Residents take a lot of abuse from government; just don’t try to boot them from houses

Residents applaud a statement made by a city council member at a raucous East Ridge city council meeting consumed with objections to an expansive “redevelopment” plan. (Photos David Tulis) Meredith Moore, 30, a renter in East Ridge who works at a Christian nonprofit organization, is scandalized at the seeming low qualifications of members of East […]

East Ridge, Chattanooga should consider becoming safe havens from Title 55

Front page of East Ridge traffic court docket April 24, 2018. (Photo David Tulis) Cities across Tennessee already are sanctuary cities, even though a bill to prevent sanctuary cities was approved in the general assembly. A bill to prevent local governments from taking a position on immigration and the legal status newcomers to the country […]

4 profiles in courage in Chattanooga — council hassles poor, Hammond hassles traveler

Chattanooga city council courageously votes to ban free speech by beggars in a pending panhandling ban. Only Demetrus Coonrod and Jerry Mitchell have objected. (Photo city government) Neal Pinkston prosecutes taxpayer watchdog Tim Boyd. Sheriff Jim Hammond hounds immigrant laborer Rodriguez for using car. Bradley deput cuffs man using phone camera. Darrin Ledford, other city […]

Model for liberty, confidence, openness: Old Israel with no border wall

In what ways could city government in Chattanooga encourage the concept of sanctuary, where people fleeing evil elsewhere will be protected here? (Photo David Tulis) Welcome to Episode 43 of Axe to the Root Podcast, part of the War Room Productions, I am Bo Marinov, and for the next 20 minutes I will be getting […]

Backers of homeless prick Roddy, Berke trial balloon ban on panhandling

Regina Ledford shamefully admits to city council that she panhandles to survive her poverty. Other critics of a proposed begging ban are Jean-Marie Lawrence, left, and Beth Foster, right. (Photo David Tulis) The left wing of Christendom is out in force to denounce a police harassment bill in Chattanooga sought by Mayor Andy Berke’s executive […]

Cobbler with ‘peach of a wife’ looks for apprentice

Michael Scallia polishes a freshly repaired boot, a job he would have gladly offloaded to an apprentice — if he could only find one for Buddy’s shoe repair in Chattanooga. (Photo David Tulis) All across the Chattanooga area are business  owners who would love to have a chance to meet your teenage son or daughter […]

How Berke could win all sides by restraining cops, ordering ’open’ city

Mayor Andy Berke speaks with members of the audience at a campaign debate at UTC in 2017. (Photo David Tulis) I realize it will take a while for the policy and political implications of transportation administrative notice to take effect. For busy men such as Mayor Andy Berke and city attorney Wade Hinton, it will […]

Journalist gives city administrative notice on limits to police power

Police officers in Chattanooga conduct a transportation stop against a traveler who, under legal presumption only, is involved in transportation. (Photo David Tulis) David Tulis in Chattanooga city council chambers after giving the corporation administrative notice about the limits of police authority to enforce transportation law on all users of the public right of way. […]

Queries militant for TN governor candidate: Do you care for liberty?

Tennessee seizes travelers’ goods along the highways in the name of the federal drug war. (Photo Tennessee Highway Patrol) It’s been hard to take seriously the campaign for governor in Tennessee. Much of the discourse overlooks issues of liberty and constitutional restraints upon government. My questions are obnoxious, and while they would inject spice into the […]

How Tennesseans could throw off shackles of police state imposed on highways

Deputy Mark Kimsey of the Hamilton County sheriff’s department might have less enforcing to do against innocent travelers if Tennessee took up a reform proposed in New Hampshire that explicitly separates private automotive travel from for-profit and commercial uses of the public right of way. (Photo Facebook) A bill in the general assembly of New […]