Officials monitor cameras at a Kentucky criminal intelligence center, or fusion center, run by Kentucky state government. (Photo Kentucky Office of Homeland Security)
Chattanooga city government’s executive branch is doing what the national executive branch does — impose top-down mass surveillance upon residents, with the poor receiving the largest dosage of this progressive benefit. In June 2015 Mayor Andy Berke’s department hired three civilian “predictive analysts.”
“Predictive analytics will allow us to better anticipate where individuals may be most at risk of being victims and to identify patterns,” Mr. Fletcher said in a release. “This increased information will allow us to use finite resources to problem solve in the most effective manner possible.” He is visiting a center in Kentucky. “We will be taking their lessons learned from these ground breaking agencies to try to expedite and improve the way we build our real time crime center to serve your constituents in our community.”
Mr. Berke is asking for F$703,000 in the 2017 capital budget for the center, with about F$250,000 of those funds to spend on cameras in some of the city’s “hot spots” for crime. The city has 400 cameras already mounted that could feed the center. Chief Fletcher says cameras already are “ubiquitous” and that people “have a right to be safe in public places.” The cameras can be modified so they focus on one area, but do not catch a clear image of a location where occupants of a business or residence request privacy. — DJT, Hot News Talk Radio
Now, for a report about Chicago:

A story June 19, 2016, in the Chattanooga Times Free Press tells about policing’s expansion in the state’s fight against private sector crime.
Kristan T. Harris | American Intelligence Report
Police are arresting people for crimes they’ve not committed yet using a new computer algorithm software that identifies criminal behavior and predicts future crime. Suspects were arrested this year as a result of being put on a predictive policing ‘strategic subject list‘ (SSL) and Chicago Special Order S10-06.
Chicago Special Order S10-06 equips law enforcement with the ability to arrest citizens before they commit a crime.
The Daily Mail explained how the software works in a recent article claiming, “the computer program takes into account various factors such as criminal records, gang affiliations, gunshot wounds already suffered, or the number of past arrests.”
The program also uses social media websites to help develop a citizen ranking on locals and identify future threats.
According to CBS, “police have enlisted the help of community members and social service groups to reach out to those individuals with the highest scores. In some cases, police and others will visit their homes in what are called “custom notifications,” to offer help.” Police have knocked on over 1,400 doors so far.
The program has recently been under fire and is being accused of wrongful arrest in Chicago. In a recent case, “17 year old Nico Gaete, was somehow identified as a suspect via a Facebook picture from over three years ago, which led to his wrongful arrest and imprisonment for a crime he didn’t commit.”
According to Chicago’s Special Order S10-05, police are creating secret lists of citizens as well.
The district intelligence officer will confer with district commanders on individuals who are eligible for a custom notification letter. The district intelligence officer will then contact the bureau of patrol to request a custom notification letter be created for that individual. Individuals with a ranking of 400 or higher receive a visit from local authorities.
SSL can be used to seize citizens’ property. The custom notification will include a description of both federal and state sentencing options where applicable, as well as identification of the potential for seized assets and other consequences as appropriate.
This article is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article with attribution to the author and AmericanIntelligenceReport.com. Tune-in to the Kristan T. Harris show, Monday-Friday @11AM CST; 12PM EST; 9AM PST
“City budgets for surveillance cameras in high-crime neighborhoods,” WRCBTV.com, May 18, 2016. http://www.wrcbtv.com/story/32005869/city-budgets-for-surveillance-cameras-in-high-crime-neighborhoods
“Police Chief Says Community Will Have Input On Placement Of Crime Cameras; To Be Tied In With New Real Time Intelligence Center,” Chattanoogan.com, May 24, 2016. http://www.chattanoogan.com/2016/5/24/324856/Police-Chief-Says-Community-Will-Have.aspx
“Chattanooga Police Chief Fred Fletcher wants a Real Time Intelligence Center,” Newschannel9.com, July 13, 2016. http://newschannel9.com/news/local/chattanooga-police-chief-fred-fletcher-wants-a-real-time-intelligence-center
“Chattanooga police hire three new predictive crime analysts,” Chattanooga Times Free Press, June 4, 2015