If stealing country were a tort, getting it back might be ‘action in replevin’

Wendell O’Reilly, Chattanooga attorney The difficulty in strengthening local economy comes from the economic and political interests whose success is crowned by centralization. The government school. Federal welfare. Total surveillance. The usual suspects. By David Tuls Thanks to Uncle’s control of entire marketplaces it sometimes is inconceivable that Chattanoogans will ever be their own masters. […]

Paper ignores free market revival plan, keeps journalists in diapers

My days as a newspaper copy editor are over, but I refer to my fingertips, still, as ink stained. Libertarian powerhouse editorialist Drew Johnson was fired on accusations that a widely noted editorial bore an inappropriate headline that was changed outside of newsroom regulations. The Chattanooga Times Free Press head was, “Take this jobs plan […]

Localism undoes ‘E pluribus unum,’ giving federal eagle gentle heave-ho

The imperial eagle’s scroll says “E pluribus unum,” or “From many, one.” By David Tulis On the back of the F$1 bill is an engraving of an eagle, a busy bird. On one claw is a clutch of arrows, representing war. In the other, olive branches (for military stasis). In his beak is a ribbon […]

Genetic apocalypse? Monsanto ‘data’ pollutes wheat; a farmwife wonders

The protest May 22 of about 250 Chattanooga area people against the agricultural giant Monsanto came exactly a week before the U.S. department of agriculture announced what observers say is a potential agricultural and economic disaster involving the company. The USDA is launching an investigation after receiving notice from Oregon State University that gene-altered wheat […]

True signals? Hotels multiply here; Boy Scouts’ gay rule ‘contentious’

Hampton Inn is planning a hotel with 94 rooms amid a hotel room glut in Chattanooga. Chattanooga’s economy is being misled by the day’s credit boom into building hundreds of hotel rooms in a declining market. Hampton Inn, Embassy Suites and Westin Hotel Chattanooga are bringing 728 hotel rooms on line through next year, says […]

Just as eye soaks in poetry by reflex, train yourself toward lococentrism

Sam Blumenfeld explores the public policy benefits of illiteracy, but hopes his readers will find their way around the obstacles to liberty created by mass schooling. Suddenly — dreadfully — she wakes up. What has happened? Something dreadful has happened. No — nothing has happened. It is only the wind shaking the house, rattling the […]

Boston ‘lockdown’ rejects the value local economy could give in search

Ordering people in Watertown, Mass., to stay indoors, then searching their houses without a warrant, is an affront not just to local economy and its “eyes and ears,” but constitutional protections. (Photo Facebook) A TV blared momentarily behind us as I was chatting with Louis Lee, the spokesman for the Tennessee state guard who was […]

‘Sustainable development’ for ’Nooga not lococentric, but globocentric

Don Casey defends genuine local economy in a Chattanooga lecture. The following is an abstract of a talk by a noted free market advocate March 16 in Chattanooga. Don Casey lectures worldwide about global agendas foisted on American states and  cities under the theory of “sustainable development.” He touches our interests on several important points. […]

It’s easy to talk in vain repetitions of liberty; willing to sit in cell for it?

From left, spokesman Mike Dunne and Hamilton County Mayor Jim Coppinger chat with a constituent outside Hamilton County courthouse in January. (Photo Facebook) The puerility of the freethinkers consists in believing that a free society can maintain itself and keep itself together without a common faith.  ***  If liberty is to be saved, it will […]

How localist perspective accounts for aliens, illegals in Chattanooga

King Solomon, seen here wisely settling the dispute over the prostitute’s baby, prayed that when God’s people go into an alien land as captives in punishment for sin, their masters will treat them kindly; “[G]rant them compassion before those who took them captive, that they may have compassion on them” (1 Kings 8:50). By David […]