County clerks owe duty to public to uphold marriage despite hostile claims

The doctrine of the lesser magistrate is prospering in Alabama as probate judges honor the state constitution despite Yankee threat. A rally Feb. 22, 2015, in Montgomery. (Photo Sanctity of Marriage Alabama) By David Tulis County court clerks facing the gay mudslide in the Chattanooga area have a duty to consider their high office, and […]

Plumes scar sky as green group worries about theoretical chemtrail program

Jets paint a concentration of stripes east of Chattanooga on Sunday morning (March 8, 2015), as seen from Gunbarrel Road. (Photo David Tulis) Another view of the blob cloud laid east of Chattanooga during church March 8, 2015, a Sunday. (Photo David Tulis) From atop a hill on East Brainerd Road, a septic view to […]

As stripes dim sun over city, scientists debate mass U.S. chemtrail proposal

This evening at dusk, sky tattoos dim a sun that is already weakening in the West. Looking south toward Chattanooga. (Photo David Tulis) Chase, Md., receives a heavy dosage of jet-created cloud cover. Its effect is much like that proposed by a February 2015 government chemtrail study that says jet-sprayed particulates would act like volcanic […]

Bad faith and its bitter fruits; constitutional obedience is ‘good faith’

Women in Montgomery, Ala., declare their fealty to marriage Feb. 22, 2015, as a federal trial court judge’s ruling bullies probate judges into uniting gays as man and man. (Photo Sanctity of Marriage Alabama) Legal activists such as the ACLU’s Randall Marshall, outside a court in Mobile, Ala., and gay plaintiffs are overthrowing marriage by […]

Rejecting lesser magistrate doctrine, a governor betrays state, citizens, sovereign

This book is an eye-opener to any citizen or public official keen to maintain constitutiona — even godly — government. [Here’s proof you already believe in the doctrine of interposition. You interpose yourself between your wife and danger by getting her car door. You protect your daughter from shady suitors by friendly conservation and later […]

How local, state officials in ‘good faith’ defy alien jurisdictions

Marriage defenders in Montgomery, Ala., at a Feb. 22, 2015, rally count on probate judges to defend constitutional government. (Photo Sanctity of Marriage Alabama) By David Tulis An important way for common people like you and me to hold public officials accountable is to deny them grounds for claiming “good faith” error as they tromp […]

Clerk facing gay mudslide can act in good faith, say ‘sorry, boys’

Farce and fun mark a Boston gay procession while good faith marks a quiet parade of county clerks in the South who say, “Ain’t marryin’ you guys.” (Photo But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.         […]

7 homeschooled children kidnapped by Arkansas to be held in state custody

Riven by the state after a heavily armed police raid, the Hal Stanley family is praying for release of its seven children. (Photo By Terri LaPoint / Health Impact News It will be at least “6 more weeks of kidnapping” for the 7 homeschooled, homebirthed Stanley children, according to their father. Hal and Michelle […]

Bartleby’s ‘I prefer not to’ keeps us from schools, standardized tests

The story of Bartleby the scrivener by Melville depicts dogged noncompliance with authority. The book at right explains how Christians can flourish by being noncompliant and resisting “the good people.” [Our interest in the ideas of local economy and free markets force us to dash ourselves against the ironclad sides of the public school. Heads […]

51 of 67 judges reject Joe-Jim marriages as desired by U.S. judge

Families and defenders of marriage rally at the capitol building in Montgomery, Ala., Saturday. (Photo Sanctity of Marriage Alabama on Facebook) Defenders of marriage are glad to hear of probate judges in Alabama declare they will not recognize dude-dude unions as marriage in a Saturday demonstration in Montgmery. (Photo Sanctity of Marriage Alabama on Facebook) […]