Brainerd Hills Presbyterian church is on East Brainerd Road in Chattanooga. (Photo David Tulis)

Under Tennessee law, a parent who does not wish to have vaccines for a child can obtain a religious exemption. This is a signed and written statement by the parent, citing those beliefs against vaccination that are religious in nature. The general rule and the exemption provision are at Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-6-5001, easily available online (just Google Tennessee Code Annotated).

In a separate post I explain how the letter of exemption must be “religious,” and how that a Christian can affirm his religious objection to vaccination as a peril.

Dealing with a son seeking to attend University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, I obtained the following letter in support of our exemption letter, a text by Gary Roop, pastor at Brainerd Hills Presbyterian Church, where my family had been member.

Here is a reformed minister’s letter regarding assisting my efforts to obtain exemption from Tennessee’s compulsory vaccination statute (religious exemption)

How select group of vaccine-free kids attend public school

How to get into public school — without ‘required’ vaccines


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