Lassitude grips city council as members do busywork, ignore Berke violence

Sharee Robinson-James, left, talks with police official Danna Vaughn about private criminal activity outside a city nightclub while, background, city council member Erskine Oglesby, left, chats with a staffer for Mayor Andy Berke. (Photo David Tulis) A great lassitude seems to afflict the residents of Chattanooga and keeps them from being angry about the abuse […]

‘Practicing the King’s Economy’ puts God’s heart into capitalism, welfare

People depart after worship at North Shore Fellowship in Chattanooga, a church where civil engagement and justice are taught as part of Christians’ mercy upon the world. Author Robby Holt is pastor. (Photo David Tulis) Pot luck beats soup kitchens as Christians develop personalistic, open and charity-oriented ideals of local economy, entrepreneuership and free market. […]

When ‘good people’ require a permit, look what we lose

To have a prosperous society under godly self-government and constitutional protection, we will want to pare back state licensing and permitting schemes that limit and restrain harmless and innocent noncriminal people. (Courtesy NoogaRadio 92.7) Tweet Pin It

‘Double nickel’ traffic-stop reform = change of morals for city

Churches such as North Shore Fellowship downtown teach that the Christian gospel’s goal is the transformation of individuals and cities to be more loving — and more just. (Photo David Tulis) A city that adopts a policy of obeying Tennessee law regarding transportation and police traffic stops will effectively be altering its morals. Chattanooga is […]

Police rape case strains council decorum; citizens demand ‘oversight’

City council member Darrin Ledford talks with a city resident Tuesday while, background, council member Ken Smith speaks with Basil Marceaux. (Photos David Tulis) Demetrus Coonrod is the only city council member to have expressed opposition to police violence. Basil Marceaux of Soddy-Daisy gives a five-minute chat regarding his high theories of law and justice […]

Lawyer strangles deacon; how UPL aborts charity defense for poor

UPL = unlicensed practice of law. It prevents Christian charity in the courts in TN because it forbids nonlawyers such as deacons from assisting and representing poor people facing criminal charges. This ministry is one that Robby Holt and John Tomberlin at North Shore Fellowship and other Christians would like to launch in the next […]

Beyond textbooks at homeschool expo; Power of games, field guides

Girls and mom talk with an exhibitor at the annual homeschool expo in East Ridge set July 20, 21. Here’s the game Pictionary. When my kids were growing up, I set aside $300 to spend at the curriculum fair every year. Your budget may be bigger or smaller. You may be looking for actual curricula […]

Homeschool expo puts educational choices in your hand

A homeschool curriculum fair goer sneaks in private reading from a vendor’s table at the homeschool expo at Camp Jordan. Members of the CSTHEA yearbook staff look over the latest production at the homeschool expo, held this yearJuly 20 and 21, a Friday and Saturday. Hundreds of families attend the homeschool expo, an annual event […]

City’s poor get relief, cops avoid liability suits — fruits of administrative notice

East Ridge, Tenn., having been notified about limits of the state transportation law, should act to protect its officers from litigation if they over-enforce Tenn. Code Ann. Title 55, which grants police powers only over commercial users of the roads. (Photo East Ridge city government) Tennessee has a reasonable and just transportation law. But East […]