Purpose of Common Core: Centralize, standardize, digitize, harvest the young

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. (The more that changes, the more it’s the same thing.) — French proverb In part a review of The Educator & the Oligarch: A Teacher Challenges the Gates Foundation by Anthony Cody. (New York, Garn Press, 2014. 199 pages, no index. $15.30 from abebooks.com) By Franklin Sanders […]

Lesson for next clerk: Stand on higher ground than personal conscience

Gays are acting on their beliefs demanding marriage license. Should county clerks rely on personal beliefs, too, or upon something stronger? (Photo of Times Free Press, Sept. 3, 2015, Page A3) Kim cannot and will not violate her conscience. — Mat Staver, attorney for Rowan County clerk Kim Davis By David Tulis Kim Davis is […]

Sheriff’s duty to protect gutsy law-abiding county clerk

Jack Carter, sheriff of Rowan County, Ky. Any policy or law or judicial interpretation, purporting to define marriage as anything other than the historical institution and legal contract between one man and one woman is contrary to the public policy of this state and shall be void and unenforceable in Tennessee. [bolds added] — A […]

The gods we control turn tables on us

As a lost people, we create gods we control, but some of these deities (U.S. government, for example) really have cut loose and claim their own sovereignty. In Part 2, John Anthony of Chattanooga of Sustainable Freedom Lab explores HUD rules that intend to recreate American cities, towns over the next century. Also, docs flee […]

Davis’ interposition defies lawless authority; Republicans disappoint

Kim Davis, a good faith county clerk By Matt Trewhella Kim Davis and the other clerks in Kentucky who are defying an immoral and unconstitutional Supreme Court ruling are to be commended. Precious few magistrates in our nation have decided not to pay homage to the Supreme Court. The ruling is immoral because it impugns […]

Tulis yanks texts suggesting 10 ‘relators’ here could oust governor

I am retracting two essays on Tennessee’s relator statute, whose powers to remove high public officials from office are less than I asserted. (Photo David Tulis) By David Tulis I stand corrected in my coverage of Tennessee’s relator law in which I argued the statute allows 10 citizens to sue a governor or high official […]

Beacon sues Nashville to free homeowners using AirBnB

P.J. and Rachel Anderson of Nashville are oppressed by an arbitrary city government rule barring their involvement with Airbnb, the sharing app for room and house rentals. (Photo Beacon Center) By Justin Owen Beacon made headlines last week when we announced the formation of a new legal foundation to challenge unfair and unconstitutional laws on […]

Public show of support Wednesday uplifts Navy man who shot at attacker

Tim and Franicia White and their children in Pensacola, Fla., in 2014. (Photo on White family website by Dave & Jess Marshall) By David Tulis The photographs of Lt. Cmdr. Tim White published in the local newspaper show him in striking Navy whites, surrounded by family members. Protesters this Wednesday in downtown Chattanooga will have […]

License plate readers soak up city motorist information

Sixty Tennessee Highway Patrol cars are equipped with federally linked license plate readers. We’re safe now. (Photo TV9) By David Tulis An  LPR helped catch Vester Flanagan as he fled a murder scene in Virginia. An LPR is a license plate reader, a device that drinks in auto tag numbers and matches incoming digitized snapshots […]

Bill condemning global Christian persecution seeks sponsors, support

Christians and others in Tennessee should press their state senator and house of representative member to introduce and support this resolution to condemn the global persecution of the people of God by state and private actors serving the interest of the religion of Mohammed. The rate at which people are martyred for the love of […]