Haslam, Slatery refuse to defend marriage; Womick demands protection

Gov. Bill Haslam By David Tulis Tennesseans have great reason to be dissatisfied — even angry — at high officials in state government. The fault is their lapse in government, their unwillingness to represent the interests of the people as regards marriage and the unborn. The first lapse occurred 32 years ago, in 1973, when […]

Fly battle flag at Marine’s funeral, get arrested?

By David Tulis The Muslim attack that killed five military men in Chattanooga has brought paroxysms of grief, an emotional public outpouring of sympathy and an unconstitutional edict from Mayor Andy Berke. Mayor Berke intends to keep away from the funeral procession demonstrators such as members of the Fred Phelps family of Westboro Baptist church […]

Passive, pessimistic city pulpits face invigorating conflict

By Bojidar Marinov / From Axe to the Root For anyone who has followed and understands the relationship between church leadership and civil government in the U.S. in the last 50 years, declarations of American pastors pledging civil disobedience in case the Supreme Court decides to favor sodomite “marriage” (like this one, for example, or […]

What county clerk Bill Knowles should have said

Phyllis Wood and Rhiannan Pierce obtained a statutory marriage Friday thanks to a complaint county clerk, Bill Knowles. (Photo wdef.com TV12) By David Tulis Hamilton County clerk Bill Knowles capitulated Friday after the federal high court issued an opinion overturning marriage and creating gay marriage as a national standard. Had God ordained Mr. Knowles to […]

City boosts ‘Minority Report’ surveillance powers 400%

At 349 Oak St. in Chattanooga, staffers work to serve the Tennessee office of homeland security, which sees little distinction between national security and policing. The city is in district No. 3. (Photo Google Maps) By David Tulis City government is making a major commitment to surveillance and data mining by quadrupling the size of […]

How state snips quills of constitutional rights, manhandles ‘free’ people

Citizens with their rights resemble a porcupine, jealous of its space. (Photo Wikimedia Commons) A Lawrenceburg, Tenn., man goes on trial Tuesday on criminal charges that he is using the public roadways without a driver’s license. The arguments of Arthur Jay Hirsch are remarkably insightful, and much in line with my own analysis about the […]

Corker says NSA collecting too little data on Americans

Sen. Bob Corker, whose government is collecting a woman’s cellphone call, meets with voters October 2014 in Benton County. (Photo corker.senate.gov) The program is actually not the program I thought it was. Not even close,I think you are going to see people on both sides of the aisle pushing, wondering why not more data is […]

How local economy owns constitution & how oaths breathe life into it

David Tulis explains how the constitution lives among the people. Commoners insist on its protections and demand to be respected by being belligerent claimants in person. Officials make it live by swearing oaths to uphold it. In second half, Joel Huffman, 14, tells about his lawn business. Tweet Pin It