Party faithful to constitutional government, ideals of self-determination

Jerry Pangle, a farmer in Humphreys County, Tenn., is active in the Tennessee Constitution Party. Below are some of his rows of vegetables. (Photos Pat Pangle) By David Tulis It’s easy to think that constitutional government doesn’t stand a chance in politics because of elections in which Republican or Democrat always wins. These parties are […]

The destructive influence of pietism in American society

First Baptist church in Chattanooga has a program that helps the homeless and offers an open house every Thursday providing a free meal and Christian teaching. (Photo First Baptist Church Chattanooga) [The system of thought within Christianity that makes God’s people unwilling to interact with culture, law, politics, the arts, science and media is pietism. […]

‘Dear county clerk’ letter says constitutional law trumps judges’ opinion

“Respect for law” is the theme of a 2013 event by a civic club in which Robin Langford, a county detective, left, receives an award. At right is Emily Job, president of the Scenic Chattanooga Optimist Club. Respect for constitutional law awaits its own congratulatory ceremony. By Rick Womick (July 21, 2015) Dear County clerk, […]

Slight token of Christianity in public school banned, yet classes full

The Gideon New Testament program is too much for a public school in a rural Tennessee county; the program must stop. Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?  — 2 Corinthians 6:14 They have spoken words, swearing falsely […]

Marceaux, ‘illegals,’ libertarians slip past mysterious gap in driver license law

The senior Basil Marceaux is a perennial Tennessee candidate who argues for a constitutional and anti-state framework that beats back traffic stops and other claws of the administrative state. Basil John Marceaux By David Tulis The arrest last week of Basil John Marceaux sets up a case against the police enforcement of driver license laws […]

Chief Fletcher stirs against prison industrial complex

Fred Fletcher, Chattanooga police chief, joins with other top cops and prosecutors ind opposing penal industrial system and its statutory feeder mechanism, of which he is a vital part. (Photo Chattanooga Police Department on Twitter) By David Tulis Chattanooga police chief Fred Fletcher has joined a group of prosecutors and police bosses to urge an […]

Keep 1 in the chamber: Local economy vs. jihadis

College killer Mercer admired jihadis, & Sheriff Jim Hammond in Hamilton County warns of future bloodlettings by Muslims. Paul Sutliff, expert on civilizational jihad, explains how Islamic system allows deceit, hatred, sexual slavery, progressive destablization of victim states such as Tennessee. Does a local economy solution exist to Muslim acts of war? (Courtesy Hot News […]

City practices mall massacre as Hammond warns of new Muslim acts of war

Chattanooga SWAT cops practice dealing with a massacre Sept. 24, 2015, at Hamilton Place mall in Chattanooga after its stores are closed for the day. (Photo Jim Hammond, Hamilton County sheriff, makes dramatic warning of a state of war between Islamic theology and constitutional government. Without a ban on jidhadism and Muslim immigration, he […]

Objective law, not subjective state of mind, undergirds constitutional government

“Good Faith Clerk” booklet is a free download My Sept. 24, 2015, letter to now-freed Rowan County, Ky., clerk Kim Davis recommending that she fortify her legal position vis a vis the gay mudslide by the simple arguments in our little booklet, “Good Faith & the County Clerk.” Dear Mrs. Davis, The story of your […]

Rebuilding your local economy

Franklin Sanders explains how if we develop local economy we insulate ourselves from the disaster ahead in the state-run and debt-based national economy. He is a trader in precious metals and publisher of The Moneychanger newsletter. His talk is given at the the Fayette County courthouse in Somerville, Tenn., and coincides with many arguments developed […]