Refusing to serve meat in national crisis, Graham offers thin manna

Kamry Hoskins holds her daughter, Heidi Culpepper, at the Franklin Graham rally in Chattanooga May 15. (Photo David Tulis) Franklin Graham delivers a speech to a crowd in 2016. (Photo Carlos Betancourt, a Baptist minister to a Hispanic church, enjoys the shade of an umbrella at the Franklin Graham rally in Chattanooga. (Photo David […]

Boyd reveals ‘confidential’ details of tourism bureau

A family visiting Chattanooga enjoys a moment along the riverfront near the aquarium. (Photo Tim Boyd proposes cutting the funding of the Convention & Visitors Bureau largely given by county government of which he is a commissioner. The group has a yearly budget of F$7.2 million, gets F$6.4 million or 84 percent of its cash […]

Boyd demands openness, cuts at tourism booster CVB

Tim Boyd leads by example, demands info on how tax money is spent by Convention & Visitors Bureau in Chattanooga, a nearly wholly county tax-dependent 501(c)4 client. Part 2 below: Does open records act oppress Commissioner Boyd? I argue the CVB and county attorney Rheubin Taylor are either bullying or misleading him about the open […]

Cash Friday lets local economy folk obtain partial satisfaction

The federal reserve note with 100s printed on it, carefully, by a federal government printer. The war on cash is a war not against criminals, terrorists, and the underground economy alone. It is a war against local economy and the free market in Tennessee — against private and personal commerce. So take it personally. By […]

Does church favoring privatized Christianity get its key essential wrong, too?

The Tennessee supreme court in Nashville is the judicial wing of state government. Neither it nor the federal supreme court “make” law, but the Obergefell gay opinion pretends to have leveled state laws on marriage. Does the gospel speak about limits on state authority? Without reformation, Chattanooga should not expect a better local economy and […]

How national economy wrung from us old, local economy mores, ways

Wendell Berry is a defender of local economy as a cultural artifact. What we lost when national economy consumed local economy, according to Wendell Berry. A soliloquy quoting Mr. Berry in his book, What are People For. Also, Tennessee sues to defend itself as a “sovereign entity” vis a vis a Yankee refugee program. (Courtesy […]

City rejects localist Crockett for slick national economy-oriented Berke

Dave Crockett was the local economy candidate for mayor of Chattanooga. His bid was overwhelmed by Web-savvy professional marketing by the incumbent, Andy Berke, standing just behind him in this M.K. King Boulevard march. (Photo Crockett campaign) Dave Crockett speaks to supporter Marty Von Schaaf at an election night dinner Tuesday with supporters. Former Times […]