Is Airbnb free, or must it be be subject to city?

Airbnb fights for free marketCouncil member chip Henderson explains why Airbnb and digital economy should be subject to city ordinance. Posted by NoogaRadio AM 1240 92.7 FM on Friday, May 19, 2017 Council member Chip Henderson explains why Airbnb and digital economy should be subject to city ordinance. (Courtesy Noogaradio 1240 AM 92.7 FM) Tweet […]

Lone defendant says ‘no,’ puts system in tizzy

Hamilton County’s new justice building and old jail, background, are seen by a grand jury as needing more efficiency, to better move along minor defendants. But the constitution makes it troubling and difficult for accusations to be quickly processed, and courts and the legal profession have found ways around its requirements. A petty criminal defendant […]

Melvin’s virtue heightened, cop’s vice worsens as city video airs

Hanson Melvin talks to the driver of a police cruiser in which he is confined; David Campbell arrested him without probable cause and perjured himself in his police report and before the grand jury, but Mr. Campbell is not being charged with a crime. (Video Chattanooga Police Department) Chattanooga officer David Campbell was fired in […]

Trailer park landlord seeks re-election as mayor while hounding Gaddys from home

“I’ve never had any occasion to get upset with Dwain Land at all,” says trailer park renter Renee Luper, an invalid in Dunlap, Tenn. With her is son, Michael. (Photo David Tulis) A row of rusty mailboxes line Land Drive next to a Dunlap, Tenn., trailer park owned by Mayor Dwain Land, one serving budget-conscious town […]

Abusing Gaddys, Land wrecks good name; Greer for mayor

Jennifer Lockhart Greer teaches history and civics at the high school. The personal liberties secured under constitutional government are the fruit of simple promises. In Dunlap, Tenn., an elderly couple hiding from authorities are simple enough to believe these promises and to stand firmly upon them. By David Tulis / The city’s civil prosecution […]

Trump no help; police state tactics worsen against Americans

Chattanooga city police officers often enforce statute within the city limits in full military gear, as displayed by SWAT members along the Chattanooga riverfront. (Photo Chattanooga police department) “Policing is broken… It has evolved as a paramilitary, bureaucratic, organizational arrangement that distances police officers from the communities they’ve been sworn to protect and serve. When […]

Marceaux cases would stymie ‘police state’ enforcement in all TN cities

Basil Marceaux of Soddy-Daisy is raising explosive questions about Tennessee courts and the state’s use of inferior civil courts to process criminal complaints. (Photo David Tulis) Former gubernatorial candidate and free-range motorist Basil Marceaux will appear before a Hamilton County circuit court to argue in one of a series of criminal cases whose defense is […]

Bill would aid fugitive Gaddys in property rights fight

Thomas and Carol Gaddy speak to supporters after her release from Sequatchie County Jail on Nov. 12 on charges of contempt. She spent two nights in a cell. (Photo David Tulis) A bill sliding through the Tennessee general assembly offers unexpected aid to Thomas and Carol Gaddy, the homeowners from Sequatchie County who are in […]

Law enforcement gets tough: Forced cavity probes, taserings, shootings

A Chattanooga police officer admires machine guns belonging to the federal military. Local base commander White is at left. (Photo, Fred Fletcher Twitter) We’ve reached the point where state actors can penetrate rectums and vaginas, where judges can order forced catheterizations, and where police and medical personnel can perform scans, enemas and colonoscopies without the […]

Good riddance to Anderson, whose gay theory poisoned city politics

Chris Anderson, who proposed vampire like searching-out of voters’ intentions in 2014 recall effort, is part of the decline of share value in the gay market. Voters in the city council race sell at a discount— and they’re glad for the loss. They will recapitalize with Erskine Oglesby on the council. (Courtesy Noogaradio) Tweet Pin It