True signals? Hotels multiply here; Boy Scouts’ gay rule ‘contentious’

Hampton Inn is planning a hotel with 94 rooms amid a hotel room glut in Chattanooga. Chattanooga’s economy is being misled by the day’s credit boom into building hundreds of hotel rooms in a declining market. Hampton Inn, Embassy Suites and Westin Hotel Chattanooga are bringing 728 hotel rooms on line through next year, says […]

Monsanto, big food hustle ahead with altered fare in GM health nightmare

BT cotton is proving a disaster in India, causing rashes, death in animals and thousands of farmer suicides. An excerpt from the important film, “Genetic Roulette.” Note: Chattanooga-area critics of Monsanto will conduct a rally and march against GMOs on May 25, a Saturday. The group will gather at Miller Park downtown. The destination is […]

Just as eye soaks in poetry by reflex, train yourself toward lococentrism

Sam Blumenfeld explores the public policy benefits of illiteracy, but hopes his readers will find their way around the obstacles to liberty created by mass schooling. Suddenly — dreadfully — she wakes up. What has happened? Something dreadful has happened. No — nothing has happened. It is only the wind shaking the house, rattling the […]

As Times Free Press enacts paywall, Nooganomics offers more for free

The Chattanooga Times Free Press wants you and other Web readers to buy printed copies of the newspaper or pay for an online subscription in support of local economy. The Internet is destroying information monopolies and making it possible for people to be freer in their minds, to have access to a free market in […]

Boston ‘lockdown’ rejects the value local economy could give in search

Ordering people in Watertown, Mass., to stay indoors, then searching their houses without a warrant, is an affront not just to local economy and its “eyes and ears,” but constitutional protections. (Photo Facebook) A TV blared momentarily behind us as I was chatting with Louis Lee, the spokesman for the Tennessee state guard who was […]

Homeless men pushed to adopt long-term view, ‘minority report’

This three-minute video explains the work of a Chattanooga charity, Union Gospel Mission. “Every problem a man has can be solved with a relationship with God.” — Jon Rector, Union Gospel Mission Chattanooga’s prosperity depends, to some extent, on how well it insulates itself from events a business executive would call “non-controllables.” The independence and […]

Dollar not a real claimcheck, thus weak basis for ’Nooga’s prosperity

Vic Lockman, in his delightful little book, “Money, Banking and Usury, a Biblical View,” explains why local economy in Chattanooga has huge hurdles. To take up the alarming skepticism we have of the official U.S. economy — aka the “national economy” — it is best to have a better understanding of the American dollar. No […]

To travel by right, defy citation under administrative procedures act

Most people accept being drivers of motor vehicles, and so obtain licenses to use their cars. But others as a matter of free market principle refuse to ask permission to use the road and their cars, and sometimes face a little roadside excitement. By Rob Wornell The basic concept behind the idea of the super-healthy […]