Pinkston wins indictment in case in which cop perjures self

As people come and go, Hanson Melvin sits in the waiting room of district attorney Neal Pinkston’s office Wednesday, reading the indictment Mr. Pinkston won against him on a phony police report. (Photo David Tulis) Misled by bold fibbery in a police report, the Hamilton County grand jury has indicted Hanson Melvin, a father of […]

Jet videos show aerosol injections over cities, countryside

This brief presentation by environmentalist Dane Wigington of says that aerosol injections by jet are polluting the air, heating up the planet and are increasingly more difficult for the world’s political establishments to hide. Chattanooga and other Tennessee cities are regularly dosed with these toxic white tattoos that leave featureless skies, weird cloud fronts […]

Uriah the Hittite, honorable man, model for local economy

Uriah the Hittite is faithful to the army of Israel and to King David, even though his lord betrays him and orders his death. (Photo When Christians on the Lord’s Day hear a sermon about King David’s adultery with Bathsheba, they are often left in the dark about Bathsheba’s husband. Uriah the Hittite was […]

If you abolish police, you save lives, restore order under tried, true authority

Chattanooga police chief Fred Fletcher is an unelected enforcer of state statute, his standing army not responsive to the interests of constitutional liberty. (Photo police department Twitter, There’s a good reason why the founding fathers wanted sheriffs to protect the innocent and keep public order. The sheriff has to be elected by the people […]

EPA to regulate airline emissions; but feds’ sky striping program exempt

Government muddled or wicked? EPA plans to regulate airline pollution, but the U.S. official pollution program — also called strategic aerosol injections — remains unmolested, as here over Daytona Beach, Fla. (Photo Faline Spires, A morning scene over Hixson, north of Chattanooga, in which an already noxious sky is highlighted by a jet trail […]

Billy’s bad day; best way teen can deal with bully officials, cops

Commercial government most frequently attaches itself to the working and traveling citizenry on the public right of way, prompting encounters that remind us of our servitude to the enterprise state. This truck is on private property — a store parking lot. (Photo David Tulis) The best way to tell boys about how men defend constitutional […]

City noses way up surveillance road, with Chicago’s secret lists lighting way

Officials monitor cameras at a Kentucky criminal intelligence center, or fusion center, run by Kentucky state government. (Photo Kentucky Office of Homeland Security) Chattanooga city government’s executive branch is doing what the national executive branch does — impose top-down mass surveillance upon residents, with the poor receiving the largest dosage of this progressive benefit. In […]

Obama feasts on ignorance to devour property rights

The U.S. government’s interventions against discrimination in the housing market renders ownership barren. President Obama is successfully executing the most dangerous seizure of individual choice in our history because Americans are growing blind to the bond between property rights and human rights. While farm owners surrender their land development rights to governments, federal agencies relocate affordable housing next to million dollar homes, and […]