Driver license system voluntary, Gnome of Strawberry Plains says amid new prosecution

The Gnome of Strawberry Plains, Tenn., explains the fresh air found in Tennessee’s driver license statute, one he says that is 100 percent premised on consent, on application, despite a court of criminal appeals opinion against him and in light of a new prosecution against him for driving without a valid license. Interview with John […]

Spratt explores how weather modification works, at least in theory

Dr. Henry Spratt explains how “albedo modification” would work to cool the planet, at least in theory. But a mass stratospheric aerosol injection program (chemtrailing) could have the opposite effect of trapping heat, he suggests. He’s on for an hour on the show, talking about sky striping as a theory with my listener at […]

UTC professor Spratt explores global warming, sky stripes, cloud ‘albedo’

Henry Spratt, UTC professor By David Tulis A sun dimmed by jet-made clouds, frequent sky stripe days over Chattanooga, the government’s trial balloon about a mass chemtrailing program to dim sunlight are on the table. What to make of them? Henry Spratt, a University of Tennessee at Chattanooga microbiologist, will address some of our questions. […]

Doctors with cash practices find way into local economy

Dr. David Redd of Chattanooga Two tenets of local economy are “Near is better than far” and “small is better than big.” Doctors are rediscovering the beauty of local economy by holding to these two concepts in either cash businesses or concierge practices. They are rediscovering a lost joy: “Personal is better than corporate” — […]

County’s biggest business: School system with $416 million budget

Battle Academy and other schools cost Hamilton County half of its public spending. By David Tulis Even though the Hamilton County Department of Education is a separate entity from Hamilton County, it is a major financial drain on the county. With 6,265 employees and 42,837 students, the department of education’s operating budget for fiscal year […]

Easter aerial visitation outside purview of U.S. Form 17-4

The U.S. government’s war on climate change escalates across Tennessee on Easter Sunday, as here in Antioch. (Photo Brian Mac) Easter Sunday begins bright and blue, but aggressive sky striping casts virtually every quadrant of the sky over Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., and Chattanooga under a gray murk. (Photo David Tulis) Like Chattanooga, Knoxville is given a […]

Exposure of sky striping program will come through local economy

Bill Binney in his interview with says phone and Internet surveillance is a project of totalitarian government and that it insulates the state from having its illegal acts revealed by whistleblowers and men of conscience. By David Tulis The disk from the federal government contains two files. The data covers two days in […]

Gay theory, progressivism, public schools; why Christians quietly accept

Pietism lets Chrisians quietly accept gay theory and its fruits. (Photo By Matt Trewhella Pietism was a movement which originated in the late 17th century. Pietists believe Christianity or God’s Law has no place for the governance of society. They view involvement in pubic policy matters to be “unspiritual.” They believe Christianity should be […]