Tasch argues for slow money, local economy in Chattanooga

People who “trade” in local economy gather around tables at the Ooltewah nursery near Chattanooga. (Photo Ooltewahnursery.com) By David Tulis In October 2014 an erroneous order to transact shares totaling F$617 billion — greater than the size of Sweden’s economy — were piped into the Japan stock exchange. The requests for 67.78 trillion yen were […]

Burien tells of vast system of government capitalism revealed by CAFRs

Walter Burien gives me an interview regarding CAFRs, the comprehensive annual financial report system that suggests government capital passes F$100 trillion. That is to say, wealth amassed by governmental entities, from cities, counties and retirement systems. Gary North says Mr. Burien lacks evidence for his claims. This video is an hourlong 2010 lecture. Tweet Pin It

Tow truck driver indicted for bringing rational thinking into marketplace

An animal shelter parking lot starts to flood in Summerville, S.C. (Photo WVIC TV abcnews4.com) Robert Andrew Boland By David Tulis A towtruck driver has been indicted in South Carolina on charges that he violated a statute that prohibits “unconscionable prices during times of disaster,” and makes it a misdemeanor to raise prices during events […]

Jets dim sun over U.S. by spraying plumes of coal ash, scientist says, sickening people

Tennessee is the target of an intense program of artificial cloudmaking for which has been made “no public admission, no understanding, no academic investigations, no informed consent, and no disclosure as to the nature of the toxic substances being dispersed into the air,” a critic asserts. (Photo Tennessee Skywatch Facebook) The skies over Chattanooga are […]

Perils of online schooling

By Franklin Sanders Professor X is a tenured professor at a large state university. He teaches in a discipline that requires great labor, technical expertise, and years of study to master. No doubt some subjects can be taught online and many presentations online are helpful and valuable. But the professor is in no mood to […]

One downed motorbike, one hurt son, one smart alternative to insurance

A Tulis son injured in a motorbike accident is model for this soldier drawing. A wrist injury delayed the young man’s entry into the U.S. Marine Corps. (Drawing Abigail Tulis) An event Sept. 29 in Chattanooga examined the benefits in medical crises of a cost-sharing Christian group, Samaritan Ministries, of which I am a member.  […]

City acted in good faith in mass evictions, reporter Cook says

Reporter Dick Cook of Eastridgenewsonline.com tells what’s happening at Superior Creek Lodge in East Ridge, a dwelling for 800 poor Tennesseans shut down by executive fiat on public safety grounds without the slightest grant of due process rights to either tenants or landlord. (Courtesy AM 1240 Hot News Talk Radio) Tweet Pin It

Rebuilding your local economy

Franklin Sanders explains how if we develop local economy we insulate ourselves from the disaster ahead in the state-run and debt-based national economy. He is a trader in precious metals and publisher of The Moneychanger newsletter. His talk is given at the the Fayette County courthouse in Somerville, Tenn., and coincides with many arguments developed […]

Parasite capitalist city wrecks poor-man hotel, hurls families from homes

Mike Williams, interim city manager of East Ridge and fire chief, second from right, joins others review conditions at Superior Creek Lodge in East Ridge. Others are fire marshal Kenny Custer, back turned; and Brian Adams, an engineer serving the property owner, left. (Photo Dick Cook Eastridgenewsonline.com) It’s an epic manmade disaster is what I […]