How county clerk Knowles can stand before poofter claimants

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream I analyze the legal responsibilities of county clerks vis a vis the claims of federal judges, who keep ruling that two guys can marry. At issue, his oath of office, the power of judicial opinion, the claim of state law upon an officeholder, the peril of perjury, his duty […]

Uncle sky stripes city on national holiday; should we worry, or say thanks?

The U.S. sky stripes Chattanooga on July 4, 2014, though few people are aware of the program enough to thank it. This scene greets me looking up through my workplaces’s front door. By David Tulis / Americans celebrate their country’s patriotic day looking up to exploding fireworks in the night sky. On Thursday thousands […]

Think of local economy in terms of productive ‘trading circles’

The destructive consequences of a parasitic Tyranny of the Wealthy and Majority have yet to play out, but they will, and sooner than most believe possible. By Charles Hugh Smith One of the core concepts of my work is that our state-cartel dominated economy is fundamentally a vast parasitic skimming machine that redistributes the nation’s […]

Wall of skepticism makes invisible aerial salvation by U.S.; still, look up

This image is from a Mississippi TV station report debunking geoengineering. These are mere harmless contrails — water vapor. By David Tulis Chattanooga was sky scratched May 19, 21, 22, 24 (heavily), 26, 27, 30, June 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 14. Two days within this time frame, May 28 and […]

Wal-Mart’s plantation economy, or how leanness creeps into our souls

Highway 153 in north Chattanooga reflects a mix of national and local businesses. The tyranny of “low prices” is a characteristic of a plantation economy which strip-mines local economies and replaces employment-rich economic ecologies with a single integrated exploitative cartel of global predation. By Charles Hugh Smith I am probably one of the few Americans […]

David’s illegal census used to judge a people gone astray

Absalom, King David’s son, is caught by his hair in a tree and shortly after is slain. Judgment darkens the house of David after his sin with Bathsheba. Personal and national judgments unite. Adversity hath slain her thousand, but prosperity her ten thousand. — Thomas Brooks, Puritan (1608-1680) By David Tulis King David at the […]

State would sweat under EPA lockdown, but prof warns against chemtrail breakout

This graphic shows several wondrous ways of seeding the sky with clouds to protect the earth from a newly discovered enemy, the sun. Jet delivery systems are omitted, as no one has realized aircraft payloads can be technology other than bombs, bullets and missiles. By David Tulis / Local economy has many enemies that […]