Tempers flare as new city attorney Noblett ripped on open records rebuff

Anthony Byrd, city council member in a chat after Tuesday’s meeting, says he sides with police in a noxious arrest of a girl dragged from her family’s car by a cop assisting in a repossession action by used car lot M&R Motors. (Photo David Tulis) Tempers flared at city council after 92.7 FM broadcast journalist […]

Tires, engine, steering wheel do not motor vehicle make

I stand before a family car, a RAV4, and wonder if its engine and its tires and body make it a “motor vehicle” subject to police powers. Or does the use of the car create liability for obedience to police intervention under Title 55? (Photo David Tulis) Are you traveling down the highway in a […]

Tasing of elderly woman a police ’necessity’; so, too, baseless charges

Cops figure old crone, Martha Al-Bishara of Chatsworth, Ga., may not speak English, but’ll understand taser as they fight to remain safe, get home to their families that night. Here with David Tulis, her highly intelligent grandchildren, Martha Douhne and Timothy Douhne, tell about the stellar law enforcement labors of Chatsworth, Ga., police chief, Josh Etheridge. […]

Charging, tasing woman, 87, wins sissy cop honor for chief, 2 cops

Lee University grad Martha Douhne and her grandmother, Martha Al-Bashara, talk with a Newschannel9 reporter in Chatsworth, Ga. (Photo Newschannel9) Chatsworth Police Department wins my first sissy cop award for extraordinary valor in offloading 99.98 percent of personal risk onto others and tasing an old woman so that the police chief and his two subordinates […]

Pastor’s letter supports parents religious exemption against vaccines

Brainerd Hills Presbyterian church is on East Brainerd Road in Chattanooga. (Photo David Tulis) Under Tennessee law, a parent who does not wish to have vaccines for a child can obtain a religious exemption. This is a signed and written statement by the parent, citing those beliefs against vaccination that are religious in nature. The […]

Title 55 charge puts young woman to tears

A THP officer gets back into his car after making a scene outside the Hixson Panera bread store, charging a young woman with “texting while driving,” enforcing a transportation statute against a young woman who legally admits she is involved in transportation (though as matter of fact, she’s not). (Photo David Tulis) The arrest of […]

Rescuers tell prosecutors meaning of interposition to save preborn

Operation Rescue activists have the support of demonstrators. (Photo Operation Save America) Update on the Louisville Rescue and the F.A.C.E. trial by Rusty Thomas, National Director of Operation Save America. Read his official response to the federal prosecutor’s interrogatories. Brethren, I just received permission from our attorneys to release the questionnaire or what they call interrogatories […]

Lassitude grips city council as members do busywork, ignore Berke violence

Sharee Robinson-James, left, talks with police official Danna Vaughn about private criminal activity outside a city nightclub while, background, city council member Erskine Oglesby, left, chats with a staffer for Mayor Andy Berke. (Photo David Tulis) A great lassitude seems to afflict the residents of Chattanooga and keeps them from being angry about the abuse […]

How to get into public school — without ‘required’ vaccines

Immunizations are required to get into public school, Or are they? How to get the “religious exemption” if you want a vaccine-free son or daughter and avoid grave perils from vaccination. David Tulis on the rules in Tennessee. (Courtesy 92.7 NoogaRadio) School vaccine law lets you exempt out for religious reasons Pastor’s letter supports parents […]