A breath-taking sky greets early risers over Soddy-Daisy, just north of Chattanooga, on a day given to intense aerosol geoengineering activity by unknown aircraft. (Photo David Tulis)

Aircraft injections of coal dust dribble windward into clouds on what started out as a morning of clear blue sky over Chattanooga. The clouds are a physical product — coal fly ash — not mere moisture, as EPA and Chattanooga’s Bob Colby say. (Photo David Tulis)

What’s popularly called “chemtrailing” routinely begins in the morning east of Chattanooga. Today it seems the injections are laid on every point of the compass. This view is looking east over the fire station in Soddy-Daisy off Dayton Boulevard. (Photo David Tulis)

The hydraulics of dumping coal fly ash are readily evident in the initial formation of a coal fly ash cloud moments after being emitted by an airplane. (Photo David Tulis)

This sky is a product of American industrial and political might, a U.S. program with a connection to the ballyhooed concept of solar radiation management and sun dimming touted by elites as a future solution to global warming. This view is from my back yard. (Photo David Tulis)

Evidences of the federal sky striping program were strung out across the sky this morning over Chattanooga in almost every direction of the compass as jets deposited what scientists say are weather-altering aerosols that to the U.S. may be worth the short-term risk for people on the ground if “global warming” is slowed and policy goals met.
The familiar drippy white trails spread out into clouds as they drift across an otherwise blue sky on a cold morning. The traffic begin as usual east of Chattanooga before the sun rose. But jets scarred the sky south and west of the city, as well — unusual.
By David Tulis / Noogaradio 1240 AM 101.1 FM
The intense overflights laying white tattoos lasted the morning, making the sky increasingly muzzy and hazy toward noon. As visual evidence today suggests, the murk-making flights are not rhythmical passenger traffic, but appear to have cause and authority outside public scrutiny.
The Environmental Protection Agency and Bob Colby of the Chattanooga / Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Bureau, which enforces its rules, say that the streaks are water condensation created when hot jet engines encounter damp cold air.
However, the clumpy drippy white streams issue a powdery cloud; individual jet trails emerge bright and congealed, and dissipate over an hour or two, shedding streaky deposits that create banks — and sometimes walls — of cloud. The millions of tiny streaks bleed off the main trunk of cloud, and are visible to the unaided eye and camera.
Skywatchers in Chattanooga report that the jets were active seven times in January and three times thus far in February. The weather program demonstrated its prowess over Chattanooga on Jan. 8, 9, 14, 15, 19, 20 and 31. Three days in February were stricken: Feb. 1, 3 and today.
Donald Trump took office as federal president Jan. 20. He has already been briefed on many of the classified doings of the deep state. It remains to be seen whether he will put a stop to the program which some environmentalists claim is bringing the planet to environmental temperature crisis. If he is convinced of a state necessity for continuing with the pollutive injections, he will leave it alone.
The program uses coal fly ash, a waste product that has come into many uses when recycled for construction and roadbuilding industries. Geoscientist J. Marvin Herndon revealed the content of the aerosol injections to be coal fly ash.
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‘Toxic nightmare’ as war on global warming drags white coal fly ash across sky
If geoengineering sky tattoos spread bio-active aluminum in India, so, too, in Chattanooga

A plume goes to work Nov. 16, 2016 over Soddy-Daisy. (Photo David Tulis)
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Photo gallery: Origin of city’s haze U.S. jet-laid greenhouse gas emissions

Soddy-Daisy, November 2016. This sky is manmade — and scary. (Photo David Tulis)
The global angle in the sky geometry lesson over Chattanooga
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Are sky stripes over city lost jets, or stepped-up geoengineering program?
Against sky stripe ingredients, this watchdog does not bark
First coverage of sky striping by media in Chattanooga, April 2014
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