U.S. judge defends authority of states to define marriage
Martin L.C. Feldman, U.S. district court judge By David Tulis The argument for marriage comprises odd elements often claimed by those making revolution against it. ➤ Marriage favors diversity, because man and woman are diverse, whereas gay theory rejects complementarity for a dull sameness of partner. ➤ The marriage side favors history — marriage is […]
U.S. law denies Moors right to build mosques, attorney tells Tenn. group
Feb. 18, 2013, Act for America chapter talk, Fayetteville, Tenn. from Publius Huldah on Vimeo. 35 minutes. By Tim Brown A retired attorney and JAG who goes the name Publius Huldah addressed the Act for America Chapter in Fayetteville, Tenn., and argued that the First Amendment does not give Muslims the right to build mosques, […]
If county clerk caves under gay ruling, citizen ‘relators’ given authority to oust him
An authority on the lesser magistrate doctrine is Matt Trewhella at lessermagistrate.com, from which this image is taken. By David Tulis Christians and people of religious interest Monday exulted in a defense by the federal high court of Hobby Lobby and the Green family, spared an Obamacare rule that would have forced them to pay […]
For Chattanooga local economy to rise, rebuild waste places
Tulis boys, foreground, reload clips or fire downrange at a plinking session in Birchwood, Tenn. The weapons are a .30-cal. SKS and a .223-cal. Mini-14. An armed citizenry cannot be totally subjugated. And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations […]
Neo-Nazi protest reveals family squabble with major parties
Total police presence at a protest by National Socialist Movement in Chattanooga is the real demonstration. 37 seconds. By David Tulis The coverage of the neo-Nazi protest in Chattanooga shows traditional media at its best. The story is so vital to the people of the town that only one side needs be told. And that […]
From ‘religious organization’ to church; dissolving the corporate charter
(Bob Parsons in The Moneychanger) 3 brief letters to Nashville shed the artifice of the corporate church in an entanglement with the state; how to dissolve the corporation [Note: Nothing in this essay should be construed as legal advice. The material is based on my own reading of the statute and background reading of the […]
Lessons from Laish, a biblical city left defenseless by depraved ways
The Levite carries his slain concubine after she is sodomized to death in the lawless town Gibeah (Judges 19). Gibeah was a lawless domain of the sons of Benjamin. Laish (in chapter 18) is seized by the sons of Dan. (Image from Dore´s illustrated Bible book) By David Tulis I have been thinking about Laish, […]
Detached retina case: Judge blind to federalism, gay theory blurs equality
A federal judge orders the state to yield to 3 guy-guy and gal-gal couples. By David Tulis The rulings in U.S. district courts against state constitutions that define marriage as being between one man and one woman are a form of proposed blindness that the judges expect will be imposed on the citizens of the […]
Chains of paper, or chains of iron; will Knowles defy gay opinion, if it comes?
Bill Knowles is Hamilton County clerk, and dispenses marriage licenses for state government. He and his wife, Marelene, are parents of grown children. (Photo electknowles.com) By David Tulis Will Bill Knowles, the Hamilton County clerk, buckle? Will this Christian man and well-known local political figure agree to issue a marriage license if two homosexual men […]
Restaurant inspectors take up SWAT tactics in biggest Tennessee city
This report in Nashville indicates that even in a local economy, government inspectors are not averse to military tactics in routine visits to regulated businesses. Twelve armed-and-armored members of six agencies descend on a locally owned eatery. The raid stops the band; customers flee. The ganging up of government people is attributed to the need […]