Jeremiah resisted false prophets who rejected warnings from God because they had always done things the same way and could not change, even if for the better and obedience to their creator. (Image from woodcut from Eduard Bendemann, Museum Kunstpalast)
The universal abuse of Tennessee driver’s license law cries for reform from the ground up, from tort lawsuits against individual cops to executive orders by mid-level officials from city and county mayors and sheriffs in the state’s 95 counties.
But resistance to making changes is built into the status quo within professional relationships and custom among responsible parties in authority who can end the clogging of the courts with the wrecked lives of the poor.
By David Tulis / 97.5 NoogaRadio
These forms of resistance are legal and political, personal among people such as Chattanooga mayor Andy Berke, Hamilton County sheriff Jim Hammond and Hamilton County district attorney Neal Pinkston. Each is responsible for ending the abuse of the poor, immigrants, minorities, orphans and widows, groups that receive God’s special care and concern, as do workers in the field and wage earners who are to receive their pay at the end of every work day.
The machinery of the modern welfare and warfare state against its own people operates by pretending all users of the roadway are involved in transportation, which is to say, the use of the road for hire carry goods or people for profit.
In contrast, private users are those who are not carrying goods are people for hire, but use the roads for personal pleasure and private necessity. Going to the store. Taking family to church. Driving an old neighbor to her doctor’s appointment. Going to work. Leaving home for vacation.
Transportation Administrative Notice as PDF, 20pp
The resistance to ending the abuse and harassment of innocent private people through Title 55 is like the resistance the children of Israel to God’s commands as related by the prophet Jeremiah, who insists they repent for abuse of God’s law and the worship of idols.
By adding a single question into the transportation stop officer protocol, abuse in Tennessee and many other American states can be ended overnight.
Justifying wickedness, lawlessness
I expect it will take some time for local officials to heed the warnings of Tennessee law pursuant to my administrative notice. Until they change policy to respect the liberality of Tennessee’s laws, their reasoning will be like that of the children of Israel in resisting God. Here are the seven reasons the Israelites refuse to repent, as noted by Matthew Henry in his commentary on Jeremiah 44.
They give some sort of reasons for their resolution; for the most absurd and unreasonably wicked men will have something to say for themselves, till the day comes when every mouth shall be stopped. (1.) They plead many of those things which the advocates for Rome make the marks of a true church, and not only justify but magnify themselves with; and these Jews have as much right to them as the Romanists have.
[1.] They plead antiquity: We are resolved to burn incense to the queen of heaven, for our fathers did so; it is a practice that pleads prescription; and why should we pretend to be wiser than our fathers?
[2.] They plead authority. Those that had power practised it themselves and prescribed it to others: Our kings and our princes did it, whom God set over us, and who were of the seed of David.
[3.] They plead unity. It was not here and there one that did it, but we, we all with one consent, we that are a great multitude (v. 15), we did it.
[4.] They plead universality. It was not done here and there, but in the cities ofJudah.
[5.] They plead visibility. It was not done in a corner, in dark and shady groves only, but in the streets, openly and publicly.
[6.] They plead that it was the practice of the mother-church, the holy see; it was not now learned first in Egypt, but it had been done in Jerusalem.
[7.] They plead prosperity: They had we plenty of bread,and of all good things; we were well and saw no evil.
We’ve always enforced Title 55 against everybody, so there’s no reason to start today to enforce it only against those parties involved in transportation.
So there.
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