Thick aerosols drape across a gap in haze caused by earlier aircraft deposits, as seen from my house in Soddy-Daisy, Tenn. Dumping of particulates over any part of the globe is known to help prevent rain cloud formation. (Photo David Tulis)

Sky plumes often are laid in patterns to serve hidden government purposes, as here over Astillero, Cantabria, Spain. (Photo Alberto Ibañez, Geoengneeringwatch.org)
![Since roughly October 2015 officials at the national weather service, the national oceanic and atmospheric administration and the U.S. department of commerce have been banned from speaking with the press about climate, much to the chagrin of a union whose boss complained about "gag orders [that] hide how they operate." (Photo Laetitia Josaime Chemtrails Global Skywatch)](http://i2.wp.com/nooganomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Unknown-location-Laetitia-Josaime-Chemtrails-Global-Skywatch.png?resize=806%2C753)
Since roughly October 2015 officials at the national weather service, the national oceanic and atmospheric administration and the U.S. department of commerce have been banned from speaking with the press about climate, much to the chagrin of a union whose boss complained about “gag orders [that] hide how they operate.” (Photo Laetitia Josaime Chemtrails Global Skywatch)

Sky striping dims sunlight over Chattanooga as intense jet deposits have coincided with record drought in the area. (Photo David Tulis)

A major break in the so-called chemtrailing story broke in 2015 with publication of scientific studies by a maverick senior scientist indicating that coal fly ash is the material striped across American and global skies, as here over Chattanooga. (Photo David Tulis)

Coal fly ash works to dry up storm systems by preventing water droplets big enough to fall from forming. (Photo Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

Coal striping of the sky is a global phenomenon, reaching over Tennessee hinterlands in Sullivan County. (Photo Geoengineering our TN Skies)

I stop for gas at Sav-A-Ton in Hixson, under powdery skies receiving “negative injections” of coal waste, part of a U.S. government program to combat global warming (and other purposes). (Photo David Tulis)

Dust banks of coal fly ash, bought on the cheap from utilities, creep across the skies of Shasta County, Calif. (Photo Jovyde Wigington, Geoengineeringwatch.org)

A jet plume over Chattanooga begins its spread across an otherwise blue sky. Notice elsewhere in the frame an innocuous water plume contrail. (Photo David Tulis)

Polluted skies cover Knoxville often on the same day Chattanooga, to the south, is treated by intense jet traffic. (Photo Marla Stair-Wood)

Observers who insist the U.S. does not deposit dust or materials in the sky would declare these trails to be mere water vapor contrails, harmless to birds and people on the ground. (Photo David Tulis)

A coal stripe dissipates over Soddy-Daisy, Tenn.. (Photo David Tulis)

Polluted skies like this one over Apeldoorn, Netherlands, put aluminum, strontium and barium onto garden crops, bodies of water and human skin. (Photo Pascal Assink)

In May 2015 National Resources Defense Council said Chattanooga is the fifth wheeziest and sneeziest cities in the U.S. But its report ignored such phenomenon as this nice breather of a trail over Hixson, dripping dust upon people below. (Photo David Tulis)

Acrobatic jet emissions over my house in Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., north of Chattanooga. (Photo David Tulis)

Skies like this over my house north of Chattanooga should be blamed for the Southeast Tennessee drought, said by meteorologists to be the worst in the area’s history, with a 20-inch deficit as of late November 2016. (Photo David Tulis)

Dr. Marvin Herndon in an interview explains how coal fly ash deposits prevent rainfall in one place but exacerbate extreme weather elsewhere. Here, a tasty sky over Pueblo, Colo. (Photo David Alwawi, Geoengineeringwatch.org)

Clearly, sky stripes are not mere water vapor. The stop-start routines indicate emission systems that function inconsistently, with clumping of material in nozzles, or the flicking of on-off switches. (Photo Karl Pearson)

A mysterious circling of Denver on Nov 15, 2016, by a plume-trailing jet made TV news Nov. 16. The jet left deposits like this one in several turns over the city at 32,000 feet. (Photo Pascal Assink. Story Denver7, “Mystery flight circles over Denver; officials have few answers.”)

Chattanooga is treated by jet emissions. Aerosol particles “are having an effect worldwide on the wind speeds over land; there’s a slowing down of the wind, feeding back to the rainfall, too,” says Mark Z. Jacobson of Stanford University, commenting on a 2007 study. (Photo Blacky Darr)

Jet emissions ports for coal fly ash are opened and closed, evidently, as here over my house north of Chattanooga. (Photo David Tulis)
Human activity is being blamed for global warming, global cooling and “climate change.” So it’s not shocking any more to blame weather patterns on mankind itself.
So let’s consider today the so-called anthropocentric or manmade causes of the Southeast Tennessee drought that has prompted many fires in the hilly wilderness around Chattanooga and other cities, more than 1,000 blazes statewide.
By David Tulis / Noogaradio 1240 AM 101.1 FM
The dry spell has built up a 20-inch deficit in rainfall that has coincided with persistent acts of air pollution in the region, emissions that are easily visible to anyone on the ground who cares to look above the horizon. I refer here to the white crisscrossing trailwork over the city laid by polluting jets, whose trails spread out into haze so thick and murky that they dim the sun, create bizarre refractions of light, often put a dome of haze over the city.
The war on climate change uses this pollution to create what I call policy skies. They are deposits of particulate matter that act as a desiccant, or drying agent. A Google search “aerosol particulate reduces rainfall” brings two helpful articles. One is by Nasa. The second refers to a 2007 Stanford University study. They explain how aerosol particulates reduce or prevent rainfall.
Biggest overlooked pollution story

J. Marvin Herndon, an uncompromising senior scientist
Marvin Herndon, 72, is a South Carolina native who works as a nuclear chemist and geophysicist. The independent researcher runs Transdyne Corp., a scientific research and management company in San Diego. He is the author of the book Herndon’s Earth & the Dark Side of Science (2014) and other books, and many scientific papers. He graciously gave time for an interview with me on AM 1240 Noogaradio on Nov. 16, 2016.
David Tulis. The left has completely ignored the most important pollution story in the past 20 years here in Chattanooga and over Tennessee. To explore a little bit how pollution — in fact official and unofficial pollution — has affected the weather is Dr. Marvin Herndon. He is a geophysicist, a nuclear scientist, a nuclear chemist with a long pedigree in scientific work, much of it which you might find dull but which is very important in his field.
Dr. Herndon has of late come to do research in the area of geoengineering, that is to say, aerosol geoengineering which is a very well established science that is all about controlling and modifying the weather, changing the reflectivity of the planet as some would hope and say, “saving the world population from global climate change“ or “global warming,” however you want to put that.
Dr. Herndon, we’ve been having here in Chattanooga area, many fires and we are at a 20-inch deficit for rain this year, a tremendous drought. Half of the fires that have caused a huge pall of smoke over the city for weeks now, are caused by people deliberately setting fires.
Now smoke pollution is one thing. You have given some rigorous scientific study to manmade pollution of a different kind, that emitted by jets.
What are your findings?
Marvin Herndon. OK, let me give you a thumbnail sketch of the background. Since World War II, the military has wanted to control the weather. In early on, they were able to seed clouds with dry ice or silver iodide and cause rain to precipitate — to make rain. And they used this in the Vietnam war to prolong the monsoon season to keep the Ho Chi Minh Trail wet to delay the transport of troops and supplies.
Well, the next step in the development of controlled weather was not causing it to rain but preventing it from raining. Now it’s well known that fine particles, micron-sized particles, submicron-sized particles, smokelike particles — when put the air where clouds form — they keep the little tiny droplets of water from coalescing, from getting together and making a drop that is big enough to rain. And that causes drought.
Well, that can be used effectively in the military if you want to crush an enemy’s economy without ever putting a man on the ground. You just spray this fine particulate matter. And for whatever reason and probably for a host of reasons, the governments in many countries are involved, I think being led by the U.S. government, are involved in spraying fine particulate matter particles over much of the earth.
These particles — it was a great secret what they are — in fact, the U.S. Air Force lied about it. U.S. Air Force said there is no such thing as a chemtrail, what these trails are often called. And they try to say that they’re just jet contrails, exhaust, water exhaust from jets that form ice crystals. Well, you can fertilize a garden with that. That’s not true.
3 strands of evidence
It’s the United States Air Force lying to American citizens.
I have three independent lines of evidence that strongly indicate that what is being sprayed is into the atmosphere is coal fly ash.
When coal burns to make electricity, the heavy ash settles and the very fine particles of ash go up the smoke stack, or at least they used to. In Western countries, they are now tapped, sequestered. Well [laughing], that material is what’s being sprayed over us. It’s trapped because it contains a host of toxins.
I mean, this is bad stuff. Now what happens is that when this stuff is sprayed, it keeps the rain, the particles of water, from getting together, from getting big enough to fall the earth. So the clouds become pregnant with water and eventually they do release the water, often in torrents, in storms, in downpours. And you have floods.
System won’t let prosecutor obtain justice in school bus killings
This is modifying the planet on a grand scale and in an awful way. Now I just came back from Egypt and India and I have photographic evidence of trails in both countries. They are well known they are being sprayed over Europe and in Australia, New Zealand. Canada is being saturated with them.
Why? I suspect the leaders are being lied to instead of being told that this is to prevent global warming, and that’s why they’re doing it.
Damaging to human health
But the reality is that it does anything but prevent global warming. It CAUSES global warming. It also poisons people. These little fine particles settle deep in the lungs and get trapped in terminal alveoli where they can do terrible things on a long-term basis. They have cancer-causing substances in them like radioactive elements and hexavalent chromium and arsenic that can enter the bloodstream and even cross the placenta to a woman’s yet-unborn child. This is an inhumanity that touches on a scale that we have never seen before. So, I hope that any of your audience that hears this and wants to understand it, there are numerous websites that you can check. Look on my website for a little bit of information. That’s Nuclearplanet.com.
And if anyone has any connection to our new president-elect, Donald Trump, I hope you will bring this to his attention because this is in my view what’s being done and is crimes against humanity.
It’s causing droughts, crippling agriculture in California, and I gather from what your radio host has just said it is causing droughts leading to fires. So I hope people in the audience will really understand. This is one of the major problems that has existed in our country for the past eight years, especially, and it’s one of the things that our electorate, wants change, well, this is the right kind of change, to expose what’s being done and to bring an end to it.
David Tulis. Dr Herndon got involved in this by noticing the weather. Briefly, Dr. Herndon, what got you started in investigating and researching this phenomenon of weather modification, the gray skies, the averted rainfall? When did you start taking notice of this issue?
Marvin Herndon. Well, I’ve lived in San Diego for more than 40 years. And San Diego, unlike the area where you live, many days of the year it is without natural clouds. You may have noticed this in the cowboy movies in the 1950s. You see a totally blue sky with no clouds. This is what I was used to. And all of a sudden I see these trails. They became a daily occurrence, increasing in number and duration and intensity, sometimes to the extent that you start with the normal blue sky, cloudless blue sky, and by afternoon it’s overcast. It’s gray or gray with a brownish tint. This is not natural clouds. This is the stuff that’s being sprayed into the air.
Well, I was concerned about this because I know something about what fine particles can do to the human body. And nobody was telling the truth. You call the county health department and they’ll say, “Oh, that’s just a fantasy, a fiction.”
What’s wrong with this picture? I mean, you know, so being a scientist, an independent scientist, I began to think about how to actually determine what this material is.
And the first thing is that people for 20 years have noticed that after the spraying that rainwater has certain elements — among others, aluminium, barium and strontium. So I was able to guess what the substance was and compare that guess to the elements that would be extracted. People have done this, they’ve extracted elements from coal fly ash, compare those with to the rainwater and, by golly, it’s a close match.
And it’s no real mystery. I mean, if you’re talking about spraying over just about the entire U.S.A. and Canada and other places around the world, you are talking about vast quantities of very fine material.
The cost to mine rock to do that would be astronomical. But here is a substance that the utilities want to get rid of and it got —-
David Tulis. — Coal fly ash.
Dr. Herndon. — and it’s exactly what they want if they don’t care about the people that are being exposed to it.
David Tulis. — Well, Dr. Herndon, explain to my listener and me why coal fly ash is so ideal for the purposes of fulfilling JFK’s spoken desire before the United Nations to have a weather control policy. Why is coal fly ash ideal? It’s very much like talcum powder —
Dr. Herndon. — Oh, it is. It comes naturally as a very fine particle. It goes up the chimney of smoke stacks, it goes up the smoke stack and it’s trapped electrostatically as a fine, fine particle. And it can even go through what’s called a cyclone classifier which is basically a separation system based on spinning it around in the air, that can even extract a finer fraction from it. And this is a ready-made material.
David Tulis. It doesn’t have to be manufactured.
Dr. Herndon. — Except that it’s a toxic nightmare.
David Tulis — Let’s back up just for a second. The jet that cause this are part of a program. They have a payload. The payload is some tons per flight of this white talcum powder. A stratotanker can carry about 42 tons of armored cars, ammunition and personnel when it is full — well, no, it doesn’t carry weapons. But it has a payload of about 42 tons. *** How much of that payload is the gas which aerosolizes the particles?
Dr. Herndon. Let me correct you.
David Tulis. Go ahead
Bizarre fiber rainfalls
Marvin Herndon. The coal fly ash is not white. It ranges in color from a tan to a dark gray, depending on its source. Likely it is mixed with some kind of additives to prevent it from clumping. There are numerous techniques — some of them patented in the literature for dispersing a powder in the air. You could just take it and feed it into the air that comes out of the jet engine, for example. There are numerous techniques for doing this. Now, one of the things, one of the lines of evidence that you’ll be interested in is that often people observe white fibers when they’re spraying.
One way to make fibers is to take a material and heat it to melting and blow a jet of air across it. That extends it into fibers. Well, I’ve analyzed some of these fibers and it has the composition of coal fly ash. That’s one of the other lines of evidence. So, it’s possible that in some instances that they’re just putting it right into the combustion chamber or at least where the output of the combustion chamber is where there is a lot of heat involved.
How fly ash spewed from jet
David Tulis. — I’ve read that to have coal fly ash as part of the fuel is very inefficient and you don’t get a lot [of effect] out there. And that probably what’s happening with our “good people,” our very fine service people operating under security clearances in the air force, are using are tanks that have compressed gas within the tank that is the aerosolization process. What I want you to describe is how aerosols work.
For example, my listener’s wife has hair spray. There is material that’s supposed to go on her hair, then there is a gas under pressure. How does aerosol — what does the aerosol gas do to the particles of coal fly ash that are almost microsocpic? How does it work. How does it come out?
Marvin Herndon. Imagine you have a pile of particles. Suppose you put a pile of this very fine material in a saucer in front of you. You took a deep breath and you blew on the saucer. You’d see a cloud of fine particles. I mean, it’s not much more complicated than that.
David Tulis. It seems to me that it really is, because you have a jet and you have a nozzle for the ejection of the particles, right? The stream that we see in the sky. Something has to push that out. It has to be pressurized by some method, by some kind of gas —
Dr. Herndon. — I imagine there are all sorts of different ways. With the jet flying through the air, there’s a huge amount of air goes into the jet engine and some of that air could be diverted to act like a gas, to blow past a source that feeds the particles into it, and exits the nozzle.
David Tulis. So you’re saying it doesn’t necessarily have to be the aerosolization pressure process to get that powder out over the sky of Hamilton County and Chattanooga?
Marvin Herndon. No, no, it’s just anything that will make those, that powder just disperse into the air.
Why sky stripes weep
David Tulis. One question, Dr. Herndon, my listener, when he goes to Nooganomics.com in the next day or two will see photographs. One of them that I plan to publish is one that I took that shows the dripping trails. Now, dripping trails strongly suggest that what is coming out of this jet is not water condensation, but there’s some substance that is hanging there in the air and there is somehow there are these sequential drip lines like on the spine, on the bottom part of the trail before it disperses. What does that say?
Marvin Herndon. That’s not too terribly hard to understand. If you were to disperse powder and not thoroughly disperse it, you try to put more powder into an air line and it comes out as globules, then as those globules get spread in the air they’ll be heavier and so they’ll tend to drip down until they ultimately separate and disperse. It’s just that you’re putting out heavier material that may be just as fine but may be clumped. That’s probably not a desirable thing.
Stop-start aerial tattoos
David Tulis. Probably not from their perspective, desirable. Let me ask you another question about visual evidence about this not being a program and not mere water condensation. Explain the stop-start trailwork that we see. Some days are just remarkable. There’s a long trail and suddenly it stops. And there is a nearby, almost nearly intersecting trail, not too far away, and it stops and starts in the same general area. Does air clump with moist areas and dry areas? Because that is the explanation. We have condensation from dampness.
Marvin Herndon. I’ve seen pictures of two planes flying close together where one the spray turns off and the other continues. In fact, I have a photograph of that that I took myself. You don’t turn off jet contrails. I mean, they are water vapor from the fuel that crystalizes and makes ice. Now here is the one difference. Ice crystals evaporate. It’s what’s called a sublimate. They go directly from ice into gas and in doing so they disappear you do not see water gas. They disappear. These trails, what they do is spread out, getting wider and wider, sometimes looking something like an artificial cloud, which further spreads out and leaves a white haze in the sky.
Washington vs. Chattanooga local economy
David Tulis. What does the weather have to do with local economy and free markets? It has a lot to do with it, especially if you consider how the good people in Washington and their claque of cartelites and hangers-on are doing things against the public interest. They are engaged in a prolonged official pollution program that pours coal fly ash into the sky, according to Dr. Marvin Herndon.
Millions and millions of tons of coal fly ash, probably every year, it is a gigantic recycling project, saving the government money, saving the taxpayer money and pouring into the atmosphere an official pollution to steer the weather and as many environmentalists such as Dr. Herndon speculate, increasing global warming, increasing the crisis against which we as a country struggling, or so we are told by the incumbent administration. For Chattanooga, we have had varying outpouring of this benefit, if you will.
Chattanooga pollution dates
In September there were two days.of geoengineering. I call it sky striping. Some hostile critics of this program call it chemtrailing. I don’t use words like that because they are kind of fighting words, but you can call it coal striping, or sky striping.
October was typical. Ten days. *** Oct. 4, 10, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26, 26, 30 and 31st. We were treated to these nocturnal emissions that occur during the day, negative pollution, if you will.
The program intensified just before the election. Not sure how to account for that. Nov. 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 11 and 15 are dates of important jet traffic pouring the haze over Chattanooga. From smogspot to cloudspot.
Now Dr. Herndon is on the phone. We’ve got two stories to extract from his senior scientist and independent nuclear physicist who doesn’t care for the traditional boundaries of science. One is the one affecting weather here in the South, and bringing, I suppose, drought conditions with its 20-inch deficit of rainfall around your city and mine. ***
Dr. Herndon, are we being deceived about the war on climate change? What is the war on climate change, is there a war? What are the instruments, the weapons of the national government assault on weather?
‘Multidimensional’ program
Marvin Herndon. This is multidmensional. One has to question the motives, the motives for example o the U.N., the IPCC They are promoting the idea that “We are under global warming, it’s gonna get worse and we have to do something about it.” Doing something about it means providing a lot of money to other countries, whether it be through carbon credits or whatever. It also means enriching the coffers of those who are connected with climate change, scientists or whatever.
The methods that are used by the IPCC are wrong. This is not real science. It’s based upon models and the models even are wrong. But there’s a big political agenda — because, hey, here’s a crisis and it allows the government to step in and control everything, including the amount of fuel you burn at home to keep yourself warm.
This is of vast proportion. But it also is a tool for governmental control, but there are certain insiders who become wealthy beyond imagination. I mean, there must be billions and billions of dollars being spent on this spray which comes from your tax money. But you have no say in it, you don’t know who’s getting the money — and it’s harmful to your own health.
So it’s a scam from many standpoints. Some people think the oil companies are happy about it because it will melt the Arctic. Maybe the government is happy because if it progresses long enough there will be in fact global warming and there will be disasters and government will have more control. This is the biggest science fraud ever, ever in the history of mankind.
Science complicit
And the university scientists are, for the most part, in the tank. They are looking at dollar signs, research grants, money to their universities, big boosts in their careers, and they aren’t very well trained. They’re not trained over a broad spectrum, and they have grown up in an environment where politically correctness has perverted science.
Science should be all about truth, and truth that’s anchored securely to the properties of matter and radiation. But then along came the intellectually weak scientists who were more interested in grant money and they started making models. Well models you simply assume things and calculate the results, and it doesn’t matter if they’re true or not because they don’t really tell you anything. They tell you whatever you want them to tell you or you want for them to tell you.
It’s a scam from the beginning, and it’s perhaps the worst thing that can happen because it affects people’s health. I mean, look.
How big is particulate?
What we know of the studies of pollution is the following:
There’s a word for it, a phrase. That’s PM2.5. PM is particulate matter. Two-point-five refers to the diameter or the distance across the particle. That’s 2.5 microns or less. Pollution particles that are in that size range or smaller, one thing they do is they shorten the lives of people. They cause problems in terms of heart disease, lung disease. They can adversely affect male fertility — I mean, there’s just a lot of studies that relate to pollution particles. And these studies really apply to the material that’s being sprayed because in order for the material to stay suspended in the air for a day or so, it has to be —
David Tulis — very light.
Single micron particles most dangerous
Marvin Herndon. — 2.5, in other words, smaller than 2.5 microns across, which is the bad stuff. And the real fine stuff, where it gets down to less than one micron — I mean, that cannot only be inhaled, but it can go into your body and into your brain and into other organs through, for example, the eyes or the nose or the skin. I mean, this is — in my view, these are crimes against humanity.
David Tulis. Are you saying —
Marvin Herndon. Adolph Hitler was a monster, but Adolph Hitler never poisoned his whole country.
David Tulis. Just back up for a second. A particle 1 micron across. How does it go through you? You’re saying that if a sky striping particle falls out of the sky and you just happen to be looking up and it lands on your nose — it doesn’t even touch your eye, which is moist, but a dry part of your skin; how can something go into you? I don’t quite understand how that works.
Marvin Herndon. Well, it just can go between the layers, between the cells. Your whole body is made of cells, and the cells have walls, and it can slip between the cell walls. I mean, we are talking about really, really, really fine stuff — nanoparticles. And they go if you get them in you and go right into the brain. These things can move about, and when they do inhale them and you get them deep into your lungs, they stay there.
Neurological toxicity
Now, there’s another thing about coal fly ash is: This is not a natural product. It’s a product of combustion. And the various elements that’s where a lot of the toxic elements concentrate, can be leached with water. In other words, the moisture in your body can extract poisons such as mercury, thallium, radioactive elements, chromium, hexavalent chromium — I mean, it can extract elements and into aluminum especially.
It can extract aluminum into a chemically mobile form. Aluminium has been implicated in Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases. And there’s been no research on this, there’s been no research. They’ve sprayed toxic material into the air, into the air we breathe and into our air, and there’s no research on it. Moreover, they are hiding [the stats] from the public. And I’ll tell you why, what I know about it.
I was the first scientist to publish in the scientific literature evidence of what is going on, specifically the coal fly ash. The first paper I published, there was an attack by a disinformation team, and they told the editor a bunch of lies and demanded a retraction of the paper.
Well, the editor of Current Science was a man of integrity, and he provided me with the remarks, asked me to respond and he would have published both my response and the remarks, except the disinformation people wouldn’t allow their stuff to be published.
David Tulis. [Laughter]
Marvin Herndon. Two subsequent papers in the public health journals likewise the disinformation people, as soon as they were published, they attacked the editors, they attacked the journals and in both cases the journals caved. They retracted my papers, my peer-reviewed published papers without any legitimate basis, without ever allowing me to see the adverse comments that were made and to respond to them.
David Tulis. That seems very unprofessional, Dr. Herndon.
Marvin Herndon. It’s worse than unprofessional, and it’s not going to be allowed to remain that, because what these people did is they prove beyond a shadow a doubt that the people responsible for the spraying know very well that public health is being endangered and they want to hide it from the public. That is, you know when in Nazi Germany or after World War II at the trials in Nuremberg, the real critical question was, “Did they know? What did they know?” And when there are trials for this spraying, and I hope there are— then many people across the country and across the world. who want to see this matter brought to a crimes against humanity tribunal or world court. Our country’s leaders cannot say, “We did not know was toxic,” because they authorized the deliberate actions that caused the retractions of those papers. So, there is the guilt that will live with those people.
It’s not going to rest. I do good science. I do legitimate science and my science should never be retracted without me having the chance to respond to whatever criticisms were made.
David Tulis. We’re talking with Dr. Marvin Herndon, a maverick dissenting scientist who doesn’t take Yankee money and who has a powerful research that has been coming out in the past couple of years. You can see some it Nooganomics.com, the website for the man who matters here in the Chattanooga area, touching on the greatest environmental story probably of the past 50 years, that is the deliberate polluting by horizontal smokestacks of the air by government in the effort to alter the weather. Now for good or bad, that is open to debate.
Dr. Herndon is telling us that these are pernicious activities that affect human health and have dried up the weather. The weather is — you can prevent absolutely rain from by seeding the the storm systems with coal fly ash, which is the material that is greatest favor, being the cheapest and serving the interests of recycling. You can prevent weather from letting rain fall. In the Chattanooga area we’ve had a 20-inch drought, a 20-inch shortage of rain and we are hearing now constant news reports about fires, half started by men and half by lightning strikes and combustion of dry wood.
Dr. Herndon, your thesis is shot down, you’ve had retractions. You’ve probably have set the record in retractions of an established scientist, a dry and dreary field, you might say, of scientific publication. Three papers forced off the press, if you will, by external pressure.
Marvin Herndon. Correction. The first one was not forced off. So it’s really only two that have been forced off. The editor of the first one was a man of integrity.
— David Tulis hosts a show 9 to 11 a.m. weekdays at Noogaradio 1240 AM 101.1 FM, covering local economy and free markets in Chattanooga and beyond.
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