The inverted pyramid: How state uses consent to operate driver license scheme
Hispanic immigrants such as the Alfredo and Sylvia Perez family in Morristown, Tenn., are subject to harassment for using their cars without driver licenses. (Photo Southern Spaces) The Legislature shall have no power to suspend any general law for the benefit of any particular individual, nor to pass any law for the benefit of individuals […]
Exposure of sky striping program will come through local economy
Bill Binney in his interview with says phone and Internet surveillance is a project of totalitarian government and that it insulates the state from having its illegal acts revealed by whistleblowers and men of conscience. By David Tulis The disk from the federal government contains two files. The data covers two days in […]
Credit card world and its woes; finding our way to cash economy
Perhaps plastic is the real world, and liquidity and honest money are not? (Photo By David Tulis My dissent from debt-based national economy is visceral. Meaning, I feel it in my bones as if it were a physical force. Because it touches not just the intellect, but emotion, I catch myself being ungracious to […]
Homeschooling grad finds liberty stifling; she’s 19, says can’t get legal ID
Alecia Pennington is trying to get help so she can have a legal ID and become visible to government and to corporations. (Photo Help Me Prove It on Facebook) An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered; an adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered.” – G.K. Chesterton, On Running After One’s Hat, All Things Considered, […]
10 ways we reduce legal status, grant consent, weaken local economy
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed — and hence clamorous to be led to safety — by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. — H.L. Mencken By David Tulis / Noogaradio 1240 AM 101.1 FM We live in a servitude that is partly […]
U.S. lacks authority to redefine ‘fundamental right’ of marriage
By David Tulis The federal supreme court is expected to rule in June on the claims by gay activists that state jurisdiction over marriage is a constitutional wrong that deprives them of a fundamental right. The gay argument is for unitary government that overrules the will of the people in each respective state that upholds […]
EPB’s luscious ‘eminent domain’ upon the field of marriage
EPB is a city-owned utility that teases schoolchildren with hardhats at school, and dudes by online porn flicks. (Photo By David Tulis EPB is the city’s electric utility engaged in the for-profit business of selling pornography through its telecom division. The 2014 earnings from this ribald public service is a meager F$101,080 and for […]
New system promises to bypass TOR, a trap for privacy-minded Web users
Chattanooga-area programmer John Kozlowski’s secure email service is named after the Russian matryoshka nesting dolls. [ promises snoop-free messaging — “StartMail lets you take back your right to communicate privately,” its website says. makes a similar offer: “Unlike some of the largest email service providers like Google, Yahoo, AOL, and Hotmail, will not […]
Shall we toss corporate charter? Yes, church governors say in 5-0 vote
State government graciously gives a small Presbyterian church a new and eternal life, that of a state corporation. It happened May 7, 1954. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes. — Psalm 118:8, 9 […]
If licensing scheme runs on consent, ‘illegals’ may be freer than citizens
Immigrants and free citizens who use the roads without driver’s licenses are charged with a crime under Title 55 of the Tennessee Code Annotated. [I have been giving time to digesting Tennessee Code Annotated Title 55, covering “motor and other vehicles.” It seems to pose no threat to Hispanics and immigrants in Tennessee who use […]