Dad hesitates to cast newborn upon state’s mercies, delays ‘certifying’ birth, getting SSN
Channing and Katie Kilgore of Whitwell, Tenn., have had their first child, a daughter, Aletheia. (Photo Facebook) Do not become the slaves of men. — First Corinthians 7:23 By David Tulis Aletheia Kilgore has just emerged from the womb, and is as much a free woman as she will ever likely to be. The daughter […]
Haslam, Slatery refuse to defend marriage; Womick demands protection
Gov. Bill Haslam By David Tulis Tennesseans have great reason to be dissatisfied — even angry — at high officials in state government. The fault is their lapse in government, their unwillingness to represent the interests of the people as regards marriage and the unborn. The first lapse occurred 32 years ago, in 1973, when […]
Power of Sheriff Hammond to protect liberty, uphold law
At 1:25, Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Hammond says he was not privy to federal data about a Muslim shooter, that his attack rose straight from the Muslim creed, that he receives federal intelligence data, believes that laws imposed by the state and the U.S. represent the will of the people, represents the people as opposed […]
Pro-gay ‘discrimination’ city code update will crimp souls, ricochet
Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? — Matthew 7:16 By David Tulis The rainbow cult in city government wishes to toughen its discrimination bans, a move that is part of the gay lobby’s fastidious but dreary theory of American culture. That idea is for a caste system in culture, with the […]
The peril of marrying under state license vs. liberty of common law union
By Matt Trewhella Every year thousands of Christians amble down to their local county courthouse and obtain a marriage license from the state in order to marry their future spouse. They do this unquestioningly. They do it because their pastor has told them to go get one, and besides, “everybody else gets one.” This essay […]
Passive, pessimistic city pulpits face invigorating conflict
By Bojidar Marinov / From Axe to the Root For anyone who has followed and understands the relationship between church leadership and civil government in the U.S. in the last 50 years, declarations of American pastors pledging civil disobedience in case the Supreme Court decides to favor sodomite “marriage” (like this one, for example, or […]
What county clerk Bill Knowles should have said
Phyllis Wood and Rhiannan Pierce obtained a statutory marriage Friday thanks to a complaint county clerk, Bill Knowles. (Photo TV12) By David Tulis Hamilton County clerk Bill Knowles capitulated Friday after the federal high court issued an opinion overturning marriage and creating gay marriage as a national standard. Had God ordained Mr. Knowles to […]
Chattanooga Declaration asks breakup of U.S. to end totalitarianism, ease bankruptcy
The Farm Stand at Chattanooga’s Crabtree Farms draws members of the public who want fresh locally grown fare. The ideas of local economy and local food have implications for the size of nations. (Photo Crabtree Farms.) By David Tulis If the concept of local economy appears quaint and inward looking, consider its “foreign policy” implications. […]
A chief justice puts human face on doctrine of lesser magistrate
Tennessee county clerks face a possible anti-marriage ruling out of Washington in June. They should say “no, sir!” not merely on the basis of personal religious conviction, but on a firm footing in legal reasoning. To supply them with LEGAL reasons to ignore a pro-gay ruling I make available my little work, “Good Faith & […]
Spratt explores how weather modification works, at least in theory
Dr. Henry Spratt explains how “albedo modification” would work to cool the planet, at least in theory. But a mass stratospheric aerosol injection program (chemtrailing) could have the opposite effect of trapping heat, he suggests. He’s on for an hour on the show, talking about sky striping as a theory with my listener at […]