Residents applaud a statement made by a city council member at a raucous East Ridge city council meeting consumed with objections to an expansive “redevelopment” plan. (Photos David Tulis)

Meredith Moore, 30, a renter in East Ridge who works at a Christian nonprofit organization, is scandalized at the seeming low qualifications of members of East Ridge’s housing authority.
About 150 residents pack city council chambers Thursday in a rare show of civic spirit among a people who usually let elected officials work without supervision.
But more than 16 people rankled at the threat of eminent domain of their houses have words of anger and dismay at a 25-page plan created mysteriously as a sort of legal bulldozer, one that obtains powers in state law to fight “blight” and bring “development” or “redevelopment” to many neglected or sleepy parts of the city of 21,500 people.
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Chester Green, 76, complains about a 25-page proposal by East Ridge’s new housing and redevelopment authority.(Photo David Tulis)