Winslow’s vision for city starts with projection of empathy

Robert Ashton Winslow is a documentary filmmaker and artist seeking to capture the South and his hometown’s place in it. (Photo YouTube) By David Tulis Robert Ashton Winslow is a filmmaker depicting the people in Chattanooga in a series of videos that attempt to give the viewer a rich insight of the city and its […]

Obama ignores U.S. sky striping program but cites ‘global security’ threat of sunlight

Behind a bizarre June 2, 2015, hailstorm in Gatlinburg, Tenn., manipulation of the weather by jet emissions, a program known as stratospheric aerosol geoengineering. (Photo Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook) The term used to describe cloud-creation is “albedo modification,” which enhances the reflectivity of the planet, as that here in Sevierville, Tenn., May 23, 2015. (Photo […]

Despite weakness of faith, Christians have duty to pray for clerk Knowles

Several hundred people rally in Montgomery, Ala., June 6 to support marriage. (Photo Sanctity of Alabama on Facebook) By David Tulis The federal high court in Washington plans to announce in the next few days whether a constitutonal rights for Jim-Joe marriages exists — an opinion that will overturn marriage if it goes in favor […]

Violent images shock conscience as Tennessee group fights for children

Center for Bio-Ethical Reform volunteer Gary Johnson and abortion victim posters that saved a baby in Knoxville. By Fletcher Armstrong Occasionally, we encounter the pro-lifer who supports the use of abortion victim photos (AVPs) on college campuses (in an academic setting), but not outside abortion clinics (where they might be seen by pre-abortive or post-abortive […]

The new slave trade; how national economy sucks us dry

(Cartoon The Moneychanger) We are all, North and South, engaged in the White Slave Trade, and he who succeeds best is esteemed most respectable. It is far more cruel than the Black Slave Trade, because it exacts more of its slaves, and neither protects nor governs them . . . we will . . . […]

City boosts ‘Minority Report’ surveillance powers 400%

At 349 Oak St. in Chattanooga, staffers work to serve the Tennessee office of homeland security, which sees little distinction between national security and policing. The city is in district No. 3. (Photo Google Maps) By David Tulis City government is making a major commitment to surveillance and data mining by quadrupling the size of […]

Black baby 3x more likely than white to be destroyed in Tennessee

My annotated printout of the 2013 butchery record of boys and girls in Tennessee. By David Tulis Desolation of heart among women in Tennessee is so great that thousands of them every year destroy their children before birth. Every 13th baby among Caucasian women is decapitated and destroyed in utero. Every fourth nonwhite baby is […]

How state snips quills of constitutional rights, manhandles ‘free’ people

Citizens with their rights resemble a porcupine, jealous of its space. (Photo Wikimedia Commons) A Lawrenceburg, Tenn., man goes on trial Tuesday on criminal charges that he is using the public roadways without a driver’s license. The arguments of Arthur Jay Hirsch are remarkably insightful, and much in line with my own analysis about the […]