Billy’s bad day; best way teen can deal with bully officials, cops
Commercial government most frequently attaches itself to the working and traveling citizenry on the public right of way, prompting encounters that remind us of our servitude to the enterprise state. This truck is on private property — a store parking lot. (Photo David Tulis) The best way to tell boys about how men defend constitutional […]
City, unable to demilitarize, gives cops more body armor
The Chattanooga police department runs a Lenco Bearcat armored car and troop carrier such as this one. (Photos Lenco) Chattanooga is buying more personal armor protection for officers such as this one, engaging in urban warfare from the top hatch of a Bearcat war wagon such as that owned by city government. An advertising video […]
20 reasons Democrats more dangerous than Muslim terrorists
DNC — dilation & curettage. The Democrat National Committee and its party unstintingly support the slaughter of the unborn, but not only Caucasian boys and girls such as these. Equal treatment for black babies. They are more dangerous to America then “radical Islamic extremist terrorists” and they are meeting in Philly this week. Democrats, the party […]
Constitution envisions militia, not militarized police
A police car, part of a paramilitary organization serving the executive branch of city government, runs its lights in Chattanooga. (Photo Constitutional attorney Edwin Vieira says it is mistaken to argue that police departments be disarmed, as free market commentators such as Dr. Gary North have suggested. Constitutional government has the solution to police […]
Commercial, vehicle ‘crimes’ on Castile’s rap sheet aren’t moral evils at all
Diamond Reynolds meets with the press after police shot into her car, killed her boyfriend, Philando Castile, in cold blood and put her in jail without charge. Immediately after police shoot down a citizen, departments and the press begin an effort to discredit the victim by exposing his criminal past, as if a rap sheet […]
The best solution to terrorism is a local economy solution
An armed citizen shoots a robber who threatens to kill a clerk while taking her hostage in this Kangaroo store in East Ridge, Tenn. (Photo NewsChannel 9) Ed Reinhold is a special agent with the FBI. That agency cannot stop terror attacks without the aid of local economy. (Photo NewsChannel 9) Late last week FBI […]
Melvin’s solution to police state: ‘Waive the court,’ demand indictment
Hanson Melville inks a form that “waives the court” as he asserts his constitutionally protected rights. (Photo David Tulis) By his signature, the defendant “waives” a right to a lesser court to assert his right to a greater. (Photo David Tulis) Part of the paperwork when you are absorbed into the legal machine and ground […]
Officer under perjury investigation for muddled tale of uppity black
Dragged to court by a perjurous police report on the day of the birth of his third child, Hanson Melvin of Chattanooga exits the Hamilton County courthouse in Chattanooga on June 14, 2016. (Photo David Tulis) This document is a sworn statement, aka a “police report,” that tells of a “screaming” and “yelling” family man […]
Cop arrests pedestrian who refuses to show driver license; he files complaint
Hanson Melvin stands at the spot near Northgate mall where Chattanooga police waylayed him without probable cause and arrested him. (Photo David Tulis) I faced a judge in city court Tuesday on charges of disorderly conduct, but the disorderly conduct was that of Chattanooga police officers who arrested me for being a pedestrian who refused […]
How to maintain your rights at traffic stops, help free city
Officer Mark Niethammer, suspended in December 2015 for drag racing his police cruiser, gives a tyke a push on his self-propelled car during a presumably friendly neighborhood visit. (Photo Chattanooga Police Department) My most recent encounter with police was the night I returned to Chattanooga from a visit to the Gnome of Strawberry Plains. The […]