10 ways we reduce legal status, grant consent, weaken local economy

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed — and hence clamorous to be led to safety — by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.  — H.L. Mencken By David Tulis / Noogaradio 1240 AM 101.1 FM We live in a servitude that is partly […]

Bartleby’s ‘I prefer not to’ keeps us from schools, standardized tests

The story of Bartleby the scrivener by Melville depicts dogged noncompliance with authority. The book at right explains how Christians can flourish by being noncompliant and resisting “the good people.” [Our interest in the ideas of local economy and free markets force us to dash ourselves against the ironclad sides of the public school. Heads […]

51 of 67 judges reject Joe-Jim marriages as desired by U.S. judge

Families and defenders of marriage rally at the capitol building in Montgomery, Ala., Saturday. (Photo Sanctity of Marriage Alabama on Facebook) Defenders of marriage are glad to hear of probate judges in Alabama declare they will not recognize dude-dude unions as marriage in a Saturday demonstration in Montgmery. (Photo Sanctity of Marriage Alabama on Facebook) […]

U.S. lacks authority to redefine ‘fundamental right’ of marriage

By David Tulis The federal supreme court is expected to rule in June on the claims by gay activists that state jurisdiction over marriage is a constitutional wrong that deprives them of a fundamental right. The gay argument is for unitary government that overrules the will of the people in each respective state that upholds […]

To nation waiting for sign, aerial visitation no better than hieroglyph

Billboards along Highway 58 in Chattanooga are backdropped Feb. 6, 2015, by brilliant aerial injections. (Photo David Tulis) Baarn, Netherland, inhales under a patchwork of earth-cooling plumes that climate engineer David Keith says exist only as computer simulations. (Photo Earth-matters.nl) SRM, or solar radiation management, injects aluminum particulate in the sky over Poway, Calif., Feb. […]

City zoning shakeup plan sells sparkle, but flows from cruddy tap

These before-and-after photos show the intended results of form-based coding, enacted in many cities across the U.S. Below are two parts of an interview granted by regional planning agency officials John Bridger and Karen Hundt. They discuss the benefits in the change of policy that will start to undo decades of damage imposed by the […]

Thrive 2055 backer tackles my tough free market queries

Denny Mobbs, attorney and factory operator, explains why he supports Thrive 2055. (Photo Hot News Talk Radio 1240 1190 910 AM) Centralization produces apoplexy at the center and paralysis at the extremities. — Hugues Felicité Robert de Lamennais By David Tulis Students of the free market understand that prosperity — lower costs, more wealth, happier […]

EPB’s luscious ‘eminent domain’ upon the field of marriage

EPB is a city-owned utility that teases schoolchildren with hardhats at school, and dudes by online porn flicks. (Photo EPB.net) By David Tulis EPB is the city’s electric utility engaged in the for-profit business of selling pornography through its telecom division. The 2014 earnings from this ribald public service is a meager F$101,080 and for […]