Young women from American Heritage Girls and boys from a Trail Life USA chapter open a ceremony in Chattanooga. (Photo David Tulis)
Lococentric independent free market media is vital to bringing benefit and reform to people like you, my listener and my reader here in Southeast Tennessee.
In the past year the Nooganomics and Noogaradio platforms have brought vital insights and uplifting analyses to the people of the Chattanooga area and beyond
By David Tulis / Noogaradio 1240 AM 101.1 FM
➤ We helped bring fluoride-free water to a district that includes Soddy Daisy and Sale Creek, involving more than 7,500 customers. With intense coverage of a proposal to end fluoridation, we helped shift public opinion in favor of clean, drinkable water. Next we turn our media spotlight on a mass-medication-by-water holdout, Hixson Utility District.
➤ Coverage of police abuses helps get two black residents relief and justice. The case of Hanson Melvin, a Christian dad and working man, ended with his indictment but also a quick dismissal of a criminal misdemeanor case corrupted by officer perjury. A second case involving Rochelle Gelpin, a mom of four children, also was resolved in her favor. Mr. Melvin, a neighbor, advised her as we advised him. She demanded her right to a grand jury review, and it declared a “no true bill” in the perjury-pockmarked case against her. Police allegations were perjured, our investigation showed.
➤ We aggressively covered highway patrol and court abuse of a Christian laborer and entrepreneur, Jay Hirsch, “the Fiddleman of Lawrenceburg,” who was convicted on four criminal counts of exercising his constitutionally protected and God-given rights. Three counts oppress his right to travel, and one denies his right to bear arms. Mr. Hirsch is appealing his case. We have kept a bright light on his efforts as he represents you and me and our liberty.
➤ Our coverage roadblock abuse by local municipalities received a great deal of attention over Labor Day. At least one town in our coverage area has improved its operation of roadblocks in light of our diplomatic and accurate labor.
➤ Our coverage of the oppression of Thomas and Carol Gaddy in Dunlap, Tenn., has greatly encouraged these courageous Christians. Mayor Dwain Land, city attorney Stephen Greer and circuit court judge Thomas Graham are acting without probable cause and outside their authority under the city charter. TV3 touched this story one time, but no other outlets have cared. Our bounteous coverage gives insight and cheerful hope in favor of “just saying no.”
➤ We pressed Sheriff Jim Hammond about the slaying of East Ridge plumber Todd Browning by East Ridge employee Daniel Stephenson, a police officer, in what we termed a “statutorily sanctioned nonjudicial summary capital punishment.” Other outlets tiptoe around the obvious and fail to state facts plainly. I dub myself “the slow man of Chattanooga,” so I your host get to ask the dumb questions.
➤ We insist on the interests of the homeless by forcing discussion of damage done to them by health and safety “standards” that prevent them from putting down roots at the absolute bottom of the housing market. I press their case in my pro-poor and pro-liberty “Your Shantytown is my housing free-trade zone” proposal that I have asked the candidates to read.
➤ Our Noogaradio and Nooganomics operation is the only media outlet to cover the biggest environmental story in the past 50 years: Weather modification. The recurring streaks of dust, mottled sunlight, crisscrossing jet traffic and policy pollution by coal fly ash over Hamilton County and many other parts of the country is a mass crime, still a “cold case.”
➤ We speak frequently about how common people can defend their rights, particularly as it comes to police harassment on the highways and the need to say no to free benefits from the civil authorities.
Our radio station and Internet platforms are a wonderful investment in the lives of people in the Chattanooga area. We are here to help, inform and encourage. When a bus crash killed six children, I gave a whole show to the role of God’s providence in human suffering, to edify our listener.
We cover all public with CBS radio news and Fox news, have ongoing commentary about elections on the national level, and a free market and pro-Chattanooga analysis on my program, which airs 9 to 11 every weekday on AM 12:40 and from 4 to 6 p.m. on 101.1 FM every weekday.
Again, my thanks for your support
Let our stars boost your business on Noogaradio — CBS/Fox news, NASCAR, NFL, Sean Hannity, Colin Cowherd, Alex Jones