This is the first page of a complaint against state administration by prisoner Chris Davis in Pikeville, Tenn.,
The following is a letter sent Sunday to Neysa Taylor, spokeswoman for the Tennessee Department of Correction. As of today, Mrs. Taylor has not responded to it.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7
I received a letter postmarked Dec. 8 from prisoner Chris Davis, No. 398102, in Morgan County Correctional Complex in Wartburg. He is concerned that grievances that he has filed have been given no response by Warden Shawn Phillips and his associates. He also says that an inmate who made sexual advances against him on Nov. 12 remains in his pod and says that it is “highly illegal” for that man to be left where he is.

Tune in to the David Tulis show weekdays at 9 a.m.
What follows is a quote from his letter. And I’m sending scanned copies of his grievances with this inquiry.
I would like comment from you and Gov. Haslam about these abuses and intimations as to whether or not you are making inquiries on behalf of my reader and the listener at 92.7 and 95.3 FM HD for NoogaRadio. Here is the material from my correspondent, Mr. Davis:
Chris Davis’ story
Included with this letter are copies of three grievances I filed back in September in hopes of rectifying some of the issues I was facing, only to have all of them returned to me without ever being processed and only labeled as “inappropriate.” No reason was given for their return without the Grievances being addressed, although the issues described therein are completely relevant and grievable. I quoted specific policies, names and dates in the correct manner, yet my grievances were ignored.
Grievances 1 and 2 address multiple TDOC policy and ACA standards violations that nearly everyone in protective custody [is] forced to endure, the grievance 3 details specific reasons for my being placed in protective custody, which is due to the grievance board chairperson, Cpl. Monkhouse, allowing an inmate to divulge proof of my confidential informant status to the entire inmate population, which drastically placed my life in danger.
That is the true reason why grievance 3 was returned unprocessed, because to do otherwise would prove the grievance chairperson responsible for placing my life in danger with his negligence.
I suspect that grievance 1 and 2 were returned unprocessed at the behest of senior prison officials so they can get away with housing inmates under these conditions, for I can think of no other reason why my grievances aren’t recognized.
Sexual attack
I have also filed other grievances implicating specific staff members, including Warden Shawn Phillips, but the grievance chairperson hasn’t even bothered to return them, and I filed them nearly three months ago. I’m also currently being subjected to a PREA (prison rape elimination act) violation in which an inmate made sexual advances toward me on Nov. 12, and is still in this pod.
I have already given a statement to prison officials on the aforementioned date, but they have failed to transfer the aggressor, which is highly illegal. If I ever receive a grievance back on this matter, I will be sure to mail you a copy, along with any other proof of wrongdoing.
It is not my wish to receive direct help from you, though I wouldn’t turn it down if available. I only ask that others be made aware so that one day soon the responsible staff will be held accountable. If anything about this letter is inconvenient or if I may be seen as expected, it is only because I was told you needed proof in order to proceed. If I can aid further in any way, please don’t hesitate to ask. I hope to hear from you soon.

Here is the second page of the Davis complaint.

Here is a third page of documentation sent over from Pikeville, Tenn., by state slave Chris Davis.

Here is a fourth page from inmate Chris Davis at Bledsoe County Correctional Complex, part of a state gulag that pretends to correct the bad ideas of 20,000 people.

Page 5 from a letter from inmate Chris Davis, imprisoned in Bledsoe County, near Chattanooga.