Uncle sky stripes city on national holiday; should we worry, or say thanks?

The U.S. sky stripes Chattanooga on July 4, 2014, though few people are aware of the program enough to thank it. This scene greets me looking up through my workplaces’s front door. By David Tulis / Chattanoogan.com Americans celebrate their country’s patriotic day looking up to exploding fireworks in the night sky. On Thursday thousands […]

Think of local economy in terms of productive ‘trading circles’

The destructive consequences of a parasitic Tyranny of the Wealthy and Majority have yet to play out, but they will, and sooner than most believe possible. By Charles Hugh Smith One of the core concepts of my work is that our state-cartel dominated economy is fundamentally a vast parasitic skimming machine that redistributes the nation’s […]

Relying on people, new local economy will burst through old

(Cartoon The Moneychanger newsletter) [I published this essay from The Moneychanger in August 2012, but I suspect as you are a new reader and missed it. — DJT] By Franklin Sanders Let’s face a reality most Americans refuse to confess: America is not the land of the free. Not only does very little freedom — […]

The ominous continuity of Thrive 2055

Thrive 2055 is an effort by the political establishment toward economic and social central planning. Media coverage presents it as a story with one side. By David Tulis A marketing program paid for by Hamilton County and other taxpayers plays on a theory of local economy so diluted it is effectively an argument for national […]

How in local economy Sheriff Hammond’s superiority works against him

Hamilton County’s incumbent sheriff, Jim Hammond, left, has much experience in international policing. His challenger Chris Harvey listens at a tea party event. By David Tulis The sheriff’s contest in Hamilton County is between a greater man and a lesser, between an officer whose scale of experience is global vs. the other whose is more […]

Sheriff Hammond’s program catches flak, but tells of localist orientation

Sheriff Jim Hammond explains the origins and duties of his office in a video. By David Tulis As American policing continues its long road away from peace-keeping and toward a sort of paramilitary occupation, it is refreshing to consider a development that hints at a localist — versus a federal or national — perspective on […]

Thrive 2055 survey pretends to weigh concerns, pushes centralizing agenda

This scene is from a YouTube video peddling the idea of regional planning. By David Tulis Survey results by the marketing company behind Thrive 2055 help us enter into the larger agenda of having a gaggle of 16 area counties join forces to create a new identity. The government-funded program is designed to induce the […]

That’s all Chattanooga needs — more ‘overarching leadership’

A helicopter refurbished by a veterans group is hauled toward its park pole in Soddy-Daisy on Feb. 28, 2014. The private sector pulls the public; it’s not the other way around. (Photo David Tulis) [O]ur biggest obstacle to achieving a larger civic vision is the sad lack of over-arching governmental leadership, vision and collaboration among […]

If stealing country were a tort, getting it back might be ‘action in replevin’

Wendell O’Reilly, Chattanooga attorney The difficulty in strengthening local economy comes from the economic and political interests whose success is crowned by centralization. The government school. Federal welfare. Total surveillance. The usual suspects. By David Tuls Thanks to Uncle’s control of entire marketplaces it sometimes is inconceivable that Chattanoogans will ever be their own masters. […]

Paper ignores free market revival plan, keeps journalists in diapers

My days as a newspaper copy editor are over, but I refer to my fingertips, still, as ink stained. Libertarian powerhouse editorialist Drew Johnson was fired on accusations that a widely noted editorial bore an inappropriate headline that was changed outside of newsroom regulations. The Chattanooga Times Free Press head was, “Take this jobs plan […]