In state factory school, pressure builds against Muslim propaganda

After a stabbing, police cars gather at Lookout Valley Middle/High school in January. (Photo The whitewash of Islam is provoking a mild backlash among public school parents in Tennessee. Their children spend hours every day in a state system where propaganda for Muslims is one of many types imposed by state government upon them. […]

In ordinary prayer of repentance, seeds of good government

Muslims slay Christians in the Mideast. The faith that stiffens the resolve of martyrs fortifies the characters of those who rule. By David Tulis Christianity is a system of belief and life that will reshape human society and in large measure reorganize nations and kingdoms before the last day. That is a promise contained with […]

Syrian refugees to stream into city

Chattanooga will host refugees — potentially in the hundreds — from Syria, a country torn by U.S. government intervention and an effort to overthrow its Western-oriented government, that of Bashar al-Assad, an Alawite Muslim who has treated Christians with respect. The refugees may include more militant Muslims who intend to bring jihad to Tennessee. […]

Keep 1 in the chamber: Local economy vs. jihadis

College killer Mercer admired jihadis, & Sheriff Jim Hammond in Hamilton County warns of future bloodlettings by Muslims. Paul Sutliff, expert on civilizational jihad, explains how Islamic system allows deceit, hatred, sexual slavery, progressive destablization of victim states such as Tennessee. Does a local economy solution exist to Muslim acts of war? (Courtesy Hot News […]

City practices mall massacre as Hammond warns of new Muslim acts of war

Chattanooga SWAT cops practice dealing with a massacre Sept. 24, 2015, at Hamilton Place mall in Chattanooga after its stores are closed for the day. (Photo Jim Hammond, Hamilton County sheriff, makes dramatic warning of a state of war between Islamic theology and constitutional government. Without a ban on jidhadism and Muslim immigration, he […]

Obama uses language of liberty, free enterprise, but rejects local economy ideal

Broad and Main streets are of little interest to the U.S. president, who in a speech to the U.N. favors global economy and global “management“ of human society. (Photo David Tulis) By David Tulis The arguments for local economy and free markets sometimes cannot be heard for their breathlessness, their being stifled by more powerful […]

Marketing language for police bubbles up as chief named

Mark Gibson, police chief By David Tulis A town near Chattanooga has named a police chief, and news coverage gives the impression that scandals are now behind the Cleveland, Tenn., department with the arrival of Mark Gibson. Mr. Gibson had been the interim chief of the department, and today takes the helm. City government received […]

Cmdr. White remains under pall as city holds pro-military event

Thousands of Chattanoogans gather Wednesday to raise funds for survivors of a Muslim act of jihad that killed five members of the federal navy. (Photo Thom Benson) By David Tulis The naval department of the U.S. government is declining to make a declaration that Lt. Cmdr. Tim White is clear from the prospect  of prosecution. […]

No charges planned vs. Cmdr. White, Navy official says

The Tim White family in Penscacola, Fla., in 2014. (Photo on White family website by Dave & Jess Marshall) By David Tulis No  charges are planned against Lt. Cmdr. Tim White of Chattanooga, the officer  who used his pistol to fire back at a Muslim martyr who shot down four Marines and fatally wounded a Navy […]

Christians dread to learn about Islam; Warner explains

The history of Islam in Europe and how it effects us to this day. This is a history based on numbers and facts that you may not see anywhere else and explains why we may be afraid to see Islam for what it is based on its own doctrine and practice. (Courtesy Tin Ship Productions […]