Crockett pulls 32x less cash than Berke, says gift is making ‘pie in sky’ ideas real

Dave Crockett talks with Mike Steele of NoogaRadio 1240 AM in Chattanooga. (Photo David Tulis) Dave Crockett held a press conference Wednesday at the convention and trade center downtown to release a late fund-raising report and to declare himself a head taller than a lanky Andy Berke. He reports just under F$13,000 in campaign contributions. Mr. Crockett says […]

If localism shares religious ideals of economic nationalism, it is a dead-end

New apartments go up on the North Shore as long rise in credit spawns building boom in Chattanooga before a coming bust. (Photo David Tulis) A locally owned shop in Soddy-Daisy, the Green Pond grocery, sells fuel and snacks. (Photo David Tulis) Localism and lococentrism stray if they share the error of the builders of […]

Whence the payday loan industry? Christian employers who reject daily-pay rule

Employers who are professing Christians should pay their workers daily in honor of the biblical rules requiring the poor man be paid at the end of the day. Software could help. Christians who neglect the Word of God are directly responsible for the payday loan industry that many excoriate. (Courtesy NoogaRadio) Tweet Pin It

State fills role as highwayman, but TN bill would restore safety

Drug task forces, sheriff’s and police departments in Tennessee have monopoly power on highway banditry, but a bill aims to stop it. (Cartoon NetRightDaily) Imagine for a moment you are driving down the highway on your way to purchase a car in a town half-way across the state. You are excited to pickup the slightly […]

Rogue cop, forgiven by Melvin, couldn’t steal his dignity

By God’s grace Hanson Melvin survives ordeal as victim of rogue cop. He says people should learn from him about standing up for their rights. He regrets that officer David Campbell was fired for his actions, and says he intends Mr. Campbell no harm; and Mr. Melvin forgives him. (Courtesy NoogaRadio) Tweet Pin It

Tulis leads pack in media failure, not asking Berke on 2 rogue cop cases

Either at this moment, or after the debate, your editor David Tulis should have confronted the city’s elusive mayor, Andy Berke, and asked about two rogue cop cases lost on the pile of paperwork on the desk of his chief of police. (Photo David Tulis) Hanson Melvin in front of district attorney Neal Pinkston’s office […]

Chief fires cop for arresting Melvin ‘walking while black’

Hanson Melvin is in the county courthouse to visit Neal Pinkston, the district attorney, to complain that perjury and false arrest mark the police prosecution against him on a disorderly conduct charge. The charges were dismissed and the entire case expunged. (Photo David Tulis) David Campbell, city police officer Chattanooga police officer David Campbell has […]

Crockett, evoking Noogacentric identity, would be powerful mayor

Tall in saddle mayoral candidate Dave Crockett insists that he is the No. 1 Noogacentrist in Chattanooga, shoving aside yours truly. (Photo David Tulis) Dave Crockett is the mayor candidate who best reflects the ideas of local economy and free markets and who best reflects our unique analysis of the problems and prospects for Chattanooga. […]