Judges proposal urges give up gold for pyrite; an election roundup

Barbara Foster, left, of Chattanooga, and Lauren Smith of Soddy-Daisy enjoy an early voting experience Friday at Northgate mall in Chattanooga. By David Tulis Three important constitutional amendments on the ballot give us common people a chance to defy the will of the elites  whose concentration of power secures their economic security and that of […]

Listen in as Mrs. Beecher uses ‘local economy’ to sell to small shops

Local economy ideas help in sales pitches. By David Tulis Local economy is a winning idea that helps local businesses sell themselves to members of the shopping public. I am developing this idea of local economy with your help, and I appreciate your seeing the brightness in the connection between a Christian worldview and free […]

Governor pretends resistance to gay tide, quickly calls it quits in Wisconsin

Gov. Bill Haslam meets with state regulators in August 2013. (Photo Tn.gov/governor) For us, it’s over in Wisconsin. The federal courts have ruled that this decision by this court of appeals *** is the law of the land and we will be upholding it.” — Gov. Scott Walker [I have been considering our situation in […]

Local economy implies you have a Plan B as crisis builds

Many charts about national economy suggest it is not sustainable. (Graphic Oftwominds.com) [Local economy is an idea that bears closer investigation because it carries along the idea that each of us must have a backup plan if national economy buckles and drags down our current mortgaged comforts and routines. My argument is that we should […]

Tulis asks explanation today from Rep. Fleischmann on white stripes

Rep. Chuck Fleischmann speaks to a constituent in his Tennessee district, blessed with fresh cloud protection from the U.S. sky striping program. (Photo Fleischmann.house.gov) Unknown aircraft today flew heavy flight patterns over Hamilton County, a second day of artificial cloud-making in the federal government’s confident war against sunlight for the sake, ostensibly, of the salvation […]

The global angle in the sky geometry lesson over Chattanooga

  Jets lace Chattanooga skies Sunday afternoon, Sept. 14, 2014, with some frames showing 9 trails. Later, in early evening, I watch jets flying south leaving no plumes. Empty dispersal craft? A plume over my church in Brainerd dissipates Sunday in bright but hazed-out sun. Chemtrailing is a global phenomenon that gives control of weather […]

Same-sex ordinance highly discriminatory

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream Chattanooga’s domestic partnership ordinance is highly discriminatory. It reduces the value of marriage, making of it nothing more than a convenient and moralistic fiction lacking any rational basis. Simultaneously it elevates homosexual acts and guy-gal shackups to make these equal to the honorable estate of marriage. 18-minute analysis. Tweet […]