John Anthony promotes property rights vis a vis federal departments such as HUD.
Property rights defender John Anthony is heading to Washington, D.C., where he has a receptive ear among members of the federal congress who are concerned about executive branch overreach through the national government’s housing office.
The department of housing and urban development, or HUD, is involved in repeated attempts to manage growth in localities such as Chattanooga by imposing on local governments and developers a method of analysis.
By David Tulis / Noogaradio 1240 AM 101.1 FM
This race-based analysis accelerated under the Obama administration effectively deprives property owners of their rights to do with their property as they wish.
Mr. Anthony, who resides in Ooltewah, runs Sustainable Freedom Lab. He is a noted speaker across the country among groups concerned with the erosion of property rights, especially those under the sway of national government and organizations such as the United Nations and theories such as Agenda 21.
The HUD program with the worst bite is called affirmatively furthering fair housing.
“This week, I’m feverishly compiling and condensing specific issues, regulations and internal HUD policies,” Mr. Anthony says, “that infringe on our property rights and local authorities so that each congressional member will have this on his or her desk. I’m also including recommendations for congressional solutions through amendments, appropriations and legislation.”
Says Tom DeWeese in a fund-raising letter among Chattanoogans this week for American Policy Center: “Affirmatively furthering fair housing requires every community that applies for HUD grants to perform massive demographic analysis locally and regionally to determine if there are enough low-income and minority people living in every neighborhood. HUD will research the records of every person in each neighborhood for income levels, race, color, religion, national origin and much worse if there are enough of each category, HUD determines that there is an ‘imbalance’ and will force a massive shift to balance the breakdown of residents.”
‘Epic accomplishment’
Mr. DeWeese says HUD “is becoming nothing less than a dictatorship.” Mr. DeWeese report, “Agenda 21 and How to Stop It,” is available at this link.
Mr. Anthony’s area supporters promote his work. “I am humbled and honored to say that because of our readers many emails, sweets, ’forwards’ and Facebook shares, members of Congress are very aware of SFLs and property value defense work to protect property rights from HUD and other federal agencies.”
Says Karen Bracken, a Polk County commissioner: “John largely self funds everything he does.” Mr. Anthony has made progress “getting the Freedom Caucus to pay attention to the devastating effects of HUD and the AFFH regulations. For the first time D.C. is actually talking to regular people that tend to know of what is going on than DC does. But this is an epic accomplishment.”
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