Neighborly acts weakly contradict warrior cop trend

Officer David Cogburn and a Chattanooga centenarian. (Photo Fred Fletcher on Facebook) By David Tulis Chattanooga chief of police Fred Fletcher adheres to the theory called community policing. This idea sees police officers as becoming personal and social fixities in their assigned neighborhoods, being friends with all the residents, being intimates among shopkeeps, homeowners, traders, […]

Swayed by envy, 12 on jury convict Hirsch of trying to live as free man

Arthur Jay Hirsch, a devout Christian in Lawrence County, Tenn., is leaving home for trial Dec. 22, 2015, in Lawrenceburg.  The “fiddle man” was convicted for operating on the presupposition that constitutional liberties can be exercised by individual Americans. (Photo David Tulis) By David Tulis Won over by an appeal to envy, a jury convicted […]

‘Fiddle man’ sues trooper, 2 prosecutors for oppression day before trial

Stella Hargrove, circuit court judge, insists Arthur Jay Hirsch face trial in her court Tuesday on abusive criminal charges A man going on trial Tuesday on charges of driving on a suspended license and possessing a pistol sued two state attorneys and a state trooper involved in his prosecution, alleging they lied under oath and […]

State lacks grounds to prosecute free user of roads, fiddler says in motion

Lawrenceburg, Tenn., hosts a tractor pull for area farm families. Its courts are hearing a challenge to the state’s lawless seizure of country lanes, city streets and highways. (Photo Yesterday’s Tractors) By David Tulis Today Arthur Jay Hirsch filed in Lawrence County, Tenn., circuit court this motion for dismissal of his case due to lack […]

SWAT creates war zone at motel as man refuses to unlock door

TV 12 reports about a SWAT operation in which dozens of combat-armed police confront a man in a Chattanooga motel room who refuses to come out. By David Tulis / Noogaradio 1240 AM 101.1 FM The rise of the warrior cop is highlighted in Chattanooga in an incident in which dozens of police — some […]

Nuclear chemist awaits reply to mayor letter warning of sky striping dangers

This is a sample of coal ash like that dispensed at high altitudes by jet aircraft taking part in U.S. sky striping activities. The material is spread in the “war on global warming,” according to J. Marvin Herndon, a scientist in San Deigo. (Photo Though we have covered aerial geoengineering over Hamilton County and […]