piece of brittle material and produce stress in it up to a point. And then you reach the limit and the thing shatters and breaks and the stress is all of a sudden released. This is like what happens with moisture in the air.
You can inhibit the formation of rainfall as I think is happening in California. We’ve had a drought now for several years, but the weather moves from West to East. So you can inhibit rainfall in the clouds which move on to the East and eventually there becomes enough saturation of moisture that you have torrents of rain perhaps in the Midwest. And you have floods. This is the consequence. Now you might ask the question, why are people doing this?
Theory? No, evidence
Tulis: We’re talking with J. Marvin Herndon who is a geophysicist and a nuclear chemist in San Diego and last year he looked up in the sky and he remarked something as a longtime scientist — he’s been the author of many deep profound and no doubt mystifying — scientific papers about the earth and its core and many other topics — he noticed something, “that the blue sky of San Diego had disappeared and had just gone away” and the cause is anthropogenic, meaning it comes from man. Now the question is what: Who these men are, why are they flying around to make that sky go away, and what is it they are depositing in the skies over his town, San Diego?
Dr. Herndon your theory is that there is a waste product which is the basis of the federal spraying program that is being enacted behind the veil of national security. What is that product and how does it work?
Dr. J. Marvin Herndon: O.K. let me correct one word you said.
Tulis: Please do.
Dr. J. Marvin Herndon: My “theory.” I would rather say I have scientific evidence that supports the identification of the substance as combustion coal fly ash. Now that doesn’t mean that it is necessarily is that except that evidence is very strong that it is. And there are experiments under way presently to obtain unimpeachable evidence.
Just recently some experiments were undertaken with aircraft trying to catch this particulate matter as it’s being discharged from the jets. These experiments haven’t been analyzed yet and it is already becoming evident probably the next round of experiments will involve the use of a jet to fly behind the tanker jets to collect the evidence. But as the situation stands there’s very strong evidence that the substance being sprayed is coal combustion fly ash.
Weaponized weather, recycling unite
Just to recap briefly, when utilities burn coal, the heavy ash settles out the very fine particles, the fly ash that used to go up the smoke stack are trapped and mandated to be trapped with electrostatic precipitators. These are the very fine materials that contain a lot of toxic substances and this material, I believe, is the main ingredient that’s being sprayed.
Look, the military has made information publicly available that they intend to control the weather by 2025. This was a statement that was made back in the 1990’s. Weaponizing weather is something that has been being done for a long time. There were things done during the Vietnam War, for example. The idea was to cause rainfall to make the Ho Chi Minh Trail impassible. There’s the idea that can have an enemy and you cause a drought, you cause him to starve, or his food crops to desiccate and die. This is where the military is headed in one sense. But there is more of a question as to controlling the weather whether the military really has the good intentions of cooling the earth to combat supposed global warming, or whether the purpose is to keep the earth, perhaps to cause the Arctic melt, to make it easier to get at the oil resources beneath the Arctic and perhaps to open the frozen Northwest Passage.
There’s a lot of question as to what is happening and why it’s happening. And I suspect that since the military now has literally a carte blanche to spray whatever they want to spray over humans for research and development, it said, they probably test everything they can that might have some military significance. The military has a long history of doing experiments on people. So this is what’s happening and so now we have to ask the question, “What does coal fly ash do once it is sprayed into the lower atmosphere and then we have to ask what are the potential effects on people?”
Ash ideal substance
Tulis: Well, could we as the first part of that question Dr. Herndon? “Why coal fly ash? How does it work? Why does it serve the purposes of the deep state, if you will, or the good people as I call them? Why fly ash? What are the favorable particulates of the matter?”
Dr. J. Marvin Herndon: Well, it already comes. It’s a byproduct. It’s a waste product that’s produced in vast quantities and it comes in very fine grain sizes naturally and can be reduced by for example milling with cyclone classifiers, they’re called, to separate even the finer product particles out. Fine particles are useful for spraying because they tend to stay in the air for a little while. They tend to shield the sun. They cause sunlight to be reflected.
But they also hold heat in when sprayed in the lower atmosphere. Artificial clouds. So it really becomes a question of what is the net effect. Is it keeping the heat in, ultimately heating the earth? Or is it reflecting more sunlight and causing it to cool the earth?
And then there are the ancillary effects that prevents rainfall. It inhibits rainfall. Ultimately they’ll get enough water concentration that it’ll pour — literally pour. But by inhibiting rainfall, it also adds to the heating of the earth.
That is another point.
Evil feedback loop of state intervention
Tulis: We could say the heating of the earth by the use of the sky dome, the creation of the sky dome if you want —
Dr. J. Marvin Herndon: — By heating the earth by not allowing heat that comes into the earth to leave again.
Tulis: And that should happen at night, right?
Dr. J. Marvin Herndon: We live in a state of equilibrium. Ideally the amount of heat that comes into the surface of the earth is equal to the amount of heat that leaves the surface of the earth. And we have a net balance of zero.
Now if you shift that equilibrium by putting in artificial clouds that keeps some of the heat from leaving the earth, then you end up with a net warming effect.
And this is what I think may be happening with the spraying. And nobody in the science community really talks about what is going on. They are probably told not to talk about it or they sense if they mention something they might lose their grants and ultimately become unemployed.
So the coal fly ash is an ideal substance for weather modification. You can prevent rainfall. You can change the weather in a profound way, and even direct the movement of clouds. But there’s a price to be paid. The price to be paid comes from the toxic substances that are part of coal fly ash.
And this is one of the best kept secrets: You hear that government can’t keep secrets!
It’s kept a pretty good secret about what is being sprayed.
There’s a major disinformation campaign to convince people. “Well. these trails are really contrails ice crystals formed by exhaust from jet aircraft.” That’s nonsense! In San Diego, one rarely, if ever, finds contrails. This is before the spraying. Because we live in a very warm and dry climate, whereas contrails form in a cold and humid environment. Moreover, what happens to these artificial clouds is that they disperse and become a white haze in the sky. San Diego sky is more often than not looks like it has a white haze.
This white haze is characteristic of very small particles scattering sunlight so there’s a lot of disinformation, false information. The public being deceived by what is going on.
There’s good reason for the deception because coal fly ash is a toxic nightmare. First of all, the particles are very small. So when you inhale them, they imbed deeply into the lungs and they’re even small enough to go through the skin to be ingested, to be eaten, and even to go through the eyes.
And when the particles contact water in your body, moisture in your body, they can release toxic substances including aluminum in a chemically mobile form.
Inert aluminum becomes bioactive
Tulis: Describe that! What does that mean? Talk a little bit about aluminum. Aluminum is in the air all the time in Chattanooga. We have constant readings from the seven county and city pollution control monitoring aluminum, strontium, and barium. Talk about all or one of those three as toxic elements for my listener who is breathing them in even as we speak to each other on the phone, Dr. Herndon.
Dr. J. Marvin Herndon: Well, you will also find a host of other toxic elements in the air; including arsenic, chromium, and mercury that come from coal fly ash.
But aluminum is particularly heinous and this is the reason. Aluminum is an abundant element in the crust of the earth, something like 8 percent. But chemically it’s locked up tight as aluminum oxides. Aluminum oxides and silicates. And so the creatures of the earth including humans evolve or came to live on the earth never exposed to aluminum that can move around chemically.
Now back in the 1970s there was a lot of concern about acid rain caused by sulfur dioxide emissions from coal-burning power plants, for example, combined with water in the atmosphere that made the acid rain. Acid rain was considered dangerous. Because acid will extract aluminum in a chemically mobile form from certain materials such as mine tailings and that makes it available to do things — like kill whole forests. And so serious efforts were made to eliminate acid rain.
Neurological catastrophe
Well, this is the same thing that is happening with coal fly ash and neutral water, the kind of water that rainfall is slightly acid and in the experiments with distilled water, water extracts toxic elements from coal fly ash, including aluminum in a form that is mobile.
So that this means is it makes aluminum available to creatures of the earth including plants. And it’s toxic. Now aluminum has been implicated in neurological diseases. Alzheimer’s, for example. Autism, Parkinson’s disease, Attention Deficit Disorder. All of these things have shown significant growth during the 15 years that geoengineering has been taking place.
This is a major, major concern. I suggest that if the medical data is honestly preserved and presented that since about 2013 they’ll probably be a very sharp spike in the occurrances of these neurologoical diseases. Incidentally I’m sure familiar with the demise of a large portion of the bee population — the honey bee population. Well, some scientists in the UK discovered that bees when they get aluminum in their brain have some behavior that is similar to Alzheimer’s. They forget what their job is and they eventually die. I suspect that there are a lot of populations of creatures and plants, as well, that are suffering from the spraying because the spraying introduces aluminum into the environment in a chemically mobile form, in a form that can get into plants, into animals and into people.
Academic paper takes flak
Tulis: This is David Tulis talking to Dr. J. Marvin Herndon who is a geophysicist and nuclear chemist. He is in San Diego. He published just a few days ago a very important paper that is now in dispute by you might say establishment interests that have tried to squash and spike his analysis. It’s a 16-page academic paper and I urge you to go to Nooganomics.com,the website in Chattanooga, the website that covers local economy and the free markets as it turns out to be with a Christian and Libertarian angle, is the premier environment-friendly media platform in Chattanooga making the argument that we need to stop pollution, especially if it comes from parties unknown who have the helm of government, of the steering wheel of government in at least one of their many tentacle hands.
Dr. Herndon says that the coal fly ash is the waste product in the used stratospheric and tropospheric aerosol modification program, which is often called chem trailing. But that’s an old military word. It’s really SAG, stratospheric aerosol geoengineering. Dr. Herndon, let me just ask you to speculate how is it that this is legal, that there is a wall of secrecy, a wall of privacy, if you will, behind this operation that involves military people; how is it they are satisfied that they are not doing something wrong?
What is the argument that the well intentional military people running this program and contractors? What is the argument given to them that allays their moral hazard concerns, their concerns about doing something damaging to the people of this country? How are they told that this is OK?
Official denials
Dr. J. Marvin Herndon: I’m not sure that I know the answer to that question. I have brought this to the attention of the mayor, to the city council, the chief of police of San Diego on several occasions and I’ve never received an answer as to why they don’t at least warn the most at-risk people. The pregnant women, the children, the elderly — the persons who have compromised respiratory systems or immune systems. Why don’t they at least warn these people?
I suspect that at a superficial level they were told geoengineering is necessary to save the earth.
But I wonder whether maybe Congress passed some secret legislation authorizing this kind of program. Congress doesn’t seem to notice what’s going on or care what’s going on. You would think this would be a really hot political issue because it involves the safety of people. But where are our elected representatives? Why do they not question? What kind of official coercion has been put into place? This is a good question and it’s a question I do not know the answer to.
Tulis: Well, we would have to surmise, J. Marvin Herndon, geophysicist and nuclear chemist, chatting with us here from San Diego. We have to surmise on the part of the military people who are just military employees that they are not acting in faith. They’re being told this program of which you are a part serves important vital national security interests. We are combating global warming. We’re combating climate change, etc. and you have a part to play, just need to be quiet about it. It is sort of off the books. It’s not something that’s publicized in the Washington Post or the Wall Street Journal, and you dare not speak to those entities about it.
Dr. J. Marvin Herndon: There’s one thing I’ll bet. And that is that none of these officials have been told what is being sprayed or what are the health implications, the risks to population that gets exposed to it. I’ll bet they’re being misled, just as there is a conscious effort to try to deceive the public as to the nature of the spraying.
Tulis: Well, Dr. Herndon, I want to thank you for chatting with me and my listeners here at AM 1240, Hot News Talk Radio, giving us your time from your office in San Diego.
Dr. J. Marvin Herndon: Well, thank you. It’s important to bring this information to the public. I appreciate the opportunity.
Tulis: And your website is nuclearplanet.com, nuclearplanet.com. Is that right!
Dr. J. Marvin Herndon: That’s correct, and please feel free to visit.
Tulis: This is David Tulis. We are talking with J. Marvin Herndon, a geophysicist. He has written a very important paper that advances the story of stratospheric aerosol geonengineering, a major advance in the story. And he is conducting further tests that indicate that the so called chemtrailing program worldwide even here in Chattanooga over Hamilton County here in Chattanooga is TVA Waste product from the burning of coal and that’s called fly ash. Coal fly ash is the content of the spraying program that is being done behind the veil of secrecy behind the wall of national security. And your health, your health, my listener, is suffering even now.
Source: Many thanks to Esther Taj for preparing this transcript, courtesy of AM 1240 Hot News Talk Radio in Chattanooga.
— David Tulis hosts a talk show weekdays in Chattanooga from 9 to 11 a.m. on 1240 AM Hot News Talk Radio, covering local economy and free markets in Chattanooga and beyond. “Support this site and my radio station on the real airwaves in Chattanooga, on your smartphone via the TuneIn radio app, or online at Hotnewstalkradio.com. You back me by patronizing my advertisers with specific reference to me. Even better, encourage independent media by having me run commercials for your business. Also, buy me a coffee at the tip jar.”