Basis for overturning city’s illegal ban on AirBnB, Internet economy
David Tulis explains the basic legal principles of legal and constitutional liberty in Tennessee that are a defense for any homeowner in Chattanooga who intends to rent his house through online short-term vacation rental portals such as AirBnB. The ordinance is unconstitutional on several grounds and should be overturned by an appeal out of city court […]
Terrorism makes peoples, states quake with fear; Bible gives right response
The modern security state uses terrorist acts to consolidate power, eliminate constitutional and civil rights. (Photo You are not to say, “It is a conspiracy!” in regard to all that this people call a conspiracy, and you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it. It is the LORD […]
Berke cops reject constitutional rule to Mirandize all arrestees
David Roddy gives one of many interviews as Chattanooga’s chief of police. (Photo Chattanooga police department in its policy for traffic stops omits a significant element of public protection against arbitrary state power and poisons relations between the Mayor Andy Berke administration and members of the public, especially those traveling on the public right-of-way. […]
When Chattanooga cops don’t give Miranda rights, do they violate ethics rules?
Ethics rules for city police officers require respect of citizenry, an unwillingness to violate constitutional rights. So, why are arrested people not mirandized? (Courtesy Noogaradio) Tweet Pin It
Future of Chattanooga as a city-state; but first, let it become own county, Crockett says
Chattanooga in the city-states futureWhat are the major trends that bode well for Chattanooga being richer, freer and more independent? Dave Crockett lassos prospect. A major hitch, getting the general assembly to pass a bill letting big cities become counties. Posted by NoogaRadio 92.7 FM – AM 1240 on Tuesday, September 12, 2017 What are […]
‘Where learning happens alongside family life’ — city educational newsletter goes digital
Several homeschool families gather in a field in Bakewell, Tenn., near Soddy-Daisy, to watch the eclipse Aug. 21, the “totality” of which cut a line on the map between Chattanooga and Soddy-Daisy. Two of the families are local, but one came as a lark from Maryland to see firsthand the mysterious intersection of planetary bodies. […]
50% tax cut would spur sharp improvements in county schools
This graphic from the 2016 CAFR shows where the county’s money comes from. It is possible to empathize with Hamilton County Commissioners who are being asked to consider a tax increase of F$100 million to pay for the state factory school system in the Chattanooga area. The reason one might sympathize with board members is […]
Roddy’s 1st temptation: Re-militarization of police under Trump
The group Concerned Citizens for Justice expressed alarm over police militarization prior to the naming of David Roddy as Chattanooga police chief. (Photo Concerned Citizens for Justice) The seeming commitment of the Andy Berke administration toward police reform comes under a temptation days after city council voted to approve the nomination of David Roddy as […]
10 forms of slavery blacks endure today (largely without realizing it)
This monument to a Confederate general, A.P. Stewart, should offend less than the requirement of the party represented in the building behind, one that says black people cannot marry without state permission. (Photo MP on Flickr) Black activists and Democrat-oriented sympathizers have it easy. They complain bitterly about statues of Confederate notables such as Gen. […]
Berke’s press ban: ‘No matter what he says, he’s not media’
Andy Berke names David Roddy chief of police Aug. 4, 2017, before a group of local media whose members are unlikely to ask questions about the trouble police officers have in obeying state law and caring about citizens’ God-given and constitutionally guaranteed rights. A ban by the mayor’s office of a blogger suggests that the Chattanooga […]