Listen in as Mrs. Beecher uses ‘local economy’ to sell to small shops

Local economy ideas help in sales pitches. By David Tulis Local economy is a winning idea that helps local businesses sell themselves to members of the shopping public. I am developing this idea of local economy with your help, and I appreciate your seeing the brightness in the connection between a Christian worldview and free […]

Local economy implies you have a Plan B as crisis builds

Many charts about national economy suggest it is not sustainable. (Graphic [Local economy is an idea that bears closer investigation because it carries along the idea that each of us must have a backup plan if national economy buckles and drags down our current mortgaged comforts and routines. My argument is that we should […]

As state abuses worsen, we ask: What is the color of law?

The paper dollar caper: American currency prior to the national government’s abandonment of honest money. Text of Federal Reserve note makes the green rectangle an “I owe you nothing” instrument. Under color of law, how about. By David Tulis We often say that state actors who violate your rights are acting under color of law. […]

Cash boosts local economy, avoids ID hacks, Winsett says

Paying cash helps put more liquidity into local economy. By David Tulis Local economy is safe. Local economy is paying cash to people you know. National economy is not safe. Its chain stores swipe your plastic card into a reader and set you up for unwanted excitement. Thirteen million people a year are victims of identity theft. […]

Think of local economy in terms of productive ‘trading circles’

The destructive consequences of a parasitic Tyranny of the Wealthy and Majority have yet to play out, but they will, and sooner than most believe possible. By Charles Hugh Smith One of the core concepts of my work is that our state-cartel dominated economy is fundamentally a vast parasitic skimming machine that redistributes the nation’s […]

Wal-Mart’s plantation economy, or how leanness creeps into our souls

Highway 153 in north Chattanooga reflects a mix of national and local businesses. The tyranny of “low prices” is a characteristic of a plantation economy which strip-mines local economies and replaces employment-rich economic ecologies with a single integrated exploitative cartel of global predation. By Charles Hugh Smith I am probably one of the few Americans […]

Tennessee justice says social order, peace depend of Sabbath rest

Christianity offers culture a day of rest — the first day of the week — during which people are to refrain from ordinary thinking, speaking and commerce, and instead worship God and rest in Him. This photo is along Brainerd Road in Chattanooga. It is appropriate to offer a cogent analysis of the Lord’s Day […]

The pledge of allegiance vs. local economy

Flags representing the federal government and the 50 states flutter on the lawn of Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., on Memorial Day, May 26, 2014. By David Tulis The Christian socialist cousins behind the American pledge of allegiance were men who had a low view of local economy. Their vision of America in 1892 was one of national […]