Uncle sky stripes city on national holiday; should we worry, or say thanks?
The U.S. sky stripes Chattanooga on July 4, 2014, though few people are aware of the program enough to thank it. This scene greets me looking up through my workplaces’s front door. By David Tulis / Chattanoogan.com Americans celebrate their country’s patriotic day looking up to exploding fireworks in the night sky. On Thursday thousands […]
If county clerk caves under gay ruling, citizen ‘relators’ given authority to oust him
An authority on the lesser magistrate doctrine is Matt Trewhella at lessermagistrate.com, from which this image is taken. By David Tulis Christians and people of religious interest Monday exulted in a defense by the federal high court of Hobby Lobby and the Green family, spared an Obamacare rule that would have forced them to pay […]
Think of local economy in terms of productive ‘trading circles’
The destructive consequences of a parasitic Tyranny of the Wealthy and Majority have yet to play out, but they will, and sooner than most believe possible. By Charles Hugh Smith One of the core concepts of my work is that our state-cartel dominated economy is fundamentally a vast parasitic skimming machine that redistributes the nation’s […]
State would sweat under EPA lockdown, but prof warns against chemtrail breakout
This graphic shows several wondrous ways of seeding the sky with clouds to protect the earth from a newly discovered enemy, the sun. Jet delivery systems are omitted, as no one has realized aircraft payloads can be technology other than bombs, bullets and missiles. By David Tulis / Chattanoogan.com Local economy has many enemies that […]
Tennessee justice says social order, peace depend of Sabbath rest
Christianity offers culture a day of rest — the first day of the week — during which people are to refrain from ordinary thinking, speaking and commerce, and instead worship God and rest in Him. This photo is along Brainerd Road in Chattanooga. It is appropriate to offer a cogent analysis of the Lord’s Day […]
Relying on people, new local economy will burst through old
(Cartoon The Moneychanger newsletter) [I published this essay from The Moneychanger in August 2012, but I suspect as you are a new reader and missed it. — DJT] By Franklin Sanders Let’s face a reality most Americans refuse to confess: America is not the land of the free. Not only does very little freedom — […]
The pledge of allegiance vs. local economy
Flags representing the federal government and the 50 states flutter on the lawn of Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., on Memorial Day, May 26, 2014. By David Tulis The Christian socialist cousins behind the American pledge of allegiance were men who had a low view of local economy. Their vision of America in 1892 was one of national […]
Leadership program in Hamilton schools tips over no moneychanger carts
Adam Smith’s classic appeared in 1776. By David Tulis The growth of liberty in the hearts of hometown folk grows here, and shrivels there. On the Lord’s Day, when we hear the story of Naboth, who refused sale of his vineyard to the wicked king of Israel, Ahab, we are enlarged in our liberty. We […]
The ominous continuity of Thrive 2055
Thrive 2055 is an effort by the political establishment toward economic and social central planning. Media coverage presents it as a story with one side. By David Tulis A marketing program paid for by Hamilton County and other taxpayers plays on a theory of local economy so diluted it is effectively an argument for national […]
Former homeless man holds job, lives on own, drives car, extends mercy
Serving clients at Community Kitchen in Chattanooga are Edward Hice, left, and Emmett Allgood Jr. Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need. — Ephesians 4:28 And whatever you do, do it heartily, […]