Gate, ‘private property’ sign thwart city ‘inspection’ of house

Attorney Stephen Greer of Dunlap, Tenn., stalks past the Thomas and Carol Gaddy gate, thwarting a planned “inspection“ of the house. Contract inspector Earl Geary is at right. (Photo David Tulis) This document says the city is illegally and unconstitutionally seeking to institute a search without a warrant. (Photo David Tulis) Stephen Greer, attorney, is […]

Gaddys face jail in Dunlap rather than yield constitutionally protected rights

Carol Gaddy, holds an MIA flag given her by June Griffin of Dayton, Tenn., on her release from jail for contempt of court in Sequatchie County, Tenn. Next to Mrs. Griffin is Ruth Ann Wilson of Dayton. Partly visible is Jennifer Edmonds, a homeschooling mom of six, also from Dayton. (Photo David Tulis) Carol Gaddy […]

Berke boldly keeps status quo in policing, rejects query on reform

Andy Berke, mayor of Chattanooga, greets Ben Caleb Long, an IBEW rep, left; and his wife, Sarah; and son, Wyatt prior to a debate at UTC. (Photo David Tulis) Mayor Andy Berke is holding course in his control of policing at Chattanooga, rejecting questions at the debate Friday about reform, using his limited time in […]

Church makes final steps to free itself by dissolving corporation

From left, Vaughn Hamilton, Pat Murphy and Peter Gagliardi sign forms transferring property of their now-dissolved incorporated church to their nonincorporated church. Attending are, center, Leslie Lynn and Alex Hon of Title Guaranty & Trust Co. in Chattanooga. (Photo David Tulis) Church governors do business in a title guaranty office, left building, and finally at […]

Killing of Sexton after chase cries for policing reform

High speed police chase in Hamilton County ends in slaying of Chris Sexton, 29, who violated a domestic order of protection. Policing at its best? Or worst? Four reforms are called for to save American lives, end risks for other travelers. David Tulis asks Sheriff Jim Hammond to upgrade deputy training (Courtesy If Berke is […]

Haslam, THP declare war on 20% of TN motorists

Using mass surveillance by LPRs (license plate readers), Gov. Bill Haslam and his agents declare war on 20 percent of the traveling public whose members do not have car insurance, a luxury many poor people cannot afford. They face seizure of their vehicles, 30 days in jail and increased fines. (first hour. Courtesy Noogaradio) Tweet […]

Law doesn’t rule in ‘rule of law’; source behind it does

U.S. Rep. Chuck Fleischmann of Chattanooga gives an interview on election night. (Photo David Tulis) Another new year, another year of thousands of so-called new laws? Is it because of what you hear almost daily, We live by the rule of law and not by the rule of man? I believe just the opposite is […]

Other cities’ cops should watch Soddy-Daisy

As Tennessee high court ventures into letting the constitution be violated but with restrictions, Soddy-Daisy runs a roadblock on New Year’s eve that follows its guidelines. (Photo David Tulis) Soddy-Daisy runs roadblock by the court’s rules, making itself an example for other municipalities and even state government, whose highway patrol flouts the Supreme Court’s dictates […]

Melvin relates story of police abuse, courage in standing up for rights

Hanson Melvin relates his story of courageous defiance against an oppressive legal system, starting with officer David Campbell of the Chattanooga police department who in May arrested him, wrote a fictional narrative of why, perjured himself (twice) in official venues, kidnapped and jailed him, and harassed him with other cops 10 minutes after Mr. Hanson […]