Body cams will make cops more visible as standing army

Body cameras on cops may prevent violent acts by policemen, but add another layer of surveillance. Tests in early 2015 in Chattanooga of body cameras for police officers and sheriff’s deputies is widely considered a way to reduce the number of police officer attacks upon members of the public and the severity of other abuses. […]

Freedom assailed in U.S. twilight, but liberty movement grows, II

(Photo Leon County, Fla., sheriff’s department) By Ron Paul The economic and moral decay of American society is reflected in the loss of liberties. This problem affects all Americans and not just the poor in the inner city. Gradual erosion of personal and economic liberty has proceeded for a century. The loss of our liberty […]

Grim police state, urban societal breakdown ahead as U.S. runs down

Police officer shoulder their rifles in a dramatic pose illustrating the rise of the warrior cop and the decline of entrepreneurial liberty. (Photo WRCB TV12) By Ron Paul If Americans were honest with themselves they would acknowledge that the Republic is no more. We now live in a police state. If we do not recognize […]

Freedom for whites, blacks entails liberty for Mexican immigrants

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream and Hot News Talk Radio 1240 Opposed to a free market in labor and free movement of peoples, progressives in the Republican party have little choice but to impose a draconian personal identification law that goes beyond the driver’s license. What is the Christian and free market perspective on […]