Common law marriage closer to biblical definition

A bride gets ready for her nuptials. (Photo Ginger Sumerlin Photography) We have the blind leading the blind too long in this country. It is past time that people wake up and see what is going on in their world. Case in point is the marriage license. Now for once, stop and think. What is […]

Obedience to God’s law would reshape courts, society, economy of city

If Christians work for several generations to live and love in terms of God’s law, city culture, mores, laws and systems would be transformed for man’s benefit and God’s glory. (Photo David Tulis) Christendom is the idea of God’s propriety in the affairs of man — and man’s widespread recognition of His lawful and loving […]

Mr. Anthony goes to Washington to help Trump rollback of HUD

John Anthony promotes property rights vis a vis federal departments such as HUD. Property rights defender John Anthony is heading to Washington, D.C., where he has a receptive ear among members of the federal congress who are concerned about executive branch overreach through the national government’s housing office. The department of housing and urban development, […]

Church makes final steps to free itself by dissolving corporation

From left, Vaughn Hamilton, Pat Murphy and Peter Gagliardi sign forms transferring property of their now-dissolved incorporated church to their nonincorporated church. Attending are, center, Leslie Lynn and Alex Hon of Title Guaranty & Trust Co. in Chattanooga. (Photo David Tulis) Church governors do business in a title guaranty office, left building, and finally at […]

Killing of Sexton after chase cries for policing reform

High speed police chase in Hamilton County ends in slaying of Chris Sexton, 29, who violated a domestic order of protection. Policing at its best? Or worst? Four reforms are called for to save American lives, end risks for other travelers. David Tulis asks Sheriff Jim Hammond to upgrade deputy training (Courtesy If Berke is […]

If Berke is pro-cop, is he pro-black?

Andy Berke, Chattanooga mayor, is all smiles among a group of children, members of a race whose people are disproportionately abused by the mayor’s executive branch and its well-armed constabulary. (Photo Facebook) Mayor Andy Berke is so out of touch with the operations of his own police department that he does not see its continuing […]

Family with 4 children says gun range noisy, imperils neighbors

A family that lives on Retro Hughes Road across the site of a proposed gun range say the business would create a huge level of noise and endanger others  with the prospect of errant bullets. The partners planning the F$2 million business say they exceed NRA and other requirements with sound barriers, solid protective berms […]

Homeless advocate Galloway doubts housing free trade zone idea

Mary Ellen Galloway of Family Promise of Greater Chattanooga, talks about homelessness and options for their benefit. (Courtesy Noogaradio) Mary Ellen Galloway, executive director of Family Promise of Greater Chattanooga, talks about homeless families aided by her organization — more than 650 families and 1,200 children transitioning to self-sufficiency since the group’s founding in 1998 […]