‘Waster’ letters to 50 churches make orthodox claims, are not police matter

McMinn County Sheriff’s detective Blake Witt is interviewed about a letter sent to churches saying they have rejected God’s law. (Photo TV3 Wrcbtv.com) This anonymous letter about Christian doctrine sent to 50 churches in the Chattanooga area has become a matter of police investigation. (Photo TV3 Wrcbtv.com) By David Tulis The writer of hand-written letters […]

‘Dear county clerk’ letter says constitutional law trumps judges’ opinion

“Respect for law” is the theme of a 2013 event by a civic club in which Robin Langford, a county detective, left, receives an award. At right is Emily Job, president of the Scenic Chattanooga Optimist Club. Respect for constitutional law awaits its own congratulatory ceremony. By Rick Womick (July 21, 2015) Dear County clerk, […]

Slight token of Christianity in public school banned, yet classes full

The Gideon New Testament program is too much for a public school in a rural Tennessee county; the program must stop. Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?  — 2 Corinthians 6:14 They have spoken words, swearing falsely […]

Slatery’s pious flummadiddlery on 10th amendment, marriage

Tennessee attorney general Herbert Slatery III pretends in a Chattanooga speech the state cannot resort to the 10th amendment to rebuff high-handed lawlessness out of  a Washington, D.C., court. (Photo Wdef.com) By David Tulis Whining about an oppressive federal government is good marketing for Republicans. Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slatery III tells Chattanooga party members […]

Word for Trail Life boys: Suffer bravely, knowing God saves you

The Earl of Argyle takes a nap, not worried about his execution next day. The artist puts in the background a simple table, but luminous with two chairs, suggesting his next life, face to face in communion with God. (Painting Edward Matthew Ward) By David Tulis The devotionals by Trail Life USA dads at weekly […]

Could ‘Uber cop’ have chased, arrested carjacking suspect?

As the modern corporate state fades, so will its police departments. (Photo Police the Police on Facebook) By David Tulis Police in Chattanooga are chasing after a white Ford Focus along lamp-lit city streets after dark two days after a carjacking at UTC. Inside are three men, aware that a cruiser is behind them. They’d […]

Syrian refugees to stream into city

Chattanooga will host refugees — potentially in the hundreds — from Syria, a country torn by U.S. government intervention and an effort to overthrow its Western-oriented government, that of Bashar al-Assad, an Alawite Muslim who has treated Christians with respect. The refugees may include more militant Muslims who intend to bring jihad to Tennessee. WRCBtv.com […]

Purpose of Common Core: Centralize, standardize, digitize, harvest the young

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. (The more that changes, the more it’s the same thing.) — French proverb In part a review of The Educator & the Oligarch: A Teacher Challenges the Gates Foundation by Anthony Cody. (New York, Garn Press, 2014. 199 pages, no index. $15.30 from abebooks.com) By Franklin Sanders […]

Forum boots Tulis after interview with Christian mom of 9

Talk show host David Tulis was kicked off a liberal Facebook page in Chattanooga on Thursday after he posted a link to an interview with a woman and one of her nine children. The interview with Maxine Holmes and her daughter, Coretta, 23, aired Wednesday on the Hot News Talk media platform, including AM 1240 […]

Christians, Jews, in soft moment, embrace Muslim bramblebush

A dozen people gather outside the Chattanooga Muslim temple Friday to express unity with Muslims worshiping inside the building. At left, the Rev. Carol Howard Merritt; center, the Rev. Brian Merritt. (Photo Beth Foster. See other photos on Facebook) By David Tulis A group of Christians, jews and secularists gathered for prayer and commiseration Friday […]