Just as eye soaks in poetry by reflex, train yourself toward lococentrism

Sam Blumenfeld explores the public policy benefits of illiteracy, but hopes his readers will find their way around the obstacles to liberty created by mass schooling. Suddenly — dreadfully — she wakes up. What has happened? Something dreadful has happened. No — nothing has happened. It is only the wind shaking the house, rattling the […]

Boston ‘lockdown’ rejects the value local economy could give in search

Ordering people in Watertown, Mass., to stay indoors, then searching their houses without a warrant, is an affront not just to local economy and its “eyes and ears,” but constitutional protections. (Photo Facebook) A TV blared momentarily behind us as I was chatting with Louis Lee, the spokesman for the Tennessee state guard who was […]

City’s self-identity via a free market might boost voter rates in outyears

The 16 percent turnout among 111,324 registered voters in Chattanooga tells of despair, but of a kind that suggests good things ahead. In the low election turnout there arises the possibility that politics have faded, that the great hope in the voice of the people has weakened, that the inspiration poured into the modern welfare […]

Salatin: ‘Folks, this ain’t normal’ — exit dietary crisis with local food, I

Farmer Joel Salatin tells the argument of his book, “Folks, This Ain’t Normal,” in 4 minutes. For more than 15 years I’ve known about Joel Salatin . Without exaggeration, he IS the cutting edge of the food freedom movement, the family farm’s rebirth, and the New Agriculture, holistic farming that works with nature instead of […]

Chattanoogans, held upside-down, face thrashing; so much for change

So it was that a revolution took place within the form. Like the hagfish, the New Deal entered the old form and devoured its meaning from within. The revolutionaries were inside; the defenders were outside. A government that had been supported by the people and so controlled by the people became one that supported the […]

Yes, free market concepts affect city council job, candidate Grohn says

Larry Grohn, a tea party activist, explores his free market ideas in a bid for a seat on the Chattanooga city council. He and his wife, Carol, chat with a visitor in front of their house. Our interest in liberty and the free market takes us to Larry Grohn, who has been sitting in on […]

Area power co-op a model for city investment club; profit paid as rebate

Technicians provide electrical service to a neighborhood. They work for Volunteer Energy Cooperative just east of Chattanooga. A co-op model used by VEC could be ideal for creating an internal market for capital in Chattanooga, with profits paid in terms of rebates, discounts or refunds. Chattanooga could create investment co-op along lines of Volunteer Energy […]

Noogacentric path more brightly lit in Shuman ‘local economy’ book

Michael Shuman, in this 27-minute chat, sketches out the main ideas of local economy. Local economy is about us. National economy is about them. In simplifying my theory to these few words, you see why the ideas of local economy and free markets are compelling. They aren’t about mere economics. But more. We come now […]

Times Free Press backing of Johnson boost for liberty, local economy

Our interest in free markets and local economy develops along two lines, one defensive and one offensive. The offensive line of thought builds up the concept of local economy, personal responsibility and an interest in the other that is a fruit of God’s grace and Christianity. It invites. It persuades. The defensive is, shall we […]

Centralization reaches peak, faces irreversible breakup

“Centralization induces apoplexy at the center and paralysis at the extremities.” — Lamenais By Gary North Teapartyeconomist The present political system is clearly insane. It suffers from schizophrenia. Around the world, almost no one trusts the politicians, yet almost everyone votes for incumbent politicians who promise to reform the government. Voters now suspect (correctly) that […]