FACT, Republicans wreck marriage bill as gays quietly watch

Kendra Thomas’ children are unable to greet the speaker of the Tennessee house of representatives Dec. 19, but chat with her official, Hayden Pendergrass on Interposition Day in Nashville. Homeschoolers were among the 200 people who thronged the assembly to promote marriage by the doctrine of interposition of the lesser magistrate. An overflow crowd listens […]

Police violence invites local economy remedy: Peacekeeper app

An unidentified man wears a gas mask as police officers in Cleveland, Tenn., show off their warmaking equipment, including machine pistols, automatic rifles and a sniping rifle on a bipod. (CPD on Facebook) By David Tulis Police officers have itchy trigger fingers and are so easily offended by members of the public that they sometimes […]

State law lets U.S. hijack state police if ‘terror‘ specter

Bill Gibbons, Tennessee commissioner of safety and homeland security, is in Chattanooga in October 2015 to pump UTC’s driver license renewal kiosk. A law lets the U.S. fly its flag over his office and tell him what to do in a “terror” crisis. (Photo Twitter.com/TNSafetyGibbons) By David Tulis We like to think Tennessee as an […]

Hundreds turn out to support ‘interposition’ bill for marriage

State Sen. Mae Beavers, left and Rep. Mark Pody urge support for a bill that declares Obergefell v. Hodges, a high court opinion, “unauthoritative, void and of no effect.” (Photo Facebook) Families gather in and around the state capital buildings Tuesday to support marriage and its defense by state government. By David Tulis Crowds gathered […]

Gun bans, progressive redefinitions in law create rape culture

By Bojidar Marinov When two years ago a Texas father beat his daughter’s rapist to death, no one in Texas had any doubts as to what the decision of the Grand Jury would be. The law in Texas not only allows but specifically authorizes the use of lethal force to prevent sexual assault. In this, […]

If cop departments fade, city residents will save money

Officer Steve Meador, right, takes an oath in joining the Chattanooga police department. (Photo Wrcbtv.com). Below, apps such as the Peacekeeper will eventually return personal safety and public peace to private individuals who are not “law enforcement.” By David Tulis Modern policing puts into the hands of professional government employees a common law function — […]

Tennesseee militia figure warns Bundy standoff ripe for manipulation

This book suggests ways in which to survive if social order breaks down and citizens are required to prosper without the perks of commercial government. By David Tulis A Tennessee free militia activist says the Bundy family seizure of a federal park facility in burns, Ore., is dangerous and liable to be turned to the […]

Obama gun rule turns every gun seller into merchant

An emotional federal president unveils a plan to commercialize the sale of every firearm — to eliminate local economy in buying and selling firearms, and to save lives. The Tennessee constitution Article 1 bill of rights, noted below, reserves many liberties for state citizens, if only they’ll let it. By Duke Cumbelich As has been […]

‘Fiddle man’ vows appeal after jury rejects constitutional protections

The claim and exercise of a constitutional right cannot be converted into a crime. — Miller v. U.S. 230 F 486, 489. Q What is sin? A Any thought, word or deed that breaks God’s law by omission or commission. — Questions from First Catechism, Biblical Truth for God’s Children It’s our goal to enhance […]

Swayed by envy, 12 on jury convict Hirsch of trying to live as free man

Arthur Jay Hirsch, a devout Christian in Lawrence County, Tenn., is leaving home for trial Dec. 22, 2015, in Lawrenceburg.  The “fiddle man” was convicted for operating on the presupposition that constitutional liberties can be exercised by individual Americans. (Photo David Tulis) By David Tulis Won over by an appeal to envy, a jury convicted […]