David Tulis, a lococentric journalist with an eye for Chattanooga, is depicted here as a cosmopolite with a global perspective.
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By Mike Steel / Noogaradio 1240 AM 101.1 FM
I’d like to take a minute to praise the best investigative reporter Chattanooga has ever seen: Our own David Tulis. Single-handedly taking up the case for the Gaddys whose home is in jeopardy of being demolished by an overbearing, overreaching Dunlap government. All of the media is silent except for David Tulis. He takes up the gauntlet for them. His relentless demand for justice knows no bounds.
Investigating and uncovering police corruption in the violation of individuals right to due process of law. Reporting on everything from unconstitutional checkpoints to poison fluoride in our water system.
Listening to the David Tulis show is a must. Weekdays 9 to 11 @ AM 1240 at NoogaRadio.com.
Thank you, David Tulis, from every resident in the Chattanooga area.
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